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question for sam the skunkman on the original haze


Well-known member
According to dubi and phylos old timers it is a Colombian variety.

It comes from a British grower. Old timer received the seeds of hippie travelers. If I'm not mistaken, shantibaba received 40 seeds and another 40 went to kaiki-ace seeds.

As Mad Mac says it is a much more wild and less worked variety than original Haze and Tom Hill. Is it related to original haze? It is difficult to know without genetic analysis. Original haze is a Colombian hybrid but it doesn't have to be the same variety as old timers. In Colombia there were many different varieties.

Some people prefer a variety and other people others. It is best to try if you have a chance. : tiphat:

I hope to try Tom Hill and original Haze soon.

thanks for the reply super,,ive only bred seedsmans as in a pure and i crossed it when i had it in fact i have an outdoor auto haze line that came from lbh that contains oldtimers an meo thai i crossed a female seedsman haze x tfd skunk1 female into the line so it has two of the haze lines within at this time the best phenos are decent ,,,,an yes your right trying em out is always best way to find out :tiphat:


The Haze Whisperer
According to dubi and phylos old timers it is a Colombian variety.

It comes from a British grower. Old timer received the seeds of hippie travelers. If I'm not mistaken, shantibaba received 40 seeds and another 40 went to kaiki-ace seeds.

As Mad Mac says it is a much more wild and less worked variety than original Haze and Tom Hill. Is it related to original haze? It is difficult to know without genetic analysis. Original haze is a Colombian hybrid but it doesn't have to be the same variety as old timers. In Colombia there were many different varieties.

Some people prefer a variety and other people others. It is best to try if you have a chance. : tiphat:

I hope to try Tom Hill and original Haze soon.

All the information about the Old Timer seed was at the BC forum were Vic High posted at before CW and OG were up.

Short version Old Timer could not grow them out were he was so he offered them to any one interested for free a guy called WolfMan grabbed them and to this day is still given no credit.

WolfMan grew the few plants that germinated inbreed them made a few hybrids also and in the CW mr nice forum offered the seed he made to any one that wanted them for free.

Wolfman gave shantibaba some and i think fet got some i think from memory up to 10 people got them i could of got some to but was not interested.I think shanti grew a few out n culled them.


Active member
It is true that old timers could not grow more correctly due to its climate. Give hundreds of seeds, but nobody can save them except Wolfman.

Old timers to smoke are good, but as a parenting tool it is unique.:)


The Haze Whisperer
Time 03:49, 26 Dec 1998
From oldtimer1
I don't have any pure haze mums any more I lost them 8 or 9 years ago to a Borg
attack. This is a point worth making all the sat vars that I have tried are very
susceptible to the two spot mite. So as far as growing sats are concerned a clean
house is needed. I did haveloads of h seeds but over the years have given
them away and Iím sorry to say no one made a go of it with them.
In our climate it
needs dedication and to be a good gardener to boot. To grow with tropicals
indoors and under lighting, well totally different techniques are needed but to my
mind they are worth it. This year I have passed on most of what I had left of my h
seed stock to a friend and if he is successful the strain may carry on we will see. I
do have some mums from a series of crosses made between h and ss of which hd
is one, its my fav smoke and takes 9 to 10 w on 12 h. I have great respect for
Nevil and if the fastest is 14 weeks there isn't much nl in there. Small mottled
seeds sound like the right thing too, they sound like a good bet to me and well
worth trying. The main prob with haze is with so much inbreeding you only get 5 to
10% of really exceptional ones so loads need growing to get a really good one. I
suspect Nevil crossed h to a non dom nl then back crossed to h again the idea
being to remove the inbreeding depression without affecting the haze character.
This is only supposition but its the route I would take if I had the space and the

Quote from one of the BC guys who got the ot1 seeds.

The 'Pure Haze' lines discussed in the thread on CW and at our site are from a differing line of 'Haze' from California in the '60s and not the same as the 'Haze Brothers' legendry 'Origional Haze' lines..

Originally Posted by Oldtimer1 at bcg forum

My haze was brought here [uk] from the states during its development it was still being developed field scale and may not represent the finished product. From what I have gleaned the nearest to the real thing on sale in Europe was sold by Wernard of Positronics. After he went bankrupt his stock and seed Co was taken over by Dutch passion / Home grown fantaseeds. Both these seed banks are run by relatives. The thing is that the spec for their haze has been changed from posies one in a big reduction on the finish time on 12/12. I suspect they have made a cross to a non dom indica.The thing is if you want to grow real haze it takes 12 to 16 weeks on 12/12 the very best being the late ones. The only other Haze that may have some of the original one in could be Nevils haze but greenhouse haven't published its spec yet but once again I suspect it will have indica added we will see. Most the other so called haze are lambs breath and Thai crosses. In fact in Holland haze has become a generic term for a sat with a strong up high.


I was involved in contributing genetics in the early days towards the breeding of what later became skunk#1, but I don�t like what it has become now. I loved field grown haze from SoCal when it was first being developed. Todays versions are pale in comparison.

This is not true that oldtimer1 had anything to do with Skunk #1 I did all the breeding and I do not know oldtimer1, I never met him. Maybe he was part of the imaginary Sacred Seeds posse that never existed? Makes me doubt anything he has said ever.-SamS

Apr 6 2004, 01:44 AM
nav I was and am, a do nothing no account as far as general society is concerned.

I have not found a modern var I would keep, I have to say I have not tried that many, most of my genetics come from before there were any seed banks.

Of modern I thought romberry and C99 were good efforts, but neither had the quality of high I look for. I would give them maybe 4 or 5 out of ten. I grew out over a 100 sensi seed bank Jack Herer when they first came out. Not one even made 1 out of 10 in my books.

I was involved in contributing genetics in the early days towards the breeding of what later became skunk#1, but I don�t like what it has become now. I loved field grown haze from SoCal when it was first being developed. Todays versions are pale in comparison. Just not true about Skunk #1-SamS
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Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Hey Hempy

What about the Uncle Tony`s Columbine .The one you reckoned was Colombian Red @ Mr Nice years ago . Is that still kickin ?


Well-known member
It's a side by side comparison! :biggrin:

exactly what i asked for an didt even notice two together i apologise lol thanks be real interested to know the effects of each

nice info hempy thanks but as with most haze stories no specifics maybe we should change the name from haze to vague lol


Well-known member
exactly what i asked for an didt even notice two together i apologise lol thanks be real interested to know the effects of each

The effect of Seedsmans Haze has been described often enough in this thread. OTH is more wild, and you will find much more variation. But in Ace's Green and Purple Haze some selection has been done.
Look at their thread for more info or in Ace/Dubi's descriptions.


Well-known member
Not speaking from first hand experience

But from research available on this site and the net , Old timers Haze reported info from both breeders and growers show many similarities to Punto Rojo from flavors aromas different color phenos and growth patterns they share much resemblance in many ways

Also interesting is the reported colombian lineage of OT from phylos , so we know both Santa Cruz Original Haze and OT Haze are both colombian

I’ve mentioned this way back in the thread with comparison and pics and links of old Punto Rojo grows from cannabiogen . When I had a desk top ,I no longer have a desk top computer, I dont know how to attach links from my iPhone



The Haze Whisperer
Not speaking from first hand experience

But from research available on this site and the net , Old timers Haze reported info from both breeders and growers show many similarities to Punto Rojo from flavors aromas different color phenos and growth patterns they share much resemblance in many ways

Also interesting is the reported colombian lineage of OT from phylos , so we know both Santa Cruz Original Haze and OT Haze are both colombian

I’ve mentioned this way back in the thread with comparison and pics and links of old Punto Rojo grows from cannabiogen . When I had a desk top ,I no longer have a desk top computer, I dont know how to attach links from my iPhone


If you read the haze brothers interviews they say they came up with their haze lines 4 years before.The article talks about the 1980 herbie wards also.So if what the Haze brothers were telling people in the interview is based on truth that takes haze to say 1976.

Joe also brings up a co op of growers in the interview then the second brother also talks about how after the purple haze started loos its peek (assuming means less potent) They say the best they produced was the Greens a hash plant.They said it was the best weed they had in years.

Were did the first haze come from apparently going by their interview a hippy with un named magical cannabis seed.

So BigHerb if you go by what the haze brothers have said publicly the haze seed originates from unknown genetics.
The Original Haze growers were not brothers, and did not do any interviews ever, I think you are referring to the New York Haze Brothers interviewed in High Times? The had nothing to do with creating the Original haze and were want to be's that came much later than the inception of Original Haze which was in the late 60's in Santa Cruz, I was there and I know who did what and what they used to do it, I have explained many times, and will not bother to do it again. it was pure Colombian a three way hybrid of 3 lines from Colombian.-SamS

The strain we all call Haze came from Sam who took it to Holland and Neville got it from Sam that is it the rest is a fairytale a marketing exercise that stoners have wages online wars over for 2 decades on now.

You have the information posted by the haze brothers them self's and what Sam has posted and what Nev people should read the info at hand and come up with there own conclusion.

I have as have many others.

The way i see it if you want haze you have real hybrids of it in the market and Sams O Haze grow them and be happy i say.
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Well-known member
I think with the way things wer legally articles that wer written back then sometimes had different names dates an places to the actual events, inorder to protect people from unjust laws...


Well-known member
The High Times interview may have happened in New York But the Haze brothers from the interview were originally from New Jersey. If I recall two went to Santa Cruz College/ University

The 3 brothers were blood brothers they had nothing to do with growing Haze , they were strictly brokers who brought much of it back East /NJ . I spoke with one who at the time was still in Santa Cruz

G and R.L did not refer to themselves as Haze brothers

Hempy please once again you have nothing to add about Haze , sharing your experience with Haze is welcomed. But the story is old and told . The only more to be revealed may come if Sams ( He was there ) decides to one day share more of his experiences



The Haze Whisperer
The haze brothers interviews / articles talked about the Californian haze and how haze being from in Greenhouses.

Did you even read the articles clearly not.


The Haze Whisperer
The articles was from the Cali guys called the Haze brothers its all there to read now like i said the story says co op growers grew haze there was a Hash plant being called the Greens and possible the best the grew their wards and lots more.

You have pictures of the early haze flowers how they got the unnamed magic beans that became haze and all the rest.You cant pick and choose what you want us to believe that is not how it works.

Donald Mallard

el duck
If you read the haze brothers interviews they say they came up with their haze lines 4 years before.The article talks about the 1980 herbie wards also.So if what the Haze brothers were telling people in the interview is based on truth that takes haze to say 1976.

Were did the first haze come from apparently going by their interview a hippy with un named magical cannabis seed.

So BigHerb if you go by what the haze brothers have said publicly the haze seed originates from unknown genetics.
The Original Haze growers were not brothers, and did not do any interviews ever, I think you are referring to the New York Haze Brothers interviewed in High Times? The had nothing to do with creating the Original haze and were want to be's that came much later than the inception of Original Haze which was in the late 60's in Santa Cruz, I was there and I know who did what and what they used to do it, I have explained many times, and will not bother to do it again. it was pure Colombian a three way hybrid of 3 lines from Colombian.-SamS
learn to read man ,
it gets a bit annoying , like teaching a kid how to walk or something ,, ffs ...


The Haze Whisperer
learn to read man ,
it gets a bit annoying , like teaching a kid how to walk or something ,, ffs ...

You need to climb down off your high horse there Donald i am not your wiping boy so lets get that sorted fast.

Have you read the articles / intervenes i posted clearly not and if you had bothered to you would know that the interviews are from the Californian guys called the haze brothers and what they had said.

You would have also read me say many times that the story haze has more than 1 versions and lots of twists and turns.

Originally Posted by Sam_Skunkman
There were only Two Haze Brothers and they did not go to NYC and visit HT.
Joe Haze is not a Haze brother. The Haze Brothers did not grow Indica's, they grew Sativa's.
They did grow my Skunk #1 after 1980, because it was easier and faster for them.
-SamS(who was there)

Donald Mallard

el duck
heheh what ever man ,
i wont even bother to debate you cause its no challenge ,
you carry on making a fool of yourself all you like ,

the rest of us have been at icmag reading while u were over at the other place believing the fairy tales u held so dear ,
and we know the story that came from the horses mouth ,

makes me wonder why you ever even came here since according to you it was unsafe ,
probably due to you being told sam was working for the dea right??

youd be better back at the other place man ...

btw , its whipping boy ,

not wiping boy , sheez ..... ,