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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
A couple of small stacks but stacks none the less!
I swear I can remember each one I bought, who I was with when I got them, the shop blah blah blah
I’m a happy happy man regardless.
It’s like going down memory lane as I haven’t seen some of these in 15 years!!!!


Well-known member
in the loft . day temperatures in the month of march up to around november time , should be ok for seed production . without burning money to warm it


Well-known member
I have two fly guns nothing better for riding your house of flys and so much fun! That sucks about the laws down there. I just realized the question is weapons plural .I like my AR but I also like my AR style 22 it's so much fun for just plinking and the rounds don't cost a fortune
the banana republic will take the peoples weapons and arm the sleeper cells and government movements such as antifa , blm , isis , etc and new bolshevik cells made up of illegal invaders , foreign soldiers and local degenerates

i honestly hope not though . i feel the tide is turning and the globalists will fail

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