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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor
I have always been annoyed by TV. Once you see their programming, its everywhere. Television is strange, its just watching whatever they put on there, whether you like it or not. Sure you can choose a different channel, but the programming is on there too.

Computers can draw you away from God's design too. They have made these digital platforms to pull us away from life in God's creation. They can be used for good of course too, but you have to find a balance or else it becomes a form of idolitry and rebellion against God too. Everything in life is like this, but the digital platforms are like a big dragnet cast into the sea.


Well-known member
Open plan? Are you going to have more square feet and let the light spread out more?
foot print of . 2 x 80cm2 and 1 x 70cm , the light will be focused direct onto the screens using angled panels but open elsewhere. with the cdms the bulb is best vert in a parabolic type style and close as possible . the vert position in a tent , the light diminishes easily . i'm building extenders to cut out that distance of travel

single plants . just 3 plants . any larger numbers can be started and selected in the polytunnel


Well-known member
i will build my veg cab and sit one of the modules on top of the veg chamber . saving extra space. only problem , is i would only be able to go into the room druring light on with that veg chamber position. maybe i could access from the revers and have a wall..... i will wait until i strip the room. you know what i'm like pipe...

Old Piney

Well-known member
their wicked program to consolidate wealth and control for themselves.
With everything it's all about the dollar and control .Freedom isn't free we must all continually be vigilant to protect it .It's just scary that so many people can be so controlled the media. “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction “ Ronald Reagan”



Well-known member
i will keep using the mars led until the diodes die out . so far the best harvests with that have been in the summer during the hotter months , and the early skunk really enjoyed the light out the most . obviously nothing is ever ideal in reality . the early skunk loved led though for sure . the silverhashplant loves hid

when the mars dies out , i will replace with a bigger led unit . combined with the hps , it should work sweet


Well-known member
With everything it's all about the dollar and control .Freedom isn't free we must all continually be vigilant to protect it .It's just scary that so many people can be so controlled the media. “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction “ Ronald Reagan”

the psychopaths that have all the positions of power do not give a fuck. it is frightening watching the gullible . great to see real americans , and all nationalities starting to see what is going on .. the ones that bury their heads in the sand annoy me the most. the psychopaths i do not blame really, as they are bred to be that way , it is the puppet masters and the useful idiots that are the problem. well , maybe that is a bit simplistic , the psychopaths are cunts too


Well-known member
all those pricks who were advocating lockdowns , mandating injections and such . disgusting . people i thought were good people... nahh . not at all . vermin


Well-known member
i'm only taking the tent down pipe as it is starting to fail here and there. i keep repairing it. not for 3 months. then i will strip it all down. i will keep the frame as that is handy


Not ICMag Donor
Spring coming in early this year :giggle:


Have a nice day bros


ICMag Donor
With everything it's all about the dollar and control .Freedom isn't free we must all continually be vigilant to protect it .It's just scary that so many people can be so controlled the media. “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction “ Ronald Reagan”

Freedom will not be given to us served on a silver platter, yit must be taken
all those pricks who were advocating lockdowns , mandating injections and such . disgusting . people i thought were good people... nahh . not at all . vermin
Its wild how people will just follow the experts, and not try and learn anything new. We have the capability to learn and research the truth with the internet, everyone just followed along and called it misinformation if it wasn't what the officials were parroting. Eventially the truth came out, over and over again, it was embaressing.

What I find interesting it the areas where Covid restrictions were most oppressive and heavily enforced is where cannabis is legalized. See the control structure forming?

Also was cannabis a reward for going through the tougher restrictions and vaccine mandates?

Are the states being allowed to have legal cannabis as a financial compensation for the economic losses from adopting oppressive and destructive CoVid restrictions?

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