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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
when i was 15 , my mother allowed me to paint my own bedroom ... red green gold i painted the room with black trim ..

she came home from work and nearly had a heart attack

it grew on her in time

looked great . like a shack in the carribean
All I got was a strip of jungle wallpaper, you went all out mate.

Obviously had the bob marley cd blaring too yeah?


Well-known member
my mother would creep in my room as i slept and tidy up. she had a habit of just throwing anything out , often acidentally throwing my hash out ... once , i think i was 16 . growing weed in the attic without her knowing . to access the loft you had to stand on the bannister and do a pull up to get in ... one time i fell asleeep and i had two empty lemonade bottles filled with ionic grow, ready to take to the secret grow in the attic... my mother sneaked in my room that night and presumed they were full lemonade bottles , and she put them in the fridge. i woke up that same day early hours, with a dry mouth .... half asleep i trotted downstairs opened the fridge , and thought to myself, fuck it, lemonade will do , its cold... glug glug glug , until i realised it was not gassy and then i realised as i spat it out ..i was drinking diluted ionic


Well-known member
i believe bob marley was a modern day prophet .

if you are ever in trouble while tripping hard ... play bob marleys music. it always makes an intense trip easier to handle , and from out of control to comforting .
People don’t realise how much music he put out outside of the radio hits.

Plenty of albums and all of high quality!
