Your soil always looks tooo dry for me how come?? And the humidifier you still need it?? My humidity went ryte up after a good watering. Plants look great. What day are we at??
Day 18. As for the soil, the top layer drys out almost without hours of watering with the 400w system, however the deeper soil remains moist for a few days after. If i would water each time the top of the soil felt dry i would overwater and it would slow plant growth.
Some growers actually even wait until the plants show signs of underwatering to water, it's a way of min/maxing things. I don't like to do this but it works for some.
I'm not sure if i still need the humidifier, i've been too lazy to turn it off and observe the results. One of these days i'll reevaluate it, i know that the tent stays constantly at 45-50 RH though which is great.