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Stoner's Spring '06


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Stoner133 said:
The real question will be, how does it smoke? I should have an answer by the end of the month.

I will have a preliminary answer well before that, I decide to trim them up for the last stage of flowering.

I took off the small branches off the lower part of several plants, including the LUI f2. Those large enough to justify the time are hanging now, the smaller ones, all f2 got cut up for a fast air dry. By this time tomorrow, I should have enough for a test. :D

Keep in mind, this was only one of the seeds from that union. It is quite possible that others will have the dense tricromes and be very similar to the parent LUI.


Active member
it's possible that some f2 pheno's produce horrible vigor and insane trichome's. who know's what to expect when making seed's right? i dont think you will be dissapointed with the f2 good luck stoner.


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I got a little distracted yesterday, checked out trim and got a nice buzz, just a taste of whats to come.


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As Summer approaches, privacy is getting to be more difficult to find. The deep purple leaves and the bright yellow have to go.

They are in deep camouflage for the next week or so. That means they will be getting near 16 hour days until they finish on June 21.
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Active member
JJScorpio said:
Those are also some nice chunks of hash.....

Yes, brings a tear to my eye. The first picture is full melt Voyager, the good stuff.... that was among the things LEO seized... 10g :(

Captain Skunk

Active member
Painful memories stoner!

Remember the LUI I had to extract from the seed with a scapel? Well it just had anoter traumatic experience as I lost an exhaust fan in my veg cabinet while on holiday.

It was well wilted when I returned,and several plants were lost to extreme temps.

I thought she was a goner but just after a couple hours or rehydration she bounced back. I just took a couple more clones that will go directly into 12/12 to start her flowering before the summer stolstice begins.

she will then be relocated to my guerilla grow to finish out her flowering outdoors. I don't think she'll be a monster plant but judging by her vigor to survive, I should get some nice buds at harvest time.

I'm looking forward to watching her once Mother Nature takes over this late in the season.

Stay safe!


Active member
That is one tough and hardy plant.

Do I understand you plan to initiate flowering then put it outdoor after the solstice to continue flowering?

That should be an interesting experiment. I will be doing the opposite.

My plants, including the LUI f2 will be harvested on the solstice and left to regenerate through the remainder of the Summer. Keeping them small and easy to conceal during the peak Summer months is critical for the local plants.

Captain Skunk

Active member
Stoner133 said:
That is one tough and hardy plant.

Do I understand you plan to initiate flowering then put it outdoor after the solstice to continue flowering?

That should be an interesting experiment. I will be doing the opposite.

My plants, including the LUI f2 will be harvested on the solstice and left to regenerate through the remainder of the Summer. Keeping them small and easy to conceal during the peak Summer months is critical for the local plants.

Yes I am going to start flowering her before the stolstice. My intentions are to keep her indoors under 12/12 until the 30th which is about a week after the summer stolstice.

Most of my gals start in the first weeks of August anyway, so I thought a little jump start may help. I know I'm stretching the light cycles by a few weeks but the worst case scenario is she reverts back to veg.

The clones will be flowered in my cabinet and then pollenated with a Grapefruit X Blueberry from Chimera.



Active member
JJScorpio said:
I never knew that you had any problems with LEO. Did they pop you with a warrant or wasnt it that extreme?

I allowed a laps in security lead to a jealous sibling accidently finding an indoor plant, my insurance Brain Wreck. Said sib called 911 and LEO responded to seize the alledged plant. On further investigation, they find a big chunk of hash and my seed collection.

Then to top it off, my sib points to the outdoor sheds that I have access too... Mother Lode, my late September plants well into flowering....

Good news, they did not charge me with anything, satisfied with destroying the seized property and closing the file.

My lawer was right on top of the questionable search issues, but it never came to that.



Active member
JJScorpio said:
...Good rebound........
The first day, I was expecting them to return with dog to continue the search. They missed the hanging buds. ;)

For the rest of the month, I made a point of keeping my roaches. As the bud declined, the roachs accumulated, making the point that I grow for my personal consumption only.

'bout that time, no sign of further investigation, so I ordered a pack of LUI and started my countdown to stash in 80 days. They were just starting to flower when I got the word no charges. :D

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Active member
Deft said:
Wow, best case scenario of getting busted right there.
I mentioned the research I located, It was a study by the Justice Institute at a British Columbia University.

There are many ways the police discover grow opps. Among the more common are the fire department and landlords. That is in addition to the widely promoted snitch lines.

The statistics gathered show Crown declines to proceed with charges in over 50% of the cases brought to their attention. There would not be enough Crown Consuls to go around if they prosecuted all of us. ;)

Why is that? The report concludes that the sentence guidelines in this Province are not enough to discourage the activity. The typical sentences are small fines and short conditional sentences.

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Active member
^^^ Credit for that image goes to an contributor on my Zero to Stash in 80 day thread.

All is well in the secret garden, plants are sharing space with tall raspberry canes, but they get the Southern view.


one in the chamber
Stoner it was always a pleasure reading your posts on OG...can't believe what your own blood did to you! At least you didn't get any kind of charges though...they woulda thrown the book at you in the US for that! Except for the cold, Canada's a pretty cool place...lol. Kinda oxymoronic but you know what I mean.


Active member
Family, eh? All things balance out in the end. At first, I was angry and thoughts of revenge consumed me, there are so many things I could have done to vent my anger.

My good friends pointed out, there are no winning moves when it comes to family. The only strategy that works is forgiveness. All it cost me was a seasons effort, what it has cost her is beyond calculation.

Stoner133 said:

The statistics gathered show Crown declines to proceed with charges in over 50% of the cases brought to their attention. There would not be enough Crown Consuls to go around if they prosecuted all of us. ;)

You mean "persecuted".
