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Stoner's Spring '06


ICMag Donor
Looking pretty lush for 50 N in april. Today, before talking to me, a friend of mine, planted a bunch of 1 day soaked seeds in soil he had in a 20 gallon planter last year.He pulled the roots out at harvest though. He used miracle grow for fertilizer. He has no pH test kit, so we dont know soil pH.

What do you think, is it still good since the majority of the roots were taken out? It has sat out all winter too.

I told him it would be best to use fresh media for germination, but he's already got them sown, so it wouldn't be very fun having to dig all of them back out and re-sow.


Active member
Thank you, they were started indoors in early February.

Transplanting them into fresh potting soil in a small planter would be the best choice. That soil should be fine once they plants are well established and can handle the residual fertilizer.

Second best would be flushing the planters with plenty of water. That will help reduce the acids and flush out salts.

Seedlings are hyper sensitive for the first couple weeks. If they fail to thrive, odds are good you can rescue them with a transplant.


ICMag Donor
Thanks stoner, hopefully most of that stuff got flushed out over winter. Not sure what size planter he's using now.

Captain Skunk

Active member
My remaining LUI has finally revealed her sex. :woohoo:

I think her stubborness was due to the fact that I forced flowered her at 3 weeks. It took 23 days before she sprouted pre-flowers under 12/12.

She'll get a new pot and fresh soil tonight, along with a trip back into the vegging cabinet. A couple weeks under the big lights, and she should be ready to donate some clones.



Active member
All right! It's a female. :D

Interesting, mine showed at 23 days too and that was from germination.

Does me proud seeing my babies blossom. :D

Captain Skunk

Active member
I'm looking forward to seeing them blossem in the fall.

One of the clones will be held over for a seed project.

I have several males strains in stock at the moment...I just need to think about who should be the lucky father.



Active member
Your getting pretty well organized.

I am planning on a couple seed bearing plants too. Thanks to the generosity of my friends, I have a number of desirable strains available.

The tricky part will be limiting the spread of pollen to the specific plants I intend to pollinate. Leaving the males and females together for a couple weeks does the job, but it also spreads huge amounts of pollen downwind.

If I get my timing just right, the pollen will have lost it viability when susceptible plants have begun to flower.

Simply the best... that's what I am after. :D

ND 2

Hey guys,
I too will be doing a few seed runs this year...I have those two little DB's coming up in the same pot as their parents so I'll add a nice clone and I should get another run of them...I'll be doing the same with the DD, AK99 and perhaps one more...of course these pots will be miles away from everything...BTW none in the ground yet...damn temps overnight lead me to believe that we'll get another good frost...if the rain hits and the temps overnight start rising..then the work begins...looking good guys...stay safe..



Active member

Transplanting from the 8" planter to 5 gallon grow bags. The roots are in fine shape.

The tubs hold two grow bags comfortably.

I have drilled drainage holes in the bottom corners, I guess that voids my Rubbermaid lifetime warranty. :pointlaug

The middle plant is a Derailed Blues on her first flowering of the season.

LUI a couple weeks into flowering.


Active member

I have a tradition of naming my regenerated plants. Thelma & Louise starting their second round of flowering. These are the mothers of the f2 generation plants.

Captain Skunk

Active member
LOL @ Thelma and Louise! They look fantastic stoner! I see you aren't using recycled soil for the transplants.

Dude, I've just finished dusting my AK -47 female with the Schnazz #3, both were the most aggressive seedlings, and the first to flower. Nothing worst than having your plants all dressed up and nowhere to go. I was going crazy until the first 20 went into the ground.

I plan another UC project and also have suitable DB's ready to go. I should have checked with you so we weren't duplicating strains.

stoner, I'll bet if you sent them back to rubbermaid, they would replace them...holes or not......I wonder if they realize how many growers use them???

good luck!


Active member
We should be good that way.

I have a couple of goals:

I need some high potency strains that finishes in late September. LUI and Babys Breath are the contenders this season.

I also need a medium-high potency stain that will flower through the Summer and be finished for Labour Day. Matanuska Thunder is a contender to replace my extinct Canadian,eh.

Finally, will be checking out some ultra high potency strains that are not likely to finish outdoor in my climate. Tokahauntas Brain Wreck and Yescas Chocos will catch a Summer of Sunlight and have a heated shed for extended flowering in the Fall.

It was time to start a new bale of soil, the old stuff will recycle nicely in the vegetable garden.



Active member
I am pleased to say all my plants are bigger. :D

Humm.... no mention of the cuttings. They rooted in 3 weeks and have exploded with the warm weather this past week.



Polskaaa, bialo-czerwonaaa
hehe, Stoner133, nice to see the plants are not being in the least bothered with what's been happening.:D

One sure sign in the world around us, they keep on growing, what a reilef.:D

rgds, kov


Active member
JJScorpio said:
...I bet you are glad to have your home back......

Thank you for the compliments.

I am not comfortable calling this my home. The drama of the past month has disillusioned me about the players in the business. Nobody wears a white hat.


Stoner133 said:
Thank you for the compliments.

I am not comfortable calling this my home. The drama of the past month has disillusioned me about the players in the business. Nobody wears a white hat.

I think a lot of people feel that way Stoner, well said...

Captain Skunk

Active member
Stoner133 said:
Thank you for the compliments.

I am not comfortable calling this my home. The drama of the past month has disillusioned me about the players in the business. Nobody wears a white hat.

Thelma and Louise look great stoner!

I couldn't agree more, all the BS has left a sour taste! :confused:

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