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Shiva Grows


ICMag Donor

Isaiah 9 NKJV

The Government of the Promised Son​

9 Nevertheless the gloom will not be upon her who is distressed,
As when at first He lightly esteemed
The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali,
And afterward more heavily oppressed her,
the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan,
In Galilee of the Gentiles.
2 The people who walked in darkness
Have seen a great light;
Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death,
Upon them a light has shined.

3 You have multiplied the nation
And [a]increased its joy;
They rejoice before You
According to the joy of harvest,
As men rejoice when they divide the spoil.
4 For You have broken the yoke of his burden
And the staff of his shoulder,
The rod of his oppressor,
As in the day of Midian.
5 For every warrior’s [b]sandal from the noisy battle,
And garments rolled in blood,
Will be used for burning and fuel [c]of fire.

6 For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
7 Of the increase of His government and peace
There will be no end,
Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
To order it and establish it with judgment and justice
From that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

The Punishment of Samaria​

8 The Lord sent a word against Jacob,
And it has fallen on Israel.
9 All the people will know—
Ephraim and the inhabitant of Samaria—
Who say in pride and arrogance of heart:
10 “The bricks have fallen down,
But we will rebuild with hewn stones;
The sycamores are cut down,
But we will replace them with cedars.”
11 Therefore the Lord shall set up
The adversaries of Rezin against him,
And spur his enemies on,
12 The Syrians before and the Philistines behind;
And they shall devour Israel with an open mouth.

For all this His anger is not turned away,
But His hand is [d]stretched out still.

13 For the people do not turn to Him who strikes them,
Nor do they seek the Lord of hosts.
14 Therefore the Lord will cut off head and tail from Israel,
Palm branch and bulrush in one day.
15 The elder and honorable, he is the head;
The prophet who teaches lies, he is the tail.
16 For the leaders of this people cause them to err,
And those who are led by them are destroyed.
17 Therefore the Lord will have no joy in their young men,
Nor have mercy on their fatherless and widows;
For everyone is a hypocrite and an evildoer,
And every mouth speaks [e]folly.

For all this His anger is not turned away,
But His hand is stretched out still.

18 For wickedness burns as the fire;
It shall devour the briers and thorns,
And kindle in the thickets of the forest;
They shall mount up like rising smoke.
19 Through the wrath of the Lord of hosts
The land is burned up,
And the people shall be as fuel for the fire;
No man shall spare his brother.
20 And he shall [f]snatch on the right hand
And be hungry;
He shall devour on the left hand
And not be satisfied;
Every man shall eat the flesh of his own arm.
21 Manasseh shall devour Ephraim, and Ephraim Manasseh;
Together they shall be against Judah.

For all this His anger is not turned away,
But His hand is stretched out still.



ICMag Donor
Do you have any parks there where you can hike there close to where you live?

I have been going Christmas light tours in the evenings, good meditation especially with Christmas music playing.

Do you think you'd be closer to your mom if cannabis were legal there? Prohibition has caused a permenant division in my family, where its difficult to achieve unity.

Do you notice it difficult to talk to family and friends when you visit because of their addiction to techlology such as television and ipads/ smart phone devices? Its like talking to a brick wall. They have to have the TV on loud and are constantly looking things up on their phone. Its like you are talking to them, but THEY AREN'T THERE.

I was the same way when I had a smart phone, people COULD NOT TALK TO ME as I was glued to the device trying to finish looking at something. Addictive technology, the inventor Steve Jobs of Apple did not allow his children to use smart phones.


Well-known member
@shiva82 I know you have your dream of a shack in the field with a wood stove .Is wood a realistic option for you. I heat my house and garage with all wood
they have made it illegal to install new wood burners , and are charging 10 x pre pandemic prices for the fuel they want us to burn on it . i can't go cutting down trees either , even if i owned the land


da boveda kid
i quit nicotine yesterday.
wasnt smoking much tobacco but vaping a bunch of highly dosed nicotine juices lately, great source of semi euphoria without the disgusting cig stench.
feeling really irritated today.
totally forgot how shitty it can be to quit.
meh :/


Well-known member
i used to think the offspring the band were ok,

wiki- On August 2, 2021, Parada announced he had been fired from the Offspring as he had declined to be vaccinated against COVID-19. He said he acted on the advice of his doctor, as he suffers from Guillain–Barré syndrome.[115] In an interview published in November 2021, Holland and Wasserman denied that Parada had been fired and instead said they had been forced to hire other drummers "for the time being" for the safety of their crew on tour.[91] In an interview on March 4, 2023, Parada confirmed that he was no longer a member of the Offspring. He formed a new band, the Defiant

offspring are now boycotted. what a shitty thing to do


Well-known member
i quit nicotine yesterday.
wasnt smoking much tobacco but vaping a bunch of highly dosed nicotine juices lately, great source of semi euphoria without the disgusting cig stench.
feeling really irritated today.
totally forgot how shitty it can be to quit.
meh :/
quitting nicotine is maybe the hardest to quit . i'm not suprised you feel irritated . well done. i use a nicotine vape now and then


ICMag Donor
Awesome, you can do it! Hang in there, and switch to bubblegum or something if you have to. Cannabis should help.

They aren't allowing ANY WOOD BURNERS?!!!! We have new regulations about the manufacturing, the new stoves have to have smoke stack scrubbers from what I understand, and are really expensive..

Could always source wood from tree removal companies. Went to Willy's the other day, he has a wood burning stove, just a basic one with no scrubber that is a stand-alone unit in the middle of the living room. His house is so warm, its amazing. I had been cold in my house, keeping it at 70F with gas, but going to his house, I got warmed up in my bones and it stayed with me all day!!!! Nothing better than wood burner furnaces. Splitting wood will make you strong too. :smoke:

Yeah its best to take your time before you try to move off grid. A lot of people do that and run out of money according to Joel Skousen who runs the website 'World Affiairs Brief' and author of 'Strategic Relocation' books. The elite have a long-term plan, and so you do have time to prepare. Remember they are boiling a frog in water, so it should still have time to get things done correctly for long-term survival of your family.

https://worldaffairsbrief.com/ website may be down?


ICMag Donor
My mom quit nicotine cold turkey, and it can be difficult. I wonder if the physical addiction to nicotine can ever be cured. She drinks a decent amount now, and has been on prescription antidepressents for years. After quitting cold turkey, she later developed hyperactive thyroid after giving birth to me. She had to take fertility medicine, so not sure if that had an influence.

What I'm saying is quitting cold turkey could possibly lead to issues, so best to taper it off in my opinion to reduce the severity of withdrawl symptoms. Nicotine is hardcore, expecially with all the adjuvants in reconstituted cigarette tobacco mixtures which make it more readily taken up in the system. It makes the addiction and withdrawl that much more difficult to overcome.

Switch to cannabis joints, just use a bunch of fine trim leaf with hash or flower mixed in, instead of tobacco.


da boveda kid
quitting nicotine is maybe the hardest to quit . i'm not suprised you feel irritated . well done. i use a nicotine vape now and then
maximum cravings at the moment.
still a few days ahead, hopefully by the end of the week i'll be free.
i had no idea i was in too deep again...
last time i quit 2 years ago i always had an apple and or a glass of water when cravings got to me.


ICMag Donor
Where is that miracle thread when I need one?

I just got off the phone with the bank. I was at the grocery saturday and had a personal debit card declined 4 times which could have resulted in a $35.00 fee for each denial. However, the overdraft limit was exceeded and it didn't allow funds to withdrawl, and it didn't give me a fee because later that day I transferred funds into the account, and it balanced out!!! I just used the Business checking debit card to complete the purchase, and was waiting to see the fees. It would have been 4 x 35.00 in fees, but it worked out by God's grace that there were no fees at all! Will have to double check this afternoon, but the bank was pretty sure there were not going to be fees! Merry Christmas!

Going to maybe get some more Christmas gifts for the kids after that one! Remember, you are not your own, you belong to God the Father! :smoke:


da boveda kid
@pipeline , i'm kind of a masochist, i was raised that way, so cold turkey is the only way for me.
i guess i could switch to low nicotine vape juices and taper it out, but the habit of vaping will still be there somehow, and i hate it to be enslaved to certain things. especially if theyre not healthy. breathing in aerosols of some glycerine, polypropylene and those aromas... my poor lungs.


ICMag Donor
Yeah using CBD would help I bet! A friend of mine who I worked with at a pizza place said he uses cannabis to get over his addiction to heroin. He was taking methadone too, but he said the cannabis was the reason he was able to quit heroin successfully. He said he homegrows and showed me one of his plants one day he had on the porch, how he had been topping it, looked like a little crysathemum!!!!

He sad he had 6 foot plants growing in the closet.


ICMag Donor
Yeah you can do it, don't be a slave! Switch to herb, live healthy! Will be much better on your lungs!