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Shiva Grows

Old Piney

Well-known member
Also breeding work could be done indoors, or growing strains that you can't grow outdoor.
Yes this is what I'm talking about it's a great tool. I was a gorilla growing fool back in the day, out on my on off road motorcycle.All the cool places and scenes of nature I saw , I'm sure you know what I mean.I truly miss it, it's another idea I'm toying with, get the old bike going. I'm old and my back hurts but I still might do it. What I could do setting up isolated gardens for producing seeds and making selections wouldn't even care about the weed. I get it it is different growing In your house Emt or God forbid a fire , it just depends whether the cops are ball busters or not


ICMag Donor
My brother has a dirtbike still, I sold my old one since it needed some work.

Dirtbike would work well. Bicycle may be best to be more discreet, depending on where you are. Love seeing the sights on the cycle.
Overgrow the Government!


Old Piney

Well-known member
My brother has a dirtbike still, I sold my old one since it needed some work.

Dirtbike would work well. Bicycle may be best to be more discreet, depending on where you are. Love seeing the sights on the cycle.
Overgrow the Government!

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My area even back in the day was to developed , good spots were few and far between .My bike was totally legal on the road but a dirt bike , the ultimate urban exploration machine. I would find the spots hidden in the middle of everything.I used it for fishing as well


Well-known member
Honestly I think you take just as much risk if not more growing outside .But why it's certainly not because you don't have enough weed lol.Yes but get it I'm kinda toying with the thought as well. I grow inside with just fluorescents for holding plants starting seeds ,cuttings and such but no flowering. I haven't grown inside since 1991, I have two lights one HPS and a MH around 150 watts each .So my question to @shiva82 and everyone here ,is are they dinosaurs or good .Do I just get a tent and some ventilation and some sort of filter for the smell? The smell would be an issue, do these filters work or do I have to vent right up a chimney? Maybe a project for next winter for me
you can do a sealed grow , or a passive . sealed you would have t supplement co2. in colder regions and hobbyists we tend to favour the passive system with constant filtration . carbon filters work very well. i need to re new mine, but 4 years solid use and no issues. always oversize the filter so it has less work to do and they last a decent time. you can drill the rivets ut and re fill it yourself , or just buy a replacement . i use rhino pro filters, but i'm sure most decent brands do the same job. 12 months they say renew the filter , but if its a small grow and an oversized fan and filter , they last much longer

high output t5s are great , i have flowered under them too . great bud is produced


Well-known member
I’ve found a 1.2 tent with a 315, flood and drain table and smallish pots to be the most productive way for me to get through seeds and test things.

Small pots of coco with a little soil and some easy A+B nutes like canna or floramax.

Take cuts of all and wait until harvest.

This I’ve found gives you a good enough expression to know whether you want to ditch the cut or stick it in the main room for a proper run.

Nothing worse than wasting time, space and money on growing things you don’t necessarily love, especially when you don’t sell anything.

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good work man


Well-known member
if you live in a house near the plants you will have elevated co2 levels on tap anyway . i sleep as my light are on . i sleep next to the intake


Well-known member
@Old Piney the beauty with leds is you only need a small fan and filter , but the lack of quality i.r means you have t warm your soil. heat matts are best . i need to buy one myself . or use an electric blanket lol . depends on size . if it is for personal smoke, you don't need much of a set up. tents are handy , and affordable. saves building , and sourcing materials etc . build your own is an option. i use tents in rooms i don't plan to keep a grow

leds warm the leaves fine but the ambient temp is not as high as with h.i.d . in turn gives cold root zone

unless you live in a hot climate. ignore everything i say haha


Well-known member
i consume around 50 ounces a year , my only aim is to hit that target to supply my meds. any extra is a bonus . i could do one large grow , or a few small grows . i prefer the small grows as it is safer , and less greedy


Well-known member
he doesnt like bacon. you have something in common 😁
i like bacon the food , and i never use the word bacon t describe someone unless they are obviously that way . it is a serious word that should not be used flippantly . i have started using it less as it should not be normalised. to be deemed a bacon is like top level bad human . the word word is only reserved for the worst of humanity . and who am i to judge anyway? it is a powerful phrase. a bacon

traumatik was vegan. maybe he still is . the only person in the world we can all fully agree with is ourselves, and even that is complex


Well-known member
some positive news. my mother is booked in for surgery next month . the brain surgery involved removing most the tumour connected to the main vein , followed with radiotherapy to try and kill off the remaining part they can't surgically remove . she is in good spirits. she is only upset that she will have to leave the puppies for a period and not be well wenough to care for them while she hopefully recovers

i love my mother dearly , like most of us do . fingers crossed everything goes ok . powerless in these situations and i take many positives from it all , and i'm confident she will battle through it fine

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