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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
I'm gonna pass out buds Its almost 4 am here and i need to sleep. If you guys ever want to dm me go for it, I'm trying to be more active on here so people who are into my stuff can actually reach me and i can still remain somewhat private. Cheers! Don't be afraid of the bullshit, and seek god in any way you can, cannabis and prayer works the best for me, and i'm pretty sure for you guys as well


Well-known member
I'm gonna pass out buds Its almost 4 am here and i need to sleep. If you guys ever want to dm me go for it, I'm trying to be more active on here so people who are into my stuff can actually reach me and i can still remain somewhat private. Cheers! Don't be afraid of the bullshit, and seek god in any way you can, cannabis and prayer works the best for me, and i'm pretty sure for you guys as well
good night. stop by anytime. keep it all in the open. i try not to dm unless private info . open debate the lord here anytime you like


Well-known member
There is something that happens in church that can't be felt alone. It is difficult to explain. They call it experiencing the Holy Ghost.
You're right man, but honestly just pray, if you're not dedicated to christianity ask god to show you the truth and the true path, you want to talk about the craziest experience nothing can explain? What happens next when you mean it, the path to your church will open up to you, gods got your hairs numbered, and knows you better than you know your self, he knows what you need when you need it, there is an opposing force and its documented through every act of humanity and litterateur. It will fuck with your shit if you're serious, but its like a smoker that needs a light, it needs you to feed into it, John 1 :1 is one of the best verses about it

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.
Shits real man, the bullshit has never won, never forget that, love yah bud, goodnight


Well-known member
i best get ready for boxing. i have got half an hour to shower , change and get to that gym. take it easy . i be back in a couple of hours. peace


Well-known member
i hear you brother. what do you fear about it? churches make me uneasy . i'm not into the energy of the group
That I don't have the strength to truly repent for the colossal burden of all my sins, and the fear of repercussions of that in this life and the next.

But what I also fear is, what if I feel nothing at all, except maybe boredom? That is a terrifying thought in an entirely different way.


Well-known member
That I don't have the strength to truly repent for the colossal burden of all my sins, and the fear of repercussions of that in this life and the next.

But what I also fear is, what if I feel nothing at all, except maybe boredom? That is a terrifying thought in an entirely different way.
let me think of this during boxing. when i return i will have a bit more clarity to respond in my own way. it is heartfelt on your part . respect . back later. peace


Well-known member
Even the windowsill worries me. Found out wht was wrong with my cactus, fucking thrips.
Lost a peyote to trips. What I could save is in some weed tequila I made once. Don’t have the balls to try it, because I am not sure if it will have an effect others than making me puke hahahaha


Well-known member
Lost a peyote to trips. What I could save is in some weed tequila I made once. Don’t have the balls to try it, because I am not sure if it will have an effect others than making me puke hahahaha
they used to sell peyote in amsterdam and extracted mescaline crystal


Well-known member
let me think of this during boxing. when i return i will have a bit more clarity to respond in my own way. it is heartfelt on your part . respect . back later. peace
if god exists . that entity knows everything about you that you know plus more. repenting for those sins and making changes unburdens yourself. and you can do it silently . we are all sinners , and all make mistakes. you have recognised the first part , but want to carry on sinning anyway? redeeming is something we all have to do now and then i would say . i redeem myself once a week at least . human nature means we have ability to make the wrong decisions with free will


Well-known member
I mean, "forgive them; for they know not what they do" was the message even on the cross.

But the question in this instance is, do they actually know, but still do it?
If Jesus would reincarnate in whatever western country, they would put him in jail, psychiatric, or kill him straight! -Who is your father and what does he do? -God! -You are crazy and blasphemous hahahaha


Well-known member
i think i told you guys about the last time i was at a church. with an iranian girl i was dating at the time. she was using me and also the church , so she could win a place at a christian school that gets great school grades haha. she was a fraud.... long story but a funny one . i may retell the whole story at some point as it was hilarious ... but that church had maybe 100 people i felt zero connec tion with .

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