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Stoner's Spring '06



just lurking around,glad things are going good for ya, youve gottten some good looking bud already :bow:
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Get two birds stoned at once
Thats why I dont like eating it, its hard to know how much your getting in you each bite.


Active member
I hear you there, I figure on doing my best vegetable impersonation whenever I eat pot. Turns out, strained cannabutter used in cooked products is not covered under Canada's pot laws. The case against her was dropped. :D

Had a busy day, did a couple hash runs. The first contained Thelma & Louise, the second was LUI and LUI f2. T&H had twice the return compared to LUIs. That pretty well confirms my observations that LUI f2 is devoid of tricromes.

The second image illustrates the concept of rinse forward.

The final image show the three high grades and the coarser pieces. They will get a couple days of drying now, broken into pieces for even drying.

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Good looking hash brah.

I had a quick question regarding the spring flowering of th LUI. You mentioned that you flowered starting in mid April. I am guessing that they wrapped up mid June? This seems like the most basic question, but I am curious about whether you are able to get the proper number of days for mature flowering (judging by the pics you did) during spring grows... I have read about this on OG but was interested in knowing how long the photoperiod is still good for this. I know that it depends on latitude. I was just interested in a bit more info.

Seems like they will be ready for a third generation in the fall. Do you expect them to loose any potency/vigor over the course of multiple flowering sessions?

peace halfdeff

ps glad to read the no prosecution info. I had been seriously bummed for you last fall when I read what went down with you and leo. OVERGROW, NOW AND FOREVER!
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Active member
Thank you for the kind words.

In order to flower with natural light, the plants would have to begin flowering in early March and finish by early May. The single plant I used to verify this froze solid when the temps unexpectedly dropped to -5C.

These plants, being portable, can be moved as needed. They spend a 12 night in the dark, heated shed. This technique can be used when the outdoor photoperiod is not correct for flowering.

I don't expect to see any change to potency but the older the plant get, the less vigorous I would expect. This will be a good chance to verify that theory.

Captain Skunk

Active member
Stoner133 said:

I don't expect to see any change to potency but the older the plant get, the less vigorous I would expect. This will be a good chance to verify that theory.

I had concerns about that as well. My UC was a cutting from last seasons grow and I'm sure that gifted clone, was a cutting from the previous season.

I'll be curious to compare the end results between the two, after harvest.

stay safe


Active member
LUI is a very mild tasting smoke, the stone is mild in intensity and lasts a long time. I understand why this is a preferred trait in a medical grade plant, you and smoke it all day and still function.

By the end of the day, letting yourself fall into the trap of a couch will quickly result in eyelids no longer working and a spaced out sensation prior to loss of consciousness.

During curing, they are tightening up, but still very leafy in structure. The yield estimate is:

Seed grown LUI: 60g

Regenerated LUI: 30g each

Derailed Blues: 10g

LUI f2: 0

Total 130g or just over a QP :D
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Active member
Here comes the hash. :D

After filtering through the Bubblebags and drying, they yielded a very dry powder. No amount of pressure was enough to transform the fine powder into hash.

I opened a thread in the Hash forums and got some good advise. After a couple of experiments, I came up with a workable technique.

Tricromes are slightly soluble in ethanol, the from of alcohol in liquor. A couple of drops of Vodka and some hand pressing resulted in some fine looking hash.

Then comes the chore of cleaning up.

I used Vodka to clean my bowls and spoons, after a couple rinses, I ended up with a Green Dragon high ball.

Taste is fine, slight hash aftertaste. Getting very stoned ....:D
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Active member
JJScorpio said:
Those hash balls look very nice. Let us know how it smokes.....

I am very pleased with the results. Patience is not one of my strong suits, I tested a piece last night after a few hours of drying.

It is decent hash, not up the quality of previous batches, but it lights right up and burns evenly. The smoke is dense but easy on the throat, no coughing.

The high hits quickly, very quickly....


Active member
Just bud? Glad you asked. :D

Hashish is the product of concentration and handling of Cannabis tricromes. The art has been practiced since the dawn of recorded history and Hashish is still produced it the third world with the same time tested techniques.

Back in the day, the Arabs in Lebanon and Morocco perfected the concentration of their favorite medicinal herbs. At harvest, only the best of the colas were treated to Sun drying. Once they were dry enough, they were ready for the thrashing and boiling down techniques to produce world quality hashish.

When you live in a culture that denies alcohol, the opportunity to buzz out on hash is irresistible. ;)

My best results came from mouldy buds. The whole plant, bud, leaves and all went into the bags. What came out was mould free and a treat.

If you were to process an ounce of your favorite bud, you would get perhaps 4g of hashish. I figure a concentration of 1/10 is the right ball park.


Leave this place better then when i arrived
I would think you would get more hash then that from bud. How can they sell good hash for so cheap?


Active member
T.doT.Toker said:
I would think you would get more hash then that from bud. How can they sell good hash for so cheap?

I know what you mean. Back in the '70's I could often get hash for the same price as a gram of bud. A gram of hash goes a lot farther.

When I started making my own hash, I realized there is a substantial amount of labour required to produce a good quality hash. The longer it is worked, the smoother the texture and richer the aroma.... just like the kind were got from Lebanon or Morocco.

The answer is plentiful labour and huge quantities of Cannabis to work with. The amount of work that it takes to produce a ton of hashish would keep a village eating for a year.

If I were inclined to part with my precious hash, it would take 10x what I would pay for the amount of bud.



Active member
Wow I wish I were you.
I just finished off the last of my hash yesterday.

Very colourful plants btw.

Captain Skunk

Active member
Stoner133 said:
If I were inclined to part with my precious hash, it would take 10x what I would pay for the amount of bud.

Some things are just destined to remain hidden in our personal stash jars :yummy:

stay safe


Didnt they go through fields of plants budding out,and roll the bud between there hands,it produced a black ball, like finger hash..

Thats been something ive seen, but many years ago.

Large grow operations sometimes use a full size washing machine to make bag hash, producing up to 8 pounds of hash at a run.


one in the chamber
the mole...rubbing plants to make hash...that's the indian way. still in use in india and nepal.