Chasing the Present
My pleasure to stop by, your posts are interesting and I like your photos.
Out of curiosity do you have a higher education?
Depends on what you consider “higher” - haha - but yes I have 2; truth be told I learned more as a Div 1 collegiate athlete balancing it all vs what either degree taught me, and neither were “knockoff” degrees by any means…I think hes got about 4 of em..
Interestingly the Two companies I started & ultimately sold had little to do with my educational backgrounds, and neither have anything to do with what you see in here; but often such is life… I’ll probably start one more after my midlife retirement/crisis I’ve now been on nearly a decade, holy shit does time fly!! Kids getting older now & I’ve gotta do something with my time & life
Rgd said:
more or less 12/12..they do flushes of pistils..then fill in..
I chopped them down yesterday I saw signs of reveg starting
I only get there every 4 days and the power flickers last week had messed my digital timer..
its more done than it looked..I will get a good bunch..its in good shape
will do another run for science using a tent and an mechanical timer..and do 11 on like i wanted..
gonna clean up my place and start fresh for the fall..
was quite a rain here.sump pump on every 2 minutes all night there
Next time If you can start em 15/9 or so & walk down to 11/13 you’ll be rewarded with both quality & quantity, even then they’ll keep on flushing but pure flowers & no leaf as you can see earlier in here of the ones I had…
Our Sump never even turned on, I couldn’t even find a drop of water in either intakes to the hole either - I truly think that one day everything just aligned to fuck us, a handful of miles away they barely got any rain, storms just lined up perfectly an entire day to hammer us on top our little plateau & it couldn’t drain fast enough; that & fact our basement has two added blocks making it deeper than most adding to it / our vulnerability
Our basement family room area, nice & dry, that rug is so comfortable!!
Got a hundred lbs or so of tomatoes to harvest today & sauce, or at least begin the process….
One more summer vacation to go then I fire back up the indoor rooms, man did this summer go by too fast, fastest yet by far, hope that doesn’t continue though I fear it does, that’s life !
Happy growing y’all
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