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question for sam the skunkman on the original haze

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
A trait of the magenta pheno aka purple Haze

The rootbeer doesn’t seem to be common but it been reported. My tough mama Wherever she may be Hazylady had found a sarsaparilla pheno as she called it . CBF long ago posted up several beautiful pics of full purple plants , MAHA KALA has recently posted pics . It seems the trait survives


Got a rootbeer pheno from a cross Thunk x Southern Lights:


Quite nice, finishes at 90 days, Micro style.


Well-known member
I grew THH, and there are all phenos typical for OH. while seedsman is only green.

Just 2 pics to show how Seedsman Original Haze seedlings do look like. These are from the repro I did. I sowed 10 seeds, from 3 different males and 4 females combinations, but all look nearly the same and are identical to the original Seedsman's I had 4 years ago.



In ACE's OTH and Purple Haze I had much more variation and 2/3 of them had a very wide first leaf set for such long flowering sativas. Flowering times on Seedsmans were between 15-18weeks, on ACE's Hazes 15-25+ with some needing 13.5h of darkness to fully mature.


Chasing The Present
Just 2 pics to show how Seedsman Original Haze seedlings do look like. These are from the repro I did. I sowed 10 seeds, from 3 different males and 4 females combinations, but all look nearly the same and are identical to the original Seedsman's I had 4 years ago.

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In ACE's OTH and Purple Haze I had much more variation and 2/3 of them had a very wide first leaf set for such long flowering sativas. Flowering times on Seedsmans were between 15-18weeks, on ACE's Hazes 15-25+ with some needing 13.5h of darkness to fully mature.

The Ace OTH bit surprises me. I've run a lot of them and their always extremely NLD, very similar in structure, biggest diff I've found is the very light green vs more darker green versions, aside from that, a lot of consistency. This is for OTH only, not the specific Purple or Green versions.

When did you get the OTH from Ace?


Well-known member
OTH seeds were from 2009 (or 10), Purple Haze 2014.
I wrote Dubi to ask if the wrong seeds were sent to me and he said to wait and as the plants grew, the leafs got thinner and thinner.

Mtn. Nectar

Well-known member
colors may still exsist, but the highs have been reshuffled into oblivion..........hopefully Sams holdings will bring back the joy.........

ganj on.......


Well-known member
I don't want to spam the thread, but here a last pic of the seedlings. Im wondering about all these 2-3 bladed first sets of leafs...



I am sure Shantibaba would tell the truth if he knew the truth, but he was told these FACTS by Neville whom I know tells lies. But please no more about this, I find it upsetting too argue the facts with someone that has them second or third hand. It is a waste of my time to be honest I don't like it.

I mean Neville sold all my varieties to Sinsi Seeds when he closed the Seed Bank, for big $ and then I told Ben they were never Neville's to sell in the first place and I had spent years developing them, I don't blame Ben but I do think Neville is not someone that you go to to find the truth, unless it is to his advantge to tell the truth.


I think you would know yourself that anyone over the age of 5 who has at least an average intelligence lies. I lie, you lie, every normal communicative person lies.

In that context, the way I see things is whether the lie makes any difference to my situation in any way. Does it harm me?

Away from my viewpoint, one could frame this in terms of it being a marketing advantage to the accepted version and a potential harm to competitors but in that sense all the “original guys” who promulgate the stories are also competitors.

They compete for authority, influence and power.

Think on the schisms in religion based on different versions of the same events. It's human nature. It's what makes us who we are.


Well-known member
2-3 bladed first true leaves are a haze characteristic. Passes on to the progeny as well.

Thanks. I do not remember I have seen it on the originals or not. Have lost the notes I took when did the selection... But I haven't seen that caracteristic in any of the Original Haze crosses I made with the same males.


Dread & Alive
I think you would know yourself that anyone over the age of 5 who has at least an average intelligence lies. I lie, you lie, every normal communicative person lies.

In that context, the way I see things is whether the lie makes any difference to my situation in any way. Does it harm me?

Away from my viewpoint, one could frame this in terms of it being a marketing advantage to the accepted version and a potential harm to competitors but in that sense all the “original guys” who promulgate the stories are also competitors.

They compete for authority, influence and power.

Think on the schisms in religion based on different versions of the same events. It's human nature. It's what makes us who we are.

This is a old eternal story....I think it'a thing between them,many of us were not yet born,both have their fans and haters but only nev and sam know how things really went...

Emil Muzz

Thanks. I do not remember I have seen it on the originals or not. Have lost the notes I took when did the selection... But I haven't seen that caracteristic in any of the Original Haze crosses I made with the same males.

I've seen it in the Seedsmans' Haze and Seedsmans' SKunk x Haze I grew when Sam produced the seeds for them. I've seen it very occasionally in Colombian cultivars as well. I think they make the young plants look very pretty. Your plants certainly look happy as well as pretty.
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Well-known member
The purple haze I was lucky to score once from the hood has zero metallic taste and more of a nag champs/floral purple Thai flavor-it is eerily similar to what can be found in purple urkle f2’s if one goes digging. That purple haze had all the best qualities of NYC haze but with much better bag appeal, look and taste imo
Good luck to all in their quest for that special sativa-need a large pool to find a special gal ( 100 seeds or 10 packs )

Sup brother

In all my years an till this day with social media , I’ve never seen a NYC Purple Haze . I’ve had what was called purple Haze with the tinniest bit of purple and I’ve had purple Haze with no purple at all . But nothing close to what is / was Santa Cruz purple Haze aka rootbeer pheno aka purple mnt nectar un reguards to all of her traits taste smell n looks

If I recall long ago HT did an article about NYC Haze referencing purple Haze ,few have spoke about it . I think purple Haze was used as a stamp of authenticity rather than the actual genetics

I’m quite familiar with purple urkle pure n several hybrids. I don’t agree about any NYC Haze sharing any erkle traits

Just my experience



5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
This is a old eternal story....I think it'a thing between them,many of us were not yet born,both have their fans and haters but only nev and sam know how things really went...

It is extremely clear that Nevile is a dishonest egotistical liar, and that Sam is a man of great integrity, anybody who cannot see that is not to be taken seriously.


Well-known member
It is extremely clear that Nevile is a dishonest egotistical liar, and that Sam is a man of great integrity, anybody who cannot see that is not to be taken seriously.

Sup CC

Hope all is well

I agree he is extremely egotistical, I very much appreciated his recollection of details but it is / was clear he lied abit to boost sales .

As mentioned it seems many folk have exaggerated their story to benefit an image .

But let’s keep it positive those , the history and facts have been laid out . Contradictions have been made . Thats all old news

Keep up with what we are blessed with the available Haze offerings

Thanks to all for your contributions



Well-known member
The plant has used humanity for eons now and greed has always been a prime motivator in our species
I’m grateful to both and countless others