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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
el timbo is an anthropology and food expert. he can explain in better detail about the different rice you can eat and which is best


Well-known member
if you call out the lies with the climate agenda , you get branded a clomate change denier

if you call out lgptqetc as divisive , nonsensical and annoying , you are branded a homophobe

you call out the blm for the marxist grift they are and you get labelled a racist

you call out mass migration of illegal economic migrants , funded by the people that do not want mass illegal migration , you are branded heartless and a racist

complete horse shit .

shove that marixst globalist neo feudal fascism where the sun does not shine

Old Piney

Well-known member
I don't get the wood stove ban I was think your right Shiva they just want you to buy their fuel .Wood it's mans first fuel it's renewable, the greenies say it's carbon neutral what's not to like a little smoke? Here's what I heat with it circulates hot water
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ICMag Donor
Love rice, will have to try a few different types then, thanks. I recommend having bread with it like you did, though. Bread has yeast, and it does something to settle the stomach. I wonder if I could make whole wheat and hemp sourdough bread. Will have to look it up.

Yeah I like your post, Shiva, about how the propaganda is full force working on the brainwashed folks to foster an environment of hatred. Every thing they do to us is what they are doing themselves. They have their own science and they stick to that and its over. Science is settled, lets go home. Haha. Their science is settled in their own little world.

I like immigrants if they check out and are nice and want to work hard. There are wars that were started and corruption happened to cause all the people to flee their land.

Yeah wood burners are the best, they use that climate change fraud to keep everything down. Control energy, control EVERYTHING.

Yeah I used to split wood as a job. Split a lot by hand with an ax, and also with the power splitter. The biggest log I ever split was actually from Willy's in-town house oak that was 4 feet thick. layed it over on the splitter just right thankfully and got it split!!!!!! Felt good splitting one that big! :smoke:

Dad picked up a log splitter last year. Need to get it going soon. Need to get a house with a fireplace, brother had a fire in his at thanksgiving and it was nice and warm.


ICMag Donor
That sounds so good! I need to get some CBD Hemp flower. I just ordered almost 800.00 worth of 1000mg CBD hemp oil tincture. It is a spagyric extract and contains the contents inside the leaf itself which they find to optimize absorbtion of CBD. I works well, has some good terpenes, but doesn't taste all that great like my live flower.

Would love to try some. Where is a good place to CBD hemp flower online? :smoke:


Well-known member
Wicked thread you got going on here shiva, and some decent tunes too!
Good to see a bit of dnb posted up as well, English heritage!

Wood burner cranks from mid autumn to spring in our house.
Luckily I do trees for a living so have a constant supply of firewood as the boys selling it pumped up the cost to something ridiculous.

Fuck it’s bad how they got everyone tricked into thinking electric everything is the answer…

Anyway, Looks like some decent conversation and some cool people around so I’ll pop in here and there.



Well-known member
I don't get the wood stove ban I was think your right Shiva they just want you to buy their fuel .Wood it's mans first fuel it's renewable, the greenies say it's carbon neutral what's not to like a little smoke? Here's what I heat with it circulates hot water View attachment 18928015
living the dream. that is an awesome photograph . hits the spot for me . may i ask about your hens? i'm a newbie with hens, and i was wanting to hatch and raise some chicks for the land i help maintain .


Well-known member
Wicked thread you got going on here shiva, and some decent tunes too!
Good to see a bit of dnb posted up as well, English heritage!

Wood burner cranks from mid autumn to spring in our house.
Luckily I do trees for a living so have a constant supply of firewood as the boys selling it pumped up the cost to something ridiculous.

Fuck it’s bad how they got everyone tricked into thinking electric everything is the answer…

Anyway, Looks like some decent conversation and some cool people around so I’ll pop in here and there.

welcome brother. i do rant now and then , it is my method of letting of steam and venting. happy to have you here

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