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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
Freedom will not be given to us served on a silver platter, yit must be taken

Its wild how people will just follow the experts, and not try and learn anything new. We have the capability to learn and research the truth with the internet, everyone just followed along and called it misinformation if it wasn't what the officials were parroting. Eventially the truth came out, over and over again, it was embaressing.

What I find interesting it the areas where Covid restrictions were most oppressive and heavily enforced is where cannabis is legalized. See the control structure forming?

Also was cannabis a reward for going through the tougher restrictions and vaccine mandates?

Are the states being allowed to have legal cannabis as a financial compensation for the economic losses from adopting oppressive and destructive CoVid restrictions?
the internet is filtered and controlled too lol


Well-known member
god bless icmag for its free speech values. much of what i say i believe and is often truthful but would get me fired from any job i held, lose all my friends, lose my house, smeared for the rest of my life, disowned , fined, and possibly imprisoned . i feel sorry for these high earning statesmen that can never be themselves


Well-known member
paradise cheese ibl . entering second week of flowering . one more week and i shall switch on the additional 150 watt hps to supplement the solistek cmh , and then i will turn the cmh off for the final week . i'm tempted to bend the 3 x muddyhay in there . fold them over into the corners. i will see if i get more stretch or not . usually with this clone i get 3 -4 weeks of growth during flowering


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Well-known member
shiva is not a real person . and all my plants that resemble cannabis are in fact legal hemp . obviously
Can you grow legal hemp in the UK? Of course you can.. :D But in general. I remember a news story about some British hemp product making company that had to import their raw material because local was illegal, that was some time ago though.


Well-known member
Can you grow legal hemp in the UK? Of course you can.. :D But in general. I remember a news story about some British hemp product making company that had to import their raw material because local was illegal, that was some time ago though.
if you have a hemp license , you are good to go. i can buy one before the court date lol


Well-known member
i would fill a field with the good stuff, surround it with feminised hemp , and make the good stuff into a giant industrial sized batch of oil .... if i held a permit for hemp

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