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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor
smoking some bottomshelfhaze
Can you name that one something different?

It doesn't look like bottom shelf weed and it has peach in it!!!!

How do you know when a plant reaches sexual maturity? Do they start putting preflowers out in veg I guess even under long photoperiod?


Well-known member
Can you name that one something different?

It doesn't look like bottom shelf weed and it has peach in it!!!!

How do you know when a plant reaches sexual maturity? Do they start putting preflowers out in veg I guess even under long photoperiod?
it is my marketing style


ICMag Donor
What containers will you use for the big ones. Don't let them tip over!!!! :smoke:

Been a lazy gardener with all the stacking pots. I guess that prevents transplant shock and maximized productivity compared with traditional transplanting before flowering.


Well-known member
What containers will you use for the big ones. Don't let them tip over!!!! :smoke:

Been a lazy gardener with all the stacking pots. I guess that prevents transplant shock and maximized productivity compared with traditional transplanting before flowering.
i have a shed full of pots all kind of sizes. to aim to get 10 ounces in soil 30 litre pots is plenty . in coco 10 litres - 20 litres it is do able


Well-known member
the muddyhay x bottomshelf can be named muddybottom aka skidmarks or turtleshead

i will name it polyhybrid2024 or something boring


Well-known member
I’ve found a 1.2 tent with a 315, flood and drain table and smallish pots to be the most productive way for me to get through seeds and test things.

Small pots of coco with a little soil and some easy A+B nutes like canna or floramax.

Take cuts of all and wait until harvest.

This I’ve found gives you a good enough expression to know whether you want to ditch the cut or stick it in the main room for a proper run.

Nothing worse than wasting time, space and money on growing things you don’t necessarily love, especially when you don’t sell anything.



ICMag Donor
There's a strain called "Tits" they sell at Lucky Dog Seed Company.

Had a Valentines Day blessing! Went to walk the dogs at the park and saw the young lady Julian I used to see walk her dog. She was going to watch the sunset with her sister and was throwing ball with her terrier dog Charlie. It was good to see her, got to talk to her for a few minutes after going for a walk.

Looks like a great setup there GreenBastard. Instead of doing clones, could keep them going and pollinate early in flower cycle to only get a few seeds. I love seeds, makes it easy to give away, and you can plant them where you're not supposed to.

Old Piney

Well-known member
Yeah. I need to get rid of some of this old storable food, and prepare for an indoor grow. Its almost time to just do it to take a stand against this oppressive tyrany. 2 States to the west can cultivate, the state to the north can cultivate, the state to the east can cultivate. We can't I am 50 miles away from being free compared with 10 years time and 20,000 fine. WTF
Honestly I think you take just as much risk if not more growing outside .But why it's certainly not because you don't have enough weed lol.Yes but get it I'm kinda toying with the thought as well. I grow inside with just fluorescents for holding plants starting seeds ,cuttings and such but no flowering. I haven't grown inside since 1991, I have two lights one HPS and a MH around 150 watts each .So my question to @shiva82 and everyone here ,is are they dinosaurs or good .Do I just get a tent and some ventilation and some sort of filter for the smell? The smell would be an issue, do these filters work or do I have to vent right up a chimney? Maybe a project for next winter for me
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ICMag Donor
Sweet, get the setup going again. May need new bulbs, and could possibly have corrosion from humidity over time.

Maybe you want the smell. Mmmmmmm :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Would be nice to get some fresh, and grow just for fun. Also breeding work could be done indoors, or growing strains that you can't grow outdoor.

I think outdoors is less risk in some ways because the plants aren't there at your house. Always could have some lame excuse why they aren't yours, and may not be able to be proven.

But at home it has low liklihood to be found, but over time, could be an issue where EMT or someone has to show up. Without a warrent they can't come in though. :smoke:

We do what we do, they do what they do.

Germany is looking at legalization.

I think the US Government isn't even legislating about it. There is no federal legislation for cannabis reform to support. They have stepped back, without holding any hearings on the issue.


ICMag Donor
Women are sensitive to smells. I have gagged on the smell before when I was carrying my entire harvest in one bundle back from the plot. :smoke:

Yeah you would want to filter it. Shiva has an air evacuation with a carbon filter.

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