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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
The one the gets under my skin the most in the twatt Neill Degrasse Tyson.
He just oozes shiftiness!!!
i said to my more intelligent friends years ago, some of which are science teachers, doctors, surgeons and such he was a bullshitter, a fraud. a shill. they still to this day look at me like a a moron when i mention it . ah well. each to their own . brainwashed and indoctrinated to a point it is scary to witness, no reasoning or questioning , total experts in obedience too . the education system is poison . the most psychotic also go the farthest , they must have memory inetlligence, low apathy , and a thirst for winning at any cost . ....

i'm not the biggest fan of school haha. unschooling i'm for


Well-known member
and attenborough too. not only a shill ,a predator , a total bacon. i told my mother , and it was like i took a shit in her handbag the look of horror for even suggesting such a thing


ICMag Donor
science got hijacked too. the whole consensus based peer reviewing science which is made into laws and such , and mandates, is biased agenda pushing horseshit science too
The peer review aspect isn't necessarily bad, because it backs you up when you complete sound science and have it published. Scientific consensus is subject to bias. Science is always subject to change as more experiments are done and more data is compiled. Often times the peer reviewed science is disproving the mainstream science theories. The government just chooses to ignore it and go with their own studies' results.

Cannabis law is being determined right now by studies yet to be done. Actually from what I have read, they still have to construct the research center. I'm not even kidding, guys!!!!


Well-known member
and attenborough too. not only a shill ,a predator , a total bacon. i told my mother , and it was like i took a shit in her handbag the look of horror for even suggesting such a thing
He a bit of a cunt when you meet him I’ve been told!
My gran asked him to sign a planet earth book (that his name is slapped all over) and treated her like a lepper!

She was also part of an archaeological club that he was talking at an event of theirs.
He’d recently bought an old pub that was heritage listed and was speaking about how it was gonna be his private museum (of artefacts he’s stolen or traded beads for when filming and pillaging in the early days) and she asked if the archaeological club and public would be able to view them. To which he replied “it’s a private collection” just showing off to us peasants I suppose!
Those two incidents put me off him many years ago.


ICMag Donor
Take it easy on your mom. She'll never believe you or do her own research so why try. Just going to piss her off. My mom hates talking about that stuff and has some mental/emotional limitations. Dad is so soaked in the mainstream media, he can not distinguish between fact and fiction. I am teaching him critical thinking skills right now. :smoke:


Well-known member
He a bit of a cunt when you meet him I’ve been told!
My gran asked him to sign a planet earth book (that his name is slapped all over) and treated her like a lepper!

She was also part of an archaeological club that he was talking at an event of theirs.
He’d recently bought an old pub that was heritage listed and was speaking about how it was gonna be his private museum (of artefacts he’s stolen or traded beads for when filming and pillaging in the early days) and she asked if the archaeological club and public would be able to view them. To which he replied “it’s a private collection” just showing off to us peasants I suppose!
Those two incidents put me off him many years ago.
he can sue me if i'm wrong. total bacon of a man


ICMag Donor

If you like science check out some of acespicoli's threads. He posts a lot of peer reviewed cannabis literature.



Well-known member

If you like science check out some of acespicoli's threads. He posts a lot of peer reviewed cannabis literature.

we were just saying peer reviewed just means consensus based accepted . i'm sure its a great thread though full of useful information . cheers pipe


Well-known member
issac newton was head of the mint , as well as alchemist . he was like the irs in america , not just an inventor.

i don't trust many of these big players in history and i won't today

beleive nothing of what i hear, and less than half of what i witness