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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor
Wow, so the oxygen is very very depleted by your method, helping preserve potency. I remember years ago when I didn't burp they seemed to be stale, but may have been some excess moisture in there. Yeah if you dry slow enough would be good to jar.

I messed up the at home dried ones by putting on top of my fridge with the ceiling fan on high nearby it. It was enough draft, it caused them to dry too quick on the outside and lose terps. On the other hand don't want to dry too slow, as you can get mold, which has happened in my back bedroom. Always learning. Love to ask good questions and learn my lessons that way.

Temp is 65F 18C so heading out to hike and hunt with the dogs. Florida came up to me just as mom and dad got down there. Must have sent some of the warm this way. Smoking and Tokin' :smoke:

Clean pipe and new jar. Getting C vaults locked and loaded.


Well-known member
Wow, so the oxygen is very very depleted by your method, helping preserve potency. I remember years ago when I didn't burp they seemed to be stale, but may have been some excess moisture in there. Yeah if you dry slow enough would be good to jar.

I messed up the at home dried ones by putting on top of my fridge with the ceiling fan on high nearby it. It was enough draft, it caused them to dry too quick on the outside and lose terps. On the other hand don't want to dry too slow, as you can get mold, which has happened in my back bedroom. Always learning. Love to ask good questions and learn my lessons that way.

Temp is 65F 18C so heading out to hike and hunt with the dogs. Florida came up to me just as mom and dad got down there. Must have sent some of the warm this way. Smoking and Tokin' :smoke:

Clean pipe and new jar. Getting C vaults locked and loaded.
i will post you a cola to test and give it the pipeline moment of truth ganja report


ICMag Donor
my first week i use fans , and heating and aim for low humidity as i hang dry the full plants, and then i turn fan and heating off, trim up a tiny bit and leave them for a week further to get just right , and i check on them daily, and can alter the climate myself as i go if needed

drying as full plants , or sections is not the same heavy wet trimming , and lots of small branches . different style. i'm old school

if you tell the truth or speak your own mind these days you are treated like a revolutionist
thanks, that explains it, drying full plants. I guess you do remove some of the fans during the grow cycle. I like that method, would be good to do if not drying in the middle of the woods. The night time temps cause humidity to go up, so it slows the drying in kind of the same way. I bet you end up with a good end product sweeted pronounced smoke.

Thats what Boveda said, no need to burp necessarily, just as needed. I have to burp monthly though with outdoor storage because of the temperature swings.

When I got there yesterday, the buckets had floated and were pushed through the leaf cover. They were still covered with black landscape fabric. Have to go out and dig the soil out underneath them. Going huntin and tokin... Short spring break mid winter. Have a good one! Thanks for the help! :smoke:


Well-known member
I dry in a half insulated tin shed in a 1.2 tent as it holds moisture well and is somewhat easy to control.

No burping here!
I aim to hang whole for 14 days if I can, it’s usually about 10 unless it’s winter. Summer I’ll put a humidifier in there on an inkbird set to 62rh.
Then after a few days give it the “squeeze test”, If all good straight into the grove bags or jars.

Occasionally have to leave it out for half hour if it’s a little on the wetter side, then seal for good.

Never had a mouldy jar…

I think we can all agree winter crops always come out better than summer crops no matter the dry. The cold is just more conducive to a better dry.


Well-known member
Into the jars when they are just barely dry enough to smoke in a joint and then burp them every day for a while after which burp them every now and then.


Well-known member
thanks, that explains it, drying full plants. I guess you do remove some of the fans during the grow cycle. I like that method, would be good to do if not drying in the middle of the woods. The night time temps cause humidity to go up, so it slows the drying in kind of the same way. I bet you end up with a good end product sweeted pronounced smoke.

Thats what Boveda said, no need to burp necessarily, just as needed. I have to burp monthly though with outdoor storage because of the temperature swings.

When I got there yesterday, the buckets had floated and were pushed through the leaf cover. They were still covered with black landscape fabric. Have to go out and dig the soil out underneath them. Going huntin and tokin... Short spring break mid winter. Have a good one! Thanks for the help! :smoke:
Do you store your bud in buckets underground in the woods?
That’s brilliant!


Well-known member
i store my buds like this pipeline and then i trim them up before i smoke them. i take all that waste off and make hash with it. if you passed me your jars and some scissors i would go to work. i dry and jar to a point i know they will not go mouldy but also hold enough mositure and to equalise throughout. outer to inner. even


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Well-known member
i store my buds like this pipeline and then i trim them up before i smoke them. i take all that waste off and make hash with it. if you passed me your jars and some scissors i would go to work. i dry and jar to a point i know they will not go mouldy but also hold enough mositure and to equalise throughout. outer to inner. even
You know it mate!
And in your own words, you know your onion’s my man!!!


Well-known member
i planted 100's of onions and lost most of them to a flood, slugs and the grass overgrowing them haha. saved many . probably have a few left in the ground. tarping the whole outdoor area we are growing on this sunday . a blank canvas