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Stoner's Spring '06

Captain Skunk

Active member
Stoner133 said:
All is well in the secret garden, plants are sharing space with tall raspberry canes, but they get the Southern view.

Glad to hear your garden is secured.

My LUI has been relocated to the jungle and will finish out the season in the bush.

passing storms and plenty of sunshine should treat her well. I'll post some comparison pics after my next visit!

stay safe


Active member

The LUI group, tucked away in deep cover to finish the last day of flowering.


Cloudy tricromes, the end is near...

Captain Skunk

Active member
Those look mouthwatering stoner! They look like they will finish about the same time as the berries thier planted with.

Outstanding job my friend!



ICMag Donor
Now thats a BC bud! Some delicious lookin flowers there, stoner. Congrats on getting your summer solstice harvest. Have anything else out this year?


Active member
That's my kind of bud...

That as the LUI raised from seed in late January, flowered in mid April and finished at 66 days.



Active member
Then comes Thelma & Louise, my regenerated LUI flowered a second time in mid April and finished at 66 days.

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Active member
A suitable fate for the duo, they lived fast and died young.... or did they? ;)

Is there a possibility of a Thelma & Louise sequel?



Active member
I am very pleased with the LUI, well worth the effort of moving them into the dark shed to flower in the Spring.

The LUI f2 is a disappointment. The bud development was way behind and it lacked the sticky layer of tricromes. One reasonable bud was salvaged, but most it went directly into the trim tray.


Active member
That is correct. Legend Seeds has produced a number of lines over the years, the Ultimate Indica has been the best reviewed of their line.

Did I mention, I have five LUI clones scheduled to grow through the Summer? They are growing like weeds and will need the tie down soon.

Next Spring, I am up for a really challenging C. sativa. Maybe I can find some Panama Red or Acapulco Gold in the old seed stash. :D

Captain Skunk

Active member
Great looking buds stoner....the avatar is most appropriate!

You can tease everyone with the sequel question but my guess, is they are already revegging for the fall harvest!

Outstanding job!



Active member
Captain Skunk said:
Great looking buds stoner....the avatar is most appropriate!

You can tease everyone with the sequel question but my guess, is they are already revegging for the fall harvest!

Outstanding job!


Thank you my friend, you are quite correct in assuming there will be a sequel this Summer.

Did anybody see the academy awards presentation where Gena and Susan were presenters? They joked 'bout a sequel....

I have lost my favorite harvest avatar, the one with Scrat clutching the gleaming tricrome. Must have left the only copy on OG. :(

Soon, will the hash be ready for straining.... soon....

Captain Skunk

Active member
It's good to see that nothing goes to waste. I'm interested to see how much hash you'll get from the trim.

Will you be revegging in the same container or up-potting?

Your colors were beautiful. I doubt my LUI will be out long enough for the cooler temps to work thier magic.

So many great images were lost to OG!

Now we wait for the smoke report. If I remember correctly last springs harvest was good but not as good as buds harvested in the fall.

I remember Gena and Susans presentation...:biglaugh:



Active member
I plan to down size from the growbag to a 6" planter. Makes them a lot easier to conceal, small is good. ;)

Gena said, "maybe we bounced..."

Preliminary data at best, but LUI is way stonier then what I have been smoking.
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Active member

Hash is a treat to reward early stages of the harvest. It is simple to make and requires little equipment. A pail, Ice, blender and a flat bottomed container.

A more sophisticated techniques uses a series of filters in nylon bags. I use the 7 bag set with a 5 gallon pail.

Start with your pail half full of iced water, lots of ice. Dump in the trim and blend for 10 minutes or so, you want the trim bashing around with the ice, the more action, the better.

Scoop out the floating debris and ice, pour the liquid into the flat bottomed container. Let that set for while, a light coloured layer will settle out and the rest of the debris will float to the top. Skim off all the debris, paper towels work well.

Now you have a murky layer of liquid over the light coloured layer. If you try to tip it out, the bottom layer flows too. The most practical way to remove the water is a syphon hose tied to a support. Leave a 1/4" of free space, you don't want to lose the tricromes.

That gets you down to a thin layer of water over the tricrome layer. When it dries, you will be able to roll off ball of tricromes. When the oil bearing glands are broken by handling, they Oxidize, turn dark brown and emit that unmistakable aroma of fine hashish.

The hash should be pliable, much like the texture of Play Do.

If it is too sticky to handle and melts at room tempetures, you got the good stuff. ;)

The ball of full melt in the top image also adorns my current avatar.
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Active member
On the order of 10% by weight.

Three of grams of hash from an ounce of dry trim is in the ball park. Of course, some strains will produce better then others.

It takes some time and effort to produce hash, a lot of grower prefer to use butter to extract the good stuff from the trim. Cannabutter is made by simmering trim in butter, hours is best. The butter can be used in baking or applied directly. It takes about 45 minutes, but the body stone is unique.


Active member
JJScorpio said:
...didnt realize how intense it could be.......

Yea, good thing there is no overdose potential with our favorite drug.

A few years ago, there was a beach vendor named Watermelon. She specialized in Ginger Snaps with real snap. Her cookies were made with name grade trim, the best available.

A couple of $5 cookies and your day was set.