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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
Move to the United States of America and become a cannabis breeder. Its a reality for people, but I think its hard to get into the industry because there are so many breeders. What breeders are doing now is trying to contract with growers to create certain types of plants for their type of pruduction. Would be a good fit for YOU. Welcome to America. Could go to Amsterdam, but still illegal there according to recently released interview on The Potcast with Mr. Nice/Shantibaba.


Friend's indoor grow of my "Chunky Micks" in 2008

How would "La Migra" react to moving there to be a cannabis breeder? Probably not too kindly?


ICMag Donor
Esben is an old friend of mine from the forums years ago. He sent me some seed I still have. He sent a bunch of different hybrids. He was always good to talk with. I heard he quit using cannabis though, maybe he's just taking a break. Sometimes you need a break.

Thats fine to operate at a loss if you have other work you can do for living costs. Consider it a hobby or side job that you are growing into a career. Have to start somewhere. Thats how any business is started, use some seed money, advertise, get some work, advertise get some work, make money, make money. If you do good work, it will speak for itself and, your cannabis business will grow. Would be cool to do contract breeding for specifications of flower producers.

Set goals, attain them. Do you have a good pallet. Thats what breeders say, need to test smoke, and have a good pallet, and a couple friends with good pallets. Will need some good music and a pool table. :smoke:
its a business that would have to operate at a loss for at least 5 years


Well-known member
Esben is an old friend of mine from the forums years ago. He sent me some seed I still have. He sent a bunch of different hybrids. He was always good to talk with. I heard he quit using cannabis though, maybe he's just taking a break. Sometimes you need a break.

Thats fine to operate at a loss if you have other work you can do for living costs. Consider it a hobby or side job that you are growing into a career. Have to start somewhere. Thats how any business is started, use some seed money, advertise, get some work, advertise get some work, make money, make money. If you do good work, it will speak for itself and, your cannabis business will grow. Would be cool to do contract breeding for specifications of flower producers.

Set goals, attain them. Do you have a good pallet. Thats what breeders say, need to test smoke, and have a good pallet, and a couple friends with good pallets. Will need some good music and a pool table. :smoke:
yeah man. esben and paddington both generous . esben used to send me seeds. great dude


ICMag Donor
Cities is where you make the money. Its simple, come here, find work, make money, have the good life. Everyone minds their own business for the most part unless you're trying to create attention. We are derived from UK populations, so we are brothers and sisters here. My family is from Scottland and Germany. Will have to ask again.


ICMag Donor
How would "La Migra" react to moving there to be a cannabis breeder? Probably not too kindly?
Who is La Migra? Immigration and Customs Enforecement? My customer works for ICE actually. They wouldn't care as long as you are checked out and legal I think.


ICMag Donor
Yeah, I grow Paddington style for sure. Learned a lot from them. Paddi has great photography skills. Will have to look them up again. They are probably in the Danish forum here.


Well-known member
Who is La Migra? Immigration and Customs Enforecement? My customer works for ICE actually. They wouldn't care as long as you are checked out and legal I think.
Yeah ICE. In Up in Smoke "La Migra" sends Cheech and Chong down to Tijuana hehe...

The being legal part is the challenge, need a corporate sponsor for the green card or something... not sure exactly.


ICMag Donor
The silent poisoning of society. Hidden ingredients in your food may contribute to health conditions.

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)​

Probably best known for being added to many Chinese foods, MSG is generally used as a flavor enhancer. When it is used in this way in packaged foods, it is supposed to be listed on the ingredient label. However, glutamate byproducts like MSG can be found in natural flavors, in which case their presence won’t be spelled out on the label. MSG consumption has been linked with obesity, metabolic disorders, Chinese Restaurant Syndrome, neurotoxic effects, and reproductive organ damage.



ICMag Donor
Dude, come here on a migrant work passport and go work in the ganja fields for a year or 2! I'm sure you could talk to some people, maybe even on the phone and get squared away with some work! People would love to hire you. May not make much, but the money may spend better here. Go to Colorado!!!!!


ICMag Donor
Who knows, you may end up managing a crew because of your knowledge and experience. Just write up a resume telling the truth about past work experience, and mention growing vegetables in production last year with a friend. You will get hired, all you have to do is get here. Save up and do it early 2025, you could work with cannabis, but would be away from your mom. Maybe in spain or something?


Well-known member
Who knows, you may end up managing a crew because of your knowledge and experience. Just write up a resume telling the truth about past work experience, and mention growing vegetables in production last year with a friend. You will get hired, all you have to do is get here. Save up and do it early 2025, you could work with cannabis, but would be away from your mom. Maybe in spain or something?
i admire your faith and positiveness pipe


ICMag Donor
This lebanese would definitely make good hash. Lucky Dog Genetics from Montana was talking about Red Lebanese Hash. Is Aces a red Lebanese? It has been a while since I looked it up.


Well-known member
Who knows, you may end up managing a crew because of your knowledge and experience. Just write up a resume telling the truth about past work experience, and mention growing vegetables in production last year with a friend. You will get hired, all you have to do is get here. Save up and do it early 2025, you could work with cannabis, but would be away from your mom. Maybe in spain or something?
i would want to be apprentice first . i've only been involved with cannabis for 30 years , mainly as an over user lol. i'm a bit crazy too pipe. i need teaching more in depth , and taming first and adjusted to working as a team again