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question for sam the skunkman on the original haze


Dread & Alive
I often had that thought, the numbers # 1, # 2 .... could be the various hybridization steps ....
But I think Indian haze is different ... like a backcross


Well-known member
The haze story is at least half bullshit. The truthy core of the legend is that it started as bagseed from fine imported sativa that was grown out on the west coast and hybridized with other fine imported sativas. Everything else is speculation, conjecture and marketing. As regards the title of this thread, David Watson may have some of the answers but he has refrained from telling his story for over 30 years, so don't expect any more information from him. If he were to use his Ohaze seed stock for a large selection run, as he has indicated, it would be the best thing he's ever done for the canna community. The history is interesting but irrelevant; the proof is in the seed.


Well-known member
Nexus7 / willydread / oldschool sativa

Let’s not back track , no more guessing or assuming all the info is out for many years .

Threw the years there have been contradicting and conflicting post regarding OHaze and her origins . That lead me on my quest for the truth . If your all not familiar I wrote an article on the true origins of Haze . Confirmed mostly true by Sams , this info was second hand via G the originator aka the surfer boy

The True origins explains some mis understanding. The Haze brothers in the HT mag were 3 brothers originally from NJ who went to college in SC . I know one still lives in Santa Cruz , these guys are not G or RL the originator and his partner . Which makes/made it more confusing was Sams Haze brother reference was about J n RL . Sams never mentioned G until I posted my article

I recently posted post #1771 a few pages back Sams quote , the Haze 1-4 were labeled due to finishing times , Sams couldn’t remember much more about it .I think I’ve asked every possible Haze related question

All the Haze info is in this thread



Well-known member
Nexus7 / willydread / oldschool sativa

Let’s not back track , no more guessing or assuming all the info is out for many years .

Threw the years there have been contradicting and conflicting post regarding OHaze and her origins . That lead me on my quest for the truth . If your all not familiar I wrote an article on the true origins of Haze . Confirmed mostly true by Sams , this info was second hand via G the originator aka the surfer boy

The True origins explains some mis understanding. The Haze brothers in the HT mag were 3 brothers originally from NJ who went to college in SC . I know one still lives in Santa Cruz , these guys are not G or RL the originator and his partner . Which makes/made it more confusing was Sams Haze brother reference was about J n RL . Sams never mentioned G until I posted my article

I recently posted like a few pages back Sams quote , the Haze 1-4 were labeled due to finishing times , Sams couldn’t remember much more about it .I think I’ve asked every possible Haze related question

All the Haze info is in this thread


I personally don't buy the finishing time story. Haze #1,2 and 3 were all stated to finish in December with New Years Haze in January. So Haze#1 finishes first week, #2 second week and #3 3rd week of December? Pretty stable flowering times then!

Also J haze is Joe it mentions it later in the same article ...


Active member
I personally don't buy the finishing time story. Haze #1,2 and 3 were all stated to finish in December with New Years Haze in January. So Haze#1 finishes first week, #2 second week and #3 3rd week of December? Pretty stable flowering times then!

Also J haze is Joe it mentions it later in the same article ...

Isn't that all based on a mock-up seed catalog that never actually existed?


Well-known member
I personally don't buy the finishing time story. Haze #1,2 and 3 were all stated to finish in December with New Years Haze in January. So Haze#1 finishes first week, #2 second week and #3 3rd week of December? Pretty stable flowering times then!

Also J haze is Joe it mentions it later in the same article ...

I’ve laid it all out , my true origins explains the beginnings. The story i was told came from G’s mouth he is still alive God bless .

J b n p I’ve used in my article fake names with the proper initial j as Joey . But don’t let that or R from HT article confuse you . There is and never was a joe Haze . RR from high times article has truth and fiction in there . The Haze brothers the 3 bros from New Jersey were brokers and had nothing to do with the origins or growing Haze

For what ever reasons, Coincidentally or best way to disguise the people involved Sams told things the way he has . One day I hope for him to lay out the details , R.L. side and J’s input supposedly before R.L. was involved

I always love talking Haze but if you read this thread it’s all here




Well-known member
Isn't that all based on a mock-up seed catalog that never actually existed?

We just touched on this , that search feature work believe me . I’ve just stated the post # where I put up quotes

It's my catalog from Sacred Seeds, I asked "R" to retype it and remove the name Sacred Seeds, because I was not wanting to attract attention to myself, but "R" begged me to use it, so I said OK.
This was 5 years before Neville and his seed bank stole my varieties and started knocking them off.
This was not my first catalog of seeds. "R" also changed the prices and knocked them upwards, I did not care about that.
I still have most of the seed varieties in the deep freeze.



Well-known member

That link is not necessary

It’s kinda frustrating that I put in my efforts and time to find the truth . The most respected man in the business who is active in our online community and was closest to the Haze circle confirms my article True

We still have bs high times articles and these videos which report the old made up stories with partial truths , it definitely gets under my skin . After all these years I can only imagine how Sams feels when someone tries to tell him some BS

Though I do appreciate this guys interview with Mel Frank , there is truth spoken



Active member
The true story is definitely out. Just in bits and pieces, scattered over the internet. Some real parts have been labeled as fake, some fake as real. The challenge is just figuring out which is which.
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Active member
Thanks for recommending gorilla for the haze x skunk beans. I remember checking there before, but somehow missed it. I see them there.

About 12+ years ago i received some haze x skunk freebie from the Bou. I found a pheno that was absolutely divine. About 14,15 weeks to flower, mild terps, but a very up and happy kind of effect.
Im wondering and hoping these seeds are from the same batch of thousands of freebies that the bou had from sam.Or are these from a more recent reproduction? Regardless i will grab a couple packs and hope for the best.

Also anyone have any ideas what the mex haze brings to the table in the mex haze x haze skunk cross? Flowering time etc?

Many thanks for any feedback.


...como el Son...
That's exactly what I've been wondering for years, o. haze has always been composed of colombian, mexican, indian and thai, and only recently has it been said that it is made by three puntorojo, with a little bit of mex, thai and indian ...
This always confused me a little ...

Which mexican was it? And which thai? And the Indian, kerala?

Maybe the Haze of the Brothers was a 3 way Colombian cross, n Mr Skunkman crossed it later with Thai n/or Mexican n/or Indian?...
About the 3 Colombians @Sam_Skunkman sais:

"The Original Haze was three Columbian varieties, including Punto Rojos, and a magenta variety and a green variety. They were used to make the first O Haze. All Columbian....."

Maybe the magenta one could be " Corinto Purpura" or a purple geno of "Punto Rojo (aka Colombian Red)"
or even "Manizales Negra (aka Colombian Blak)";
n the green one could be " Mangobiche Colombiana ", or even " Dorada de Santa Marta (aka Colombian Gold)" ??

Mtn. Nectar

Well-known member
thanks for ongoing in-depth research on subject bigherb.......:biggrin:

vintage label that came with the best purple haze to date.....and original from 70’s....had 2 sources for.....one from Boulder Creek and other from Watsonville.....this label came from Watsonville source who has since passed.....lost contact with BC brothers...last I got from them was 3zips/‘79.......friend’s in Oregon had only heard of.....and once experienced couldn’t get enough.....

have yet to re-live the quality of high/scent/taste.....

ganj on......
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Mtn. Nectar

Well-known member
a Madmac creation of Congo/THH.......’bout 13’ top branches.....very hazey scent......violet/purple calyxes induced by colder temps.....

ganj on.......:tiphat:
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