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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor

Keep passing out. I think I'm hibernating. Herb must be good. :smoke:


Well-known member
if in a group of scientists, the majority deem truth as dogshit and dogshit is voted or favoured over truth. dogshit is concluded to be the 'science' and published as 'peer reviewed '. that is exactly how it works in a simplified analytical way


Well-known member
issac newton was head of the mint , as well as alchemist . he was like the irs in america , not just an inventor.

i don't trust many of these big players in history and i won't today

beleive nothing of what i hear, and less than half of what i witness
A bit like how all the major bands and musicians had parents in high ranking military roles…

May as well chuck in the “Paul is dead” debate because there’s soo much info on it that’s it’s past getting the term “conspiracy” thrown at it.


Well-known member

U.S. Navy Admiral George Stephen Morrison, commander of U.S. forces in the Gulf of Tonkin incident that jumpstarted America's involvement in the Vietnam War​



Well-known member
Peer reviewed just means that a couple of guys have read the paper and given their opinion on it to the editor of the journal it has been submitted to.
its a group of thousands of selected registered scientists in certain fields. it goes through a voting process . its all a fix


Well-known member
any science anyone outside this selected group ,ever comes up with would be instantly rejected too. or publicly smeared as not being peer reviewed. therefore inferior in some kind of way. and most people accept that as fair for some reason


Well-known member
rolling up some paradise cheese ibl. starting to pale a touch and ready for curing now. at this point it's still nice to smoke for a different flavour and effect to the haze hybrids


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Well-known member
its a group of thousands of selected registered scientists in certain fields. it goes through a voting process . its all a fix
Typically the "guys" will be accomplished scientists from the field of the paper from universities and the like and if they say something is nonsense the editor is likely to believe that. Which could result in a radically different and correct but not convincingly put ideas being dismissed and not published. In that journal... But it's not really like any kind of racket. Just not totally perfect because people are involved.


Well-known member
Typically the "guys" will be accomplished scientists from the field of the paper from universities and the like and if they say something is nonsense the editor is likely to believe that. Which could result in a radically different and correct but not convincingly put ideas being dismissed and not published. In that journal... But it's not really like any kind of racket. Just not totally perfect because people are involved.
and they are on payrolls of all the major brands owned by the same groups of people


Well-known member
not many people are willing to throw away a cushty well paid amd bribed lifestyle to save their poor and poorly neighbour . thankfully there is still good souls out there