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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor
i'm still yet to see a "basqueberry" growlog .
Seems like some of the best plants don't have many grow logs. Been searching for Deep Chunk but there have been very few. Lots of people go for hybrids, or flavor of the day.... Grow log can be a lot of work.

Who breeds basqeberry?

I can ask the boys on the Potcast Discord if they have seen grow log info.

Not sure if its the flouride in the water or the estrogen mimicers in the plastic. With disrupted hormone communication men can become more feminized. Then they push the toxic masculinity topics so every women suspects a man as an abuser. Also its an excuse for women to try to take on masculine roles.

Its weird it seems apparent with my brother and his wife (lawyer) and my dad and mom (lawyer/administrator/investor). Women have taken put the pants on and given the man a Jester hat, making fun us us, because they think we are weak, because they have been trained to think that way by mainstream propaganda.

I have started to value marriage and children more in the last few years. Better late than never.


ICMag Donor
Thing is, Shiva you could probably go find a number of good selections now, because we are at the top of our game, grown up strong males, stable, have a business, know what women want. Just need a place to meet up.

If you find someone who is walking with the Lord and is keeping up with you, she would be a good one to take on a date.

Woman is the perfect compliment for a toxic man.


Well-known member
i think , with the water comment , it is all the drugs we excrete , plus other factors , that can't be filtered out. womens contraception , hormones , scripts of all kinds , cocaine, all kinds of toxins , fluride , heavy metals. all kinds of stuff in that water. it is recirculated and filtered sewage mainly , topped off with run off water


Well-known member
Yep im glad i dont have to be involved in todays dating scene. A lot of women out there now would just assume walk a man around on a leash and stuff a ballgag in his mouth. And thats just in public :oops:


Well-known member
the more we poison ourselves , the more damage is done to the ecosystem and our overall general health , both mental and physical . as above so below


Well-known member
it is normal for men in your town to shave their legs rob? do you shave you legs? and why would a man want to shave his legs? cheers in advance

I only did it when i played baseball in grade school. Gets so hot here youd get skin rashes with sports socks. And hell yes we have a lot of dudes that shave their bodies here. Damn hipsters


Well-known member
lacrosse i found in the u.k is full of toffs, or the upper class. but boy were they rough bastards . we had a local league , and i had an england player living on my street, so a few of us joined a team