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Quit Alcohol - Support Thread


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I have gotten away with life so far. On two blood-test physicals, my liver has been in the nominal range, in fact it all was on the last one. The first time I was still drinking beer by the case. I have had to take vit D due to aging, but that internal filter is still working fine. I lived in Fl about 10 years, and was a rummie. I had to leave because I couldn't run FL out of rum.

In a week or two this will be one year. I want to thank the good folks at ICMag for putting up with me as I went through the transition.

Pot's good for you.


Well-known member
That's great.its cool that IC helps you.i tried the AA thing and it just wasn't for me.im back to where I get sick if I don't drink.sucks big time.i like the rum too.gotta stick to beer otherwise the Indian in me gets Goofy if I drink that firewater lol


Well-known member
That's great.its cool that IC helps you.i tried the AA thing and it just wasn't for me.im back to where I get sick if I don't drink.sucks big time.i like the rum too.gotta stick to beer otherwise the Indian in me gets Goofy if I drink that firewater lol

The AA wasn't for me either, I found them very cult like.

Never any light at the end of the tunnel.

There attitude was i would always be a alcoholic.

The only time your not a alcoholic is when your not drinking, its errevelant if its one day or one month your of it.

Stay strong you guys.. :ying:


Well-known member
The AA wasn't for me either, I found them very cult like.

Never any light at the end of the tunnel.

There attitude was i would always be a alcoholic.

The only time your not a alcoholic is when your not drinking, its errevelant if its one day or one month your of it.

Stay strong you guys.. :ying:

It is cult like.every meeting you chant that your poweless to quit and you have to give yourself to God to quit drinking.nah,no thanks jeff.you have to quit from whith in.not from God or whatever.absoltley sick and I can't quit.im gonna die in a couple years.my liver an kidney's are shot.


Well-known member
Hey shithawk yes you can quit,

It's something you have to do yourself, and you can if you really wanted to.

I never realised I had a drink problem until it started to affect other people in my circle and people out of that circle, family and friends as such, thats when I knew it was a problem. I was quite happy to destroy my own life but it put things into perspective when it affects other people.

From what I recall your still a young man shithawk.

Your in good a place here where people can reach out to you.
Good luck.


Well-known member
Thank you for the support super.im relatively young at 33 but I was drinking Jack Daniels at age 13.very stupid on my part.my problem right now is personal and I don't really want to live but the pain is unreal.i wanna just get a lethal dose of morphine and call it a day.

And you really hit the nail on the head.i hurt my family with drinking.more than I can admit here.but it does help coming on IC.ive been an asshole lately but I don't mean anything by it.


Active member
That's great.its cool that IC helps you.i tried the AA thing and it just wasn't for me.im back to where I get sick if I don't drink.sucks big time.i like the rum too.gotta stick to beer otherwise the Indian in me gets Goofy if I drink that firewater lol

...if you are STILL drinking brother then you NEED to go to meetings, it may not be for you but meetings sure do beat the shit out of beeing dead!

The AA wasn't for me either, I found them very cult like.

Never any light at the end of the tunnel.

There attitude was i would always be a alcoholic.

The only time your not a alcoholic is when your not drinking, its errevelant if its one day or one month your of it.

Stay strong you guys.. :ying:

...yeah, what you're saying here is that you didn't go to enough meetings to actually understand what was being said, maybe you heard the words but you didn't hang around long enough to truly get it.

...oh, and it isn't cult like to say that 'once a junkie, always a junkie', and this just means that if you are alcoholic then you will ALWAYS be an alcoholic, this means that even a single drink will trigger a need for more and if you forget this, or you deny it, you WILL drink again.

...personally i liken my alcoholism to an alergy and so long as i don't take a drink my alergy doesn't kick in.

...oh, and it doesn't matter whether i'm drinking or not, i AM alcoholic and knowing that fact right down to my bones is part of what has kept me sober all these years.

It is cult like.every meeting you chant that your poweless to quit and you have to give yourself to God to quit drinking.nah,no thanks jeff.you have to quit from whith in.not from God or whatever.absoltley sick and I can't quit.im gonna die in a couple years.my liver an kidney's are shot.

...yeah bro, you NEED these meetings if you want to live and i'm here to tell you that life without booze is possible if you humble yourself and accept that you can't stop on your own and then seek out those of us who have found a way to put the jug down.

...the only absolutes are first accepting your own powerlessness to stop on your own, an honest desire to stop and a willingness to do WHATEVER it takes to stop, no matter how unpleasant or how 'cult like' you think it is.

...and God and prayer may be strongly recommended but it isn't REQUIRED, the truth is that you are free to believe in ANY higher power that you like, or none at all, i knew a guy in Philly back in the '80's who would say that pond scum was his higher power.

...if you have any kind of faith in God then you need to lean on that faith but there are no rules or leaders in AA so you are free to do as you please in AA, even drink IN the meeting, most of us would just say 'keep coming back, it works if you work it'.

Thank you for the support super.im relatively young at 33 but I was drinking Jack Daniels at age 13.very stupid on my part.my problem right now is personal and I don't really want to live but the pain is unreal.i wanna just get a lethal dose of morphine and call it a day.

And you really hit the nail on the head.i hurt my family with drinking.more than I can admit here.but it does help coming on IC.ive been an asshole lately but I don't mean anything by it.

...well brother, if you die then you lose any chance at making amends to those you have hurt and if you live and learn how to live without booze you will have a chance at making things right, or maybe not right but better, and those that love you will forgive you and they will celebrate your sobriety, some won't of course but whether you are forgiven or not isn't relevant to your sobriety, what's important is that you make an honest attempt to make your amends, if the person doesn't accept your amends that is on them.

...i know how hard this shit is brother as i tried to quit several times starting with my first rehab back in the early 80's, but it was sitting in those phucking rooms, hating every one of these sons of bitches for how good their lives seemed to me while i was dieing inside that saved my life!

...now i am 65, i haven't had a drop since '97 and because of that i now have 3 grown chilren and 3 beautiful grandchildren and NONE of them has ever seen me drunk, not EVER!

...if you truly want to stop then you have to be willing to do WHATEVER it takes, even going to meetings a few times a week, otherwise you're just gonna keep gettin' drunk.

...try going to 90 meetings in 90 days and if at the end of that you still think AA isn't for you then we will gladly return your misery.

peace, bozo

...this below is a talk by Bob E (Earll), a speaker that has helped thousands of us get a handle on this shit and if you want to live then be willing to listen all the way through.



Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
If joining a group is what it took for you, fine. Some people find in themselves the strength to control their actions, and quitting drinking beer is very do-able by ones self. IMO the trick is motivation and desire.

Has there ever been a pot quitting support group?

Sex addicts

but no pot addicts.


Well-known member
Bozo if the AA worked for you that is all fine and dandy, it does not work for everybody.
And I can assure you I went to many meetings and talks.

You haven't had a drink in nearly 25 years and you still attend the meetings.

Have you tried telling yourself that your not a alcoholic.?


Active member
If joining a group is what it took for you, fine. Some people find in themselves the strength to control their actions, and quitting drinking beer is very do-able by ones self. IMO the trick is motivation and desire.

Has there ever been a pot quitting support group?

Sex addicts

but no pot addicts.

...yeah bro, it was never about joining a group and i don't know a single alcoholic who could stop because he was 'motivated', and beer is no different than any other form of alcohol, a 12oz bottle of beer has the same alcohol content as a shot of Seagrams so beer triggers the addiction just as easily as a shot of Old Number 7.

Bozo if the AA worked for you that is all fine and dandy, it does not work for everybody.
And I can assure you I went to many meetings and talks.

You haven't had a drink in nearly 25 years and you still attend the meetings.

Have you tried telling yourself that your not a alcoholic.?
...if you are still struggling to put the jug down no matter how hard you try then you didn't go to enough meetings.

...and meetings are not cult like, they are group therapy like.

...and while meetings may not be for everyone, every sober alcoholic i know got sober working the 12 steps which force us to confront ourselves, i don't know ANYONE who got sober and STAYED sober through any other means, not one.

...also, i have not been to a formal meeting in more than 15 years but i went to hundreds of meetings those first several years and i learned that even just 2 alkies talking together about sobriety is a kind of meeting, hell, this discussion we are having here is a meeting of sorts so while i strongly urge anyone struggling to stay sober go to meetings regularly, in my own case i have been lucky enough to get away without meetings these last years.

...and no, i no longer lie to myself and tell myself i am not alcoholic, i tried that several times and never stayed clean more than a year, so i don't need to guess, EVERY time i drink i get drunk, period.

...we are all free agents in this life so we are all free to do as we please so if you feel meetings aren't for you then don't go, but if you can't stop drinking no matter what you do then maybe you are wrong and you need to humble yourself and go to a meeting.

...to be frank i have been planning to start going to meetings again but i don't drive so my only transportation is my DIY ebike and it's winter up here in NE so getting out is difficult.

...and the reason i have been thinking i need some meetings is that i was diagnosed with esophageal cancer back in November of 2018 and in March of 2019 i went into the VA hospital in Boston where they removed my esophagus and repurposed my stomach as a new esophagus and the recovery has been way harder than i ever expected, when i went into the hospital i weighed in at 185 and now, more than a year and a half later, i'm struggling to maintain 145 and so while i haven't been seriously considering a drink, i'm thinking i could use some moral support and some fellowship.

...anyway, like i said, we are all free to do as we please and most of us don't make it to meetings until we become desperate, me i was a walking dead man looking for a place to fall down and meetings gave me my life back, so maybe you just ain't desperate enough for the message to resonate with you yet.

peace, bozo

btw, here is a pic of my DIY ebike which gets me going up to 30 miles per hour on the flat with about 25 miles of range, just a POS Huffy with a motor and battery attached.



Well-known member
After losing a Entire circle of family and friends and anything of value not to mention the financial side
Property and land it eventually brought me to my knee's.

I don't have any issue laying the jug down now, special occasions only , in the company of family and friend's I will have 2 or 3 beers next time might be Xmas, who knows it could be the new year or 6months, and it ends that nite.

It helped having the friend's who hung around for my own benefit and support while the others fucked off, obviously they were not friends.

Nothing personal with the AA, they were not the path I wanted to go down.

I'm delighted you have found solice, enjoy life and all the best with your recovery from the operation .

Love the bike as well, nice skills.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
It has been a year and we are in the boring short cold days, which I hate so much. I won't drink a beer because 1) I don't really miss drinking beer, 2) I don't want to compromise myself.

Are my saliva glands going off as I type about beer?

Carbs still have a hook in my brain, but they aren't getting in via beer.

Cool bike. As a pre-drive. broke-ass kid in the SoCal hills, with buddies that had Honda x0s(50,70,90) ... best I had was a 1hp motor made by Cox, attached to my bike. I won it in a contest, and wore it out. Musta gave me a complex, cause the first dirt bike I bought myself was a 490 Yamaha.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I would much rather enjoy some budz and a refreshing Coca-Cola than alcohol. It took a while to think like that. Maybe it was AA meetings or maybe I'm getting old.
Justanotherbozo hang in there, man. If you have to go to a hospital in Boston again let me know, I live here! We can smoke ganja and get really high man!


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Congrats Mr. Fontazy! I hit a year a couple weeks ago. Funny, but I really have zero desire for a beer anymore. ZERO. :D

And yeah, I am going through the flower like mad, but most of all my cookie intake has gotten way "higher", and that probably has the carbions at bay. I am eating cookies faster now than I am making butter. Weight is under control, so OK with me.

Have you lost weight? Feel better? Sleeping better?


Well-known member
Congrats Mr. Fontazy! I hit a year a couple weeks ago. Funny, but I really have zero desire for a beer anymore. ZERO. :D

And yeah, I am going through the flower like mad, but most of all my cookie intake has gotten way "higher", and that probably has the carbions at bay. I am eating cookies faster now than I am making butter. Weight is under control, so OK with me.

Have you lost weight? Feel better? Sleeping better?

Cheers brother,, lost maybe 30 pounds,, I do feel better but I'm still craving really bad,, one day at a time :)

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