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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor
i biggest supporters of sharia law that i know can't even read arabic
I have grown up with friends who are muslem from school. My friend dated one for a little while, I don't think she was as devoted to the religion. They were good folks. They need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, most of them want to hear more and end up becoming Chistian.

Don't you want to move to the United States of America? We at least have the idea of liberty alive and well here. Eventually it will catch on. You're more than welcome to stop by when you do a tour some day. Lots of people like shooting guns for a hobby and we play baseball year round here. :smoke:


Well-known member
As soon as they rise up out of the soil brother. Theyre just a strain called Honduras. I was just taking a poke at our wild and woolly friend medman haha
Brother anything from South America can olny be good and psych high, truuuuuust me… you shall witness it yourself brother


Well-known member
I have grown up with friends who are muslem from school. My friend dated one for a little while, I don't think she was as devoted to the religion. They were good folks. They need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, most of them want to hear more and end up becoming Chistian.

Don't you want to move to the United States of America? We at least have the idea of liberty alive and well here. Eventually it will catch on. You're more than welcome to stop by when you do a tour some day. Lots of people like shooting guns for a hobby and we play baseball year round here. :smoke:
Live for several years in WA state, lived with mexican brothers, native americans, afro brothers, new church and old, jeova and so forth….there is only one language and thats the language of Love! No need for God or else just open your Heart!


Well-known member
I have grown up with friends who are muslem from school. My friend dated one for a little while, I don't think she was as devoted to the religion. They were good folks. They need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, most of them want to hear more and end up becoming Chistian.

Don't you want to move to the United States of America? We at least have the idea of liberty alive and well here. Eventually it will catch on. You're more than welcome to stop by when you do a tour some day. Lots of people like shooting guns for a hobby and we play baseball year round here. :smoke:
i would never want to move to anywhere other than my own land. i would like to travel around america . maybe stay for an extended period.most muslims have no choice on religion. they are born into it . any faith is better than zero faith , if you want to survive in comfort


ICMag Donor

Was meditating over the Psalms I posted earlier and the truth and the face of God began to be revealed to me. God moves mountains, do you understand? God creates the weather patterns, and because he said my name is I AM, he holds all the power. Do you hear that? See? Its a power you would never be able to escape, nor would you want to or you would be dead right away.

Nobody has seen God, but we can see the works of his hands, and can certainly appriciate His authority! He will get you to obey one way or another, otherwise you face certain death, my friend. The Holy Spirit protects according to the promises of Abraham.

Islam is derived from the family of Ishmael which is the child of the slave woman, Hagar, when Isaac and Sarah his wife were unable to conceive a child and were growing old in age. After Ishmael was born, Hagar became dispised by Sarah, and they sent Hagar and Ishmael away. Later Sarah was able to conceive and she gave birth to Jacob the son who inherited God's promises.


Well-known member
Was meditating over the Psalms I posted earlier and the truth and the face of God began to be revealed to me. God moves mountains, do you understand? God creates the weather patterns, and because he said my name is I AM, he holds all the power. Do you hear that? See? Its a power you would never be able to escape, nor would you want to or you would be dead right away.

Nobody has seen God, but we can see the works of his hands, and can certainly appriciate His authority! He will get you to obey one way or another, otherwise you face certain death, my friend. The Holy Spirit protects according to the promises of Abraham.

Islam is derived from the family of Ishmael which is the child of the slave woman, Hagar, when Isaac and Sarah his wife were unable to conceive a child and were growing old in age. After Ishmael was born, Hagar became dispised by Sarah, and they sent Hagar and Ishmael away. Later Sarah was able to conceive and she gave birth to Jacob the son who inherited God's promises.
like jonah, we are accepted by god to be somewhat pig headed


Well-known member
the world is exactly how it is meant to be. we hold the key for imagining a more prosperous healthy peaceful future

i'm trying my very best pipeline. i really am


ICMag Donor
And Moses, David, and Samuel, and Isaiah, and Jeremiah, God has a way of coaxing us. He tends to choose us pig headed ones for His perfect work. We're the only ones crazy enough to follow Him and know how to get God's work done.

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