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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
my fighting resume, or claim to fame is being disfigured for many years , week in , week out , by a former world champion

glad we only body spar now. only because he has brand new teeth after years of not having hardly any. he says he does not want to pay for any more new teeth


Well-known member
i used to get shouted out during competitive sparring often for not going for peoples heads and protecting them . 'go for the head or go home ' . i'm a big softie


Well-known member
and any time i light spar a new person or stranger, he anounces'make sure you hit shiva , as he hits you hard' ,, which i don't , its all psychological stuff


Not ICMag Donor
I remember Carlos condit talking about going to visit the military in Afghanistan and sparring with them, and telling them "expect to get hit exactly as hard as you hit me". That should be a universal rule no?


Well-known member
have a good day . i'm going to go dance, take over the centre of the ring' my coaches office' and start cashing cheques , until he gets pissed off and puts it on me haha . peace


Well-known member
nearly came to real blows with 3 people today my coach included.... everything went great , and the topic changed and my coach announced ' we could be going to war soon with russia and putin' .... i said , ' i do npt support the proxy war in ukraine and the slaughter of slavs daily in the meat grinder and if the theatre was genuine , then putin is the good guy and boris johnson should be jail for making zelensky refuse the peace deal on the back of fake promises' ,,,, to which i got ridiculed , told i'm crazy , and it turned sour quick

nobody breaks my morals and integrity if i can help it, even people i idolise

an apology from them will be accepted . nothing else

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