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question for sam the skunkman on the original haze


Active member
seedsman and the old TFD Original hazes are most important to preserve

This Todd haze is not a bad start to kick start a Hazy Revival

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The Haze Whisperer
It's not attacking someone to tell the truth about their lives...and not just the last 10 or 20 years, but their WHOLE life. It's part of his story and should be talked about...if nothing else, it might keep someone else from making the same mistakes he made.

Of course, I mean no disrespect, but the truth is that Nev was...for a period of his life, a junky and an alcoholic.

People get defensive when they hear those words, but the fact that Nev finally beat those demons back and kept breeding was a real testament to his fortitude and inner strength...at least that's how I see it. That said, we shouldn't just forget about that part of his life if we're going to talk about him in an honest and thoughtful way...it's part of who he was.

He (either knowingly or unknowingly) lied for years about Sam being an informant for the DEA...which is kind of a big deal. As you well know, calling someone a snitch without any real proof is not good form. I know how you feel about that, so I won't talk it about further...but that was wrong on many levels, imho.

Nev's gone now...and we should respect the dead, obviously. But focusing on the only the good and sweeping the bad under the rug isn't respectful, imho. He did a lot of good...and that shouldn't be left out of the conversation...but to focus on only the good doesn't paint a clear picture of who he really was. His life shouldn't be boiled down to the last 10 or 20 years...he lived a life before you were talking to him on a daily basis and people remember what they remember after someone is gone.

Todd also had a close relationship with Nevil during the Cannabis Castle days...so his perspective of the man isn't going to be the same as your own.


I contacted Neville's close mate after i read this and this is what he said about Todd's close relationship with Nev.

He met him once ...went to the castle 5 years after Nevil left it. He met him at a show in Adam 1 time for an hour


Active member
do you mean TFD? I have a pile of thaitanic seeds I made, backcrosses with three females.

That's it....The Flying Dutchman

But heard they have gone the way of sensi and others

Cant breed or make seed so easy in Amsterdam these days as once was

I still hold out there's something to be had @all the old banks

Just not Original Haze......... :tiphat:


atomizing haze essence
so called Nevil´s haze, while its nice smoke has very little to do with true haze effect and thats why I think it doesnt belong to this thread at all, it should be in northern lights thread.. anybody who says it smokes like haze, never had real deal haze.. a period. I think its trolling, because nobody saw me going to, let say C5, thread, and telling c5 lovers how I think it is junk and original haze beats it all, though I think it myself, you dont see MadMac to do that, you dont see LimeyGreen to do that, you dont see any lover of original haze to do that.. but these norther lights hybrids lovers come to this thread, which should be about original haze, and trolling and create endless nonsense, intentionally confuse others about original haze characteristics..

so I decided to quote some nice notes, from NLhaze lovers, which nicely describes the effect of all these NLhzs and neville´s Hz..

after high fade away you can feel it all day some kind of tirednes and relaxed state of mind and body.

I’ve smoked a lot of Hazes in my day and this is one of the best for my brain. It really makes you go on deep mental trips followed by a kinda dazed tiredness& after i can go to sleep with no problem.

this effect is so common that in highschool we already had a name for it, we called it 'the afterstone'.

sometimes I can enjoy it(on a warm summer day, nothing to do all day and hanging out with friends in a park/near a river/beach), but most of the time I hate that afterstone daze clouding my mind. I see it more as a negative side-effect present in many hazes, not as a positive side of the high. my own crossings is mostly focussed on getting a nice sativa-type high without that dreadfull afterstone ruining the experience.

I am sorry, but this very uncomfortable afterstone aka dazed tiredness has nothing to do with original haze!!!!!!! original haze has smooth comedown, while you just feel like beautiful human being, and not like dazed abused bitch..


atomizing haze essence
so dont make this mistake again, and dont call NLhaze a "haze" please, to keep truth about original haze clear. thank you.


ICMag Donor
Are you that bored that you just try and start arguments constantly ?
so dont make this mistake again, and dont call NLhaze a "haze" please, to keep truth about original haze clear. thank you.


The Haze Whisperer
so called Nevil´s haze, while its nice smoke has very little to do with true haze effect and thats why I think it doesnt belong to this thread at all, it should be in northern lights thread.. anybody who says it smokes like haze, never had real deal haze.. a period. I think its trolling, because nobody saw me going to, let say C5, thread, and telling c5 lovers how I think it is junk and original haze beats it all, though I think it myself, you dont see MadMac to do that, you dont see LimeyGreen to do that, you dont see any lover of original haze to do that.. but these norther lights hybrids lovers come to this thread, which should be about original haze, and trolling and create endless nonsense, intentionally confuse others about original haze characteristics..

so I decided to quote some nice notes, from NLhaze lovers, which nicely describes the effect of all these NLhzs and neville´s Hz..

I am sorry, but this very uncomfortable afterstone aka dazed tiredness has nothing to do with original haze!!!!!!! original haze has smooth comedown, while you just feel like beautiful human being, and not like dazed abused bitch..

Maha you honestly love controversy the holder of the Haze Sam and Nev him self have both said more than once inbreeding haze dose not improve it.

So you are comparing apples and oranges..
Take FD Original Haze and make a cross with your favorite female clone and you will be surprised how good it is. Often much better then either parent.

Also I have suggested many times that Original Haze is "breeding material" not great commercial growing materials, but you seem to only notice what you want to notice. It is the only pure Original Haze available.


"And I am wondering Sam if the stock from seedsman is originally from you"

I do not know what any seed seller sells, ask them if it is my varieties or if I made the seeds.
Remember I suggest real Original Haze for breeding, not commercial crops, you may be lucky and find a real keeper for production, but the odds are low. Just try and cross the best you find X your favorite varieties, and you will find lots of keepers.


i have grown plenty of haze hybrids most acted like pure sativas had no NL in the affect and the high was like LSD up to 6 hour high that was like a roller coaster ride.

If you think a good haze hybrid is like NL them my friend you need to start sourcing seed from better breeders.


Well-known member
Well better is of course subjective.

Sam just mentions O.Haze is not for commercial production crops.

Once you experience the effect of a pure tropical Sativa and it's something you enjoy low yield, lower overall potency and long flowering time becomes meaningless. You just won't find that effect elsewhere.



Well-known member
i have grown plenty of haze hybrids most acted like pure sativas had no NL in the affect and the high was like LSD up to 6 hour high that was like a roller coaster ride.

CBD is known to extend the duration of the high. It's also a possible marker for Indica contamination. The tropical Sativa I most liked was only an hour high. Pure euphoria, happiness and bliss no ceiling or come down.



honey oil addict
That's it....The Flying Dutchman

But heard they have gone the way of sensi and others

Cant breed or make seed so easy in Amsterdam these days as once was

I still hold out there's something to be had @all the old banks

Just not Original Haze......... :tiphat:

These are from over a decade ago at least. I grew them for a bit, interesting stuff, chocolate colored calyx, purple ones on green buds.


The Haze Whisperer
CBD is known to extend the duration of the high. It's also a possible marker for Indica contamination. The tropical Sativa I most liked was only an hour high. Pure euphoria, happiness and bliss no ceiling or come down.


Hi Nexus well i have spent most of my 40 years growing sativas and last 18 years running a lot of haze hybrids and sativas.

A good sativa high is going to last at lest 4 hours some can give a Euphoric high some a Trippy high.

I dont like indicas i see there value in breeding but i dont like smoking them.

Your still not going to see a high CBD % in a indica unless it was hybridized with say rudaralis or with industrial hemp that was breed with rudaralis any way.

Previous research has shown that administering THC together with CBD can help reducing the undesirable side effects of THC, especially those related to increased anxiety. However, recent clinical and psychopharmacological research shows that co-administration of THC and CBD can lead to additional, unexpected effects.

Specifically, a recently published clinical study conducted at the Leiden University Medical Center, with the support of Bedrocan, compared the blood levels of THC in chronic pain patients after the administration of three cannabis chemovars (varieties): Bedrocan® (THC 22% | CBD <1.0%), Bediol® (THC 6.3% | CBD 8%), and Bedrolite® (THC <1.0% | CBD 9%).

Bedrocan’s research coordinator Mikael Kowal presented the results at the ICRS congress and there was great interest in his analyses. “The findings from our clinical study regarding the complex interactions between THC and CBD in the body are novel and were surprising to many.”

“Apparently, the effect of CBD increasing THC concentrations in the blood was discovered by one researcher in the early days of creating the formulation of Sativex. However, at that time this finding was difficult to explain, due to lack of sufficient knowledge on the workings of CBD. Currently, we seem to be the first to have this data published and similar results are being found in animal research.”

In the case of Bediol, the mixed THC/CBD cannabis chemovar, the blood levels of THC were about 50% higher than expected from the administered THC dose. Moreover, a similar effect was observed in a psychopharmacological study conducted with healthy cannabis users at the University of Sydney, in which higher THC levels were found in the blood of subjects who received cannabis containing equal amounts of THC and CBD, than in the case of cannabis containing an equal dose of THC, but without CBD.
The exact mechanism by which this effect occurs is still not clear. Possible explanations include an increased absorption of THC in the lungs or the inhibition of THC metabolism, both induced by CBD, or the conversion of CBD into THC. In any case, knowledge of these pharmacokinetic THC-CBD interactions can help physicians and patients in establishing a proper therapeutic dose of cannabis to treat their symptoms. Further research is needed to confirm this, however it is possible that lower doses of THC are required when co-administering it with CBD, in order to achieve symptom control of a particular disease.



Well-known member
I thought cbd was a thc antagonist which means it's cuts the duration or strength of the thc, thcv allows the thc to remain active longer, but all forum information so could be miles off.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Maha you honestly love controversy the holder of the Haze Sam and Nev him self have both said more than once inbreeding haze dose not improve it.

i have grown plenty of haze hybrids most acted like pure sativas had no NL in the affect and the high was like LSD up to 6 hour high that was like a roller coaster ride.

If you think a good haze hybrid is like NL them my friend you need to start sourcing seed from better breeders.
can you show where nevil said inbreeding pure has does not improve it??
as far as i recall , he never actually bred any pure haze ,
isnt that right hempy ??

so why keep saying he said something he likely didnt say or had no experience with ..?

what im reading from sam mostly says commercially its not better to inbreed it ,
how about for personal use where yield doesnt matter ??

also i wonder what crossing haze to another sativa will bring , rather than adding indica ,
im sure it would be more to my liking , and perhaps others who dislike some indica traits would agree ...

if we are not worried about commercial aspects like yield , bag appeal etc ....


Well-known member
I can't remember where I saw it but if I recall correctly things like Nevilles haze neville had said one in 8 was a kepper, f2 made it one in 16 so that could be where it was being said inbred haze hybrids were not better than the originals. But maybe I recall incorrectly.


Well-known member
if the haze is recomended not to be inbred it must come from a very small genepool ,maybe just two parents because if the haze is in fact 4 or more columbian strains that advice dont really make any sense,, its odd because if a standout pheno is manifest inbreeding and linebreeding would be almost compulsory,,,


The Haze Whisperer
can you show where nevil said inbreeding pure has does not improve it??
as far as i recall , he never actually bred any pure haze ,
isnt that right hempy ??

so why keep saying he said something he likely didnt say or had no experience with ..?

what im reading from sam mostly says commercially its not better to inbreed it ,
how about for personal use where yield doesnt matter ??

also i wonder what crossing haze to another sativa will bring , rather than adding indica ,
im sure it would be more to my liking , and perhaps others who dislike some indica traits would agree ...

if we are not worried about commercial aspects like yield , bag appeal etc ....

Neville told me that and i am sure his posted it over at mr nice some were you should research more Donald.

Are you claiming Neville never grew pure haze now Donald or are just trying to distort the truth.

Even inbreeding a Haze hybrid like NH even something like NLxHZ has problems i wont share that with you as you seam to know it all :biggrin: but i saw it with inbreeding Haze hybrids and i brought it up with Nev.He told me he had seen the same.

The price for back crossing the 5HzA back to Haze C was that the hybrid was not as consistent as the 5Hz. Maybe one in 20 females would be better than the 5Hz. Further doubling up on HzA or C will reduce the return even further. I know this from experience.
If there are other good haze lines out there, be it from Sam or the Haze bros., what are the chances of it being an F1? If large numbers of the progeny smell like cat piss, it's very likely inbred and therefore not likely to be a good candidate. A 25% Haze hybrid from a different Haze line that has not been inbred to Haze would offer more hope.
Smoko time


Well-known member
ive never inbred a pure haze line myself i remember the old haze 5 dunno if it was a or c but first release and was outstanding the cut would quite frequently produce a few seeds late in flo i grew a bunch of them out and never got a plant equal to the mum at the same time i gave my last haze 5 s1s to a friend 20 years ago that id pop in a heartbeat today lol

Donald Mallard

el duck
hehe u quack me up hempy ,

actually i spoke with him on the phone about haze ,
he had one girl , he killed it and didnt make any haze x haze seed ,
it had been crossed with ruderalis , but since you werent told that directly you tend not to believe it ...

you are the one distorting things the truth be known by posting misleading stuff as you have ,
when you answer people you are super defensive and make out they are attacking you there really isnt any need for that on a forum hempy , calm down ,
we are here to discuss things and debate if necessary ,

if you find you have been mislead or misunderstood something , its ok to say so ,
you dont have to attack or be super defensive , its just forum discussion ,
your reputation is not on the line man and you dont know everything just because u talked to a dude on skype frequently , things go on and have gone on that you know nothing about ...


Well-known member
I seem to recall Neville said inbreeding haze produces "cat piss" phenotypes. I personally like some cat piss plants.

It's very possible that I heard that he said it from someone else, and eventually incorporated that into my beliefs. No matter what anyone says, current research suggests we DO alter our memories every time we retrieve them. It's akin to Xeroxing photos.