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Stonerrock&metal music thread



What's up metal maniacs?
Hows it all going? Lately I've been listening to that new Clutch album alot ,it's great. I'm not exactly sure when it will ba available in stores ,but it should be soon. If you're a Clutch fan I'de definently reccommend picking it up when it is released.Also Electric Wizard has found it's way back to my stereo, what a great stoner band,written by stoners for stoners.The pot influence in their music is undeniable, while staying crushinly heavy.Good stuff. I started listening to some of that Goatwhore , there actually not to bad, I like the music for sure.I don't know lately I've had problems finding the time for jam sessions, I'm kinda busy trying to figure out my future right now and takeing care of other problems(like the wifes jeep getting stolen 2 nights ago....)
trying to find a job and all the rest of that crap, but I promise as soon as I have dealt with some of the other shit in my life ,this thread going to take off again, in fact talking to my fellow metal heads is one of the few reasons I still even post on Icmag.Keep it green and long live metal!!!!

Hoam Groan

I think the best show I ever saw was Slipknot, Slayer, and Hatebreed. Not too big on slipknot but they mostly played songs from their subliminal verses album, which isn't all that bad.

I didn't look through all the thread but If these guys haven't been mentioned, they should be:


A Life Once Lost

If you want a sample they both have myspace sites with a few songs up.

i would suggest two great songs by A Life Once Lost.


Listen to "Pain and panic", and "Vulture"


You will not be forgotten
glad to see you back on WitchKing, hope all works out with your wifes jeep, ill have to grab up on some clutch once it hits the shelves.

hey there Hoam Groan, sounds like an awsome show, iv heard unearth not sure about A Life Once lost might have to check them out, you should definately drop back by when ya get the chance, once i get highspeed ima be trying to pull up all sorts of good tunes to throw up on here. hope all is well, Hail the leaf, Dime


Check out a band called Hogmother, I think you guys might dig em, brand new, pretty cool.
No word on our jeep, probably stripped in some parking lot by now.

Ya know how bands progress throughout their carrers? Some get better with age(most get better), but some ,their sound changes to the point where I really don't take them very seriously anymore.Some bands make comebacks with completly new band members, it's like ,you're not going to sound the same so why not just call yourself something else, and save the fans the trouble of hateing you.
Bands that now sorta suck(that I used to love):

Entombed- is my classic example of this, first like 4-5 albums totally rock, then they made that sixth one, and it didn't sound much like the good old chainsaw guitars of entombed that basically got me into the band.I listened to some real new stuff last night, ....disapointing to say the least.

MonsterMagnet- within the space of one album(right after their legendary"Spine of God") they changed guitar players ,and I hated it, I ended up selling their second disk to a used record store.

Metallica-I lost intrest right after the Black album,and that one was even mildly dissapointing.I know alot of people are still into them,but remember I grew listening to "kill em all" and "ride the Lightning" I wasn't accepting this new sound as a good carrer move, even if it turned out to be.

I also like the bands where one or two members are usually huge pains in the asses to work with so, every album ,theres new members, to replace the one who who quit ,cause they were pissed off.
Revolving door bandsLOL
Ahh well , hope everybodies doing great, check ya later.


Good morning,
What's going on?Got some new music fer ya....

LSD and the search for God...Real mellow but cool stuff, very beautiful and ethreal sound.The first time I listened to these guys I just smoked a fat joint of Kali, and on the earphones they sounded great.

Vomitory _new album,"Terrorize,brutalize,sodimize" If your in the mood to be completley bulldozed right over with death metal heaviness, by a band that took entombed's Old sound and takes it to a new level, this will fit the bill nicely.I was impressed with these guys right away.

Gas Giant - new album. Very psychedelic stoner rock from the far edge of the galaxy. Massive and fuzzy grooves, cool stuff.Space rock.

Dying fetus"war of attrician) The newest material from an already legendary death metal band, if you're remotely into dying fetus, you'll love this new one.

There's more to come.....be back soon.

On a side note, a buddy and I are going to Wrestlemania tomorrow....This ought to be fun. I haven't been to a live wrestling event since I was a kid.
I also have my first job interview in 7 monthes on monday,Hopefully they like me, I really need this job...
Still no word on my wife's jeep.
Allright well hope everybodies well , and keep in touch.


Heres some new albums Ive picked up lately....

Skinny Puppy - Mythmaker - These guys are #1 with me..listening to them since cleanse fold & manipulate back in my jr highschool years..

Opeth - Lamentations DVD - finally picked this up.. i borrowed my friends copy along time ago, so i figured id buy it and give his back... NOONE comes close to Opeth

Wintersun - SUPER technical metal, not black metal, more like very fast progressive with BM vocals.. awesome album, incredible musical skills in this band!

1349 - Hellfire (black metal, a really heavy album) - just saw them with celtic frost awhile back!

Bathtub Shitter - Japanese Grindcore

Belphegor - Pestapokalypse Vi - New album / Austrian black metal

Daath - The Hinderers - American Death Metal - their new album... pretty good

Isengard - Vinterskugge - (fenriz of darkthrones folk/viking metal album)
I like, I like...

Nasum - Grind Finale - These guys play awesome grindcore.

i think thats it for now!
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nice list lond division,
Some friends of mine are big into Skinny puppy...
Bathtub shitter...always wanted to hear themLOL great band name.
I'll have to check into 1349, I like some of your better black metal..Mayhem,Dark Throne,ect...
Anyone heard the new Machine Head?I saw it the other day..I liked their first couple a albums.
Longdivision, Nausam IS on of the greatest grindcore bands ever...it's a shame Meiziko is gone...RIP.
Hey man good to see ya, and don't think I didn't notice my man Red Foreman's back. LOL, take it easy bud.


haha, yeah bro..
I might be the biggest SP freak you'd ever know..got some really killer stage props from the tours..

you wouldnt believe the amount of karma/pm's i got actually saying bring back Red, so hey, back by popular demand.. :)

anyway, im drinkin some rumpleminze shots and smoking a joint... listening to Hank III & Assjack my nights complete, later on

ps, if you check out ANYONE on that list, I suggest Wintersun

they are seriously amazing.. they have a myspace wiht a sample track or two, and the torrents on demonoid.. theyre great, it took me awhile to actually track down the real album, but finally did :sasmokin:
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Looks like Longdivision fell off the edge of the earth.Too many people doing that these days.My question is, where the hell is dimebag?Come visit soon bro.I'm missing all the metal peeps around here I've been like the lone poster lately except for L.D.(and he took his toys and went home I guess).Well have a good friday night.


cannabis enthusiast
just listened to the new ozzy "i never wanna stop" pretty good....noticed witchking just deleted account hope everything is ok :friends:


You will not be forgotten
im round Witch! just been outa of town alot lately, Hope everything is well with you and hope to see you here again soon with a new nick if need be.

Best wishes to you and yours man, same with you longdivision; Hey Buck bro, hows the ozzy sounding man?


You will not be forgotten
Rocking it to some old metallica, Ride the lightening> sure wish they had made more good albums. Hope everyone is safe and well, Smoke on and hope to see some of you that deleted your accounts back and kicking soon. Dime


Mother Nature's Son
Yeah, I wish Metallica made more albums that were worth a crap. Ride the lightning is one of my favorites!!
Some Megadeth just jumped into my playlist....Peace sells, but who's buying?


Just picked up the new Symphony X and I must say it is a must hear.
After hearing it it makes me want more so I had to dl there discografia.

The song Domination reminds me alot of Domination on Cowboys from Hell.

Also Devin Townsend got a new one out called Ziltoid The Omniscient which was amazin.
And Dark Tranquility has a new one but I have yet to hear it.

Megadeth has a new one out to but I have yet too hear it.
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You will not be forgotten
sounds interesting man im gonna have to check that album out, have been in need of some new music as of late.

i picked up the newest megadeth album as well the other day its called "the system has failed" has a kick ass front and back cover. real political and about how we are being led to our demise. regular dave mustane stuff heh, at first i wasnt sure if i liked it with a first time listen through, but after hearing it some more i have been really enjoying it. Keep the tunes rollin.


Jam Master Jaco

Alright so it's the end of May 2007....I think I've listened to every Acid Bath cd (including their demos 93-96) about 2,000 times by now. Good times. :headbange :bow:

If you're gonna buy their cd I recommend the demos '93-'96, raw evil music at it's best.