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question for sam the skunkman on the original haze


Chasing The Present
Yes, incense is said to be common in the better Mexican and Central American strains, Colombian too. I guess you could put that description on my Oaxacan but I'm not sure we'd be talking about the same thing. Us living outside the catholic world have no idea what frankincense shoud smell like..

I personally love the smell of it and use pure oil in a diffuser often around here.... I'm no church goer either but my mother in law is Eastern Orthodox and when I smoke the goods and she comes by (I smoke in garage) she'll be like it smells like Church in there (Bingo !), depending on how long ago I smoked I can gauge how frankies it was/is.... There's a lot of incense types and some other tree bark resin oils but to me Frankies has a unique smell from most the others, especially when it's burnt in natural form - if you find the oil cheap, it's not pure but the good stuff is well worth it IMO

Frankincense oil is from the genus Boswellia and sourced from the resin of the Boswellia carterii, Boswellia ferreana or Boswellia serrata trees that’s commonly grown in Somalia and regions of Pakistan. This tree is different from many others in that it can grow with very little soil in dry and desolate conditions.
The word frankincense comes from the term “franc encens,” which means quality incense in old French. Frankincense has been associated with many different religions over the years, especially the Christian religion, as it was one of the first gifts given to Jesus by the wise men. What does frankincense smell like? It smells like a combination of pine, lemon and woody scents.

Boswellia serrata is a tree native to India that produces special compounds that have been found to have strong anti-inflammatory, and potentially anti-cancer, effects. Among the valuable boswellia tree extracts that researchers have identified, several stand out as being most beneficial, including terpenes and boswellic acids, which are strongly anti-inflammatory and protective over healthy cells. (1)

How to use frankincense oil? Frankincense oil is used by either inhaling the oil or absorbing it through the skin, usually mixed with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil or jojoba oil. It’s believed that the oil transmits messages to the limbic system of the brain, which is known to influence the nervous system. A little bit of oil goes a long way, and it should not be ingested in large quantities as it can be toxic.

If you’re purchasing essential oils, avoid oils that say “fragrance oil” or “perfume oil” as these can be synthetic and don’t provide the desired health benefits. Instead, look for oils that say “pure essential oil” or “100% essential oil” for the highest quality essential oils. I like to take advantage of the best frankincense oils, which should feature a combination of multiple varieties of oils from boswellia trees.

1. Helps Reduce Stress Reactions and Negative Emotions

When inhaled, frankincense oil been shown to reduce heart rate and high blood pressure. It has anti-anxiety and depression-reducing abilities, but unlike prescription medications, it does not have negative side effects or cause unwanted drowsiness.
For example, in mice, burning Boswellia resin as incense had antidepressive effects. “Incensole acetate, an incense component, elicits psychoactivity by activating TRPV3 channels in the brain.” This channel in the brain is implicated in the perception of warmth in the skin. (2)

2. Helps Boost Immune System Function and Prevents Illness

Studies have demonstrated that frankincense benefits extend to immune-enhancing abilities that may help destroy dangerous bacteria, viruses and even cancers. Researchers at Mansoura University in Egypt conducted a lab study and found that frankincense oil exhibits strong immunostimulant activity. (3, 4)
It can be used to prevent germs from forming on the skin, mouth or in your home. This is the reason many people choose to use frankincense to naturally relieve oral health problems; the antiseptic qualities of this oil may help prevent gingivitis, bad breath, cavities, toothaches, mouth sores and other infections from occurring. (5)

3. May Help Fight Cancer or Deal with Chemotherapy Side Effects

Several research groups have found that frankincense has promising anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects when tested in lab studies and on animals. Frankincense oil has been shown to help fight cells of specific types of cancer. Researchers in China investigated the anticancer effects of frankincense and myrrh oils on five tumor cells lines in a lab study. The results showed that human breast and skin cancer cell lines showed increased sensitivity to the combination of myrrh and frankincense essential oils. (6)
A 2012 study even found that a chemical compound found in frankincense called AKBA is successful at killing cancer cells that have become resistant to chemotherapy, which may make it a potential natural cancer treatment. (7)

4. Astringent and Can Kill Harmful Germs and Bacteria

Frankincense is an antiseptic and disinfectant agent that has antimicrobial effects. It has the ability to eliminate cold and flu germs from the home and the body naturally, and it can be used in place of chemical household cleaners.
A lab study published in Letters in Applied Microbiology found that the combination of frankincense oil and myrrh oil is particularly effective when used against pathogens. These two oils, which have been used in combination since 1500 BC, have synergistic and additive properties when exposed to microorganisms like Cryptococcus neoformans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. (8)

5. Heals Skin and Prevents Signs of Aging

Frankincense benefits include the ability to strengthen skin and improve its tone, elasticity, defense mechanisms against bacteria or blemishes, and appearance as someone ages. It may help tone and lift skin, reduce the appearance of scars and acne, and heals wounds. It may also be beneficial for fading of stretch marks, surgery scars or marks associated with pregnancy, and for healing dry or cracked skin.
According to a review published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, frankincense oil reduces redness and skin irritation, while also producing a more even skin tone. Studies suggest that it’s the pentacyclic triterpene (steroid-like) structure of frankincense oil that contributes to its soothing effect on irritated skin. (9)

6. Improves Memory

Research suggests that frankincense oil can be used to improve memory and learning functions. And some animal studies even show that using frankincense during pregnancy may increase the memory of a mother’s offspring.
In one such study, when pregnant rats received frankincense orally during their gestation period, there was a significant increase in the power of learning, short-term memory and long-term memory of their offspring. (10)

7. May Help Balance Hormones and Improve Fertility

Frankincense oil benefits may include reducing symptoms associated with menstruation and menopause by balancing hormone levels, although the research on this topic is limited. It has been used to help relieve pain, cramps, constipation, headaches, anxiety, nausea, fatigue and mood swings. Frankincense oil may also help with regulating estrogen production and may reduce the risk of tumor or cyst development in premenopausal women.
Animal studies have shown that frankincense oil can be used as a fertility promoting agent, which may be due to the oil’s chemical structure acting similarly to that of steroids. When frankincense was used on rats internally, it increased fertility, and the number of implantations and viable fetuses, which suggests that the oil may possibly increase sperm motility and density. (11)

8. Eases Digestion

Frankincense helps the digestive system to properly detox and produce bowel movements. It may also help to reduce pain and cramping in the stomach, relieve nausea, flush out excess water from the abdomen that can cause bloating and even relieve PMS-related stomach pains. (12)
It does this by speeding up the secretion of digestive enzymes, increasing urination production, relaxing the muscles of the digestive tract and also helps improve circulation, which is needed for proper digestive health. It’s been shown to be beneficial in reducing symptoms of leaky gut syndrome, chronic colitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and IBS. (13)

9. Acts as a Sleep Aid

Frankincense uses include lowering levels of anxiety or chronic stress that can keep you up at night. It has a calming, grounding scent that can naturally help you to fall asleep. This natural sleep aid helps open breathing passages, allows your body to reach an ideal sleeping temperature and can eliminate pain that keeps you up. (14)

10. Helps Decrease Inflammation and Pain

Frankincense can inhibit the production of key inflammatory molecules associated with conditions like arthritis, asthma, painful bowel disorders like IBS and many more conditions. (15)
It can be useful in helping prevent the breakdown of the cartilage tissue and has been shown to significantly reduce levels of dangerous and painful inflammation, making it a natural treatment option for pain-related conditions that affect the muscles, joints and tendons.


See the world through a puff of smoke
Burning Incense Is Psychoactive: New Class Of Antidepressants Might Be Right Under Our Noses
May 20, 2008
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
Burning frankincense (resin from the Boswellia plant) activates poorly understood ion channels in the brain to alleviate anxiety or depression. This suggests that an entirely new class of depression and anxiety drugs might be right under our noses.

"In spite of information stemming from ancient texts, constituents of Bosweilla had not been investigated for psychoactivity," said Raphael Mechoulam, one of the research study's co-authors. "We found that incensole acetate, a Boswellia resin constituent, when tested in mice lowers anxiety and causes antidepressive-like behavior. Apparently, most present day worshipers assume that incense burning has only a symbolic meaning.



Buttyrekka grew a lot of sams haze x skunk, could probably find his journal here via search.
He also sent many freebies of his crosses. This one is sams hazeskunk x rez wonder haze (williams wonder x SSH).



far beyond driven...
Tom Hill Haze...

Tom Hill Haze...

some fresh images from my flowers... full seeded :)
happy to saved the genes...






get hazed


atomizing haze essence
I dont know maybe original haze is not for the most, or working class as EB said. but its real haze, while neville´s haze is commercial. same for NLhaze. but these commercial NLhazes of yesteryear are overdone today. the most popular commercial hazes are new silver haze(not that old one), super lemon haze, ghost train haze, amnesia core and blue dream. no old NLhaze in top five of commercial hazes. where is some frankincense haze hybrid? it disappeared. its not popular, its minority who like it. so you can grow nice top commercial haze hybrids. but if you want cerebral speedy trippy clear haze effect, you can grow OH, if you can get it. no northern lights haze is speedy or energetic. personal message to EB : Im not here to convince you, do your homework yourself please, and grow some OH, get it from Bushweed if you can. thanks.


atomizing haze essence
if its known to me, titans haze(skunkhaze) is from Skunkman genetics. and the guy who is asking where are those cuts of skunkhaze, crossed cut of titans haze with supersilversourdiesel haze and selling it.. so bad that cut is.. too funny :D haha


I dont know maybe original haze is not for the most, or working class as EB said. but its real haze, while neville´s haze is commercial. same for NLhaze. but these commercial NLhazes of yesteryear are overdone today. the most popular commercial hazes are new silver haze(not that old one), super lemon haze, ghost train haze, amnesia core and blue dream. no old NLhaze in top five of commercial hazes. where is some frankincense haze hybrid? it disappeared. its not popular, its minority who like it. so you can grow nice top commercial haze hybrids. but if you want cerebral speedy trippy clear haze effect, you can grow OH, if you can get it. no northern lights haze is speedy or energetic. personal message to EB : Im not here to convince you, do your homework yourself please, and grow some OH, get it from Bushweed if you can. thanks.

Yeah, I don't know where you live but you walk into most Barcelona and Amsterdam coffeeshops and they still carry Amnesia Haze / Nevilles Haze / SSH or NL5Haze. In AMS you can also find c5 / a5 ... and I know many people go there just to smoke these hazes. There is nothing there from Original Haze pure or a cross, we never found anything, why ? Because there was nothing good out of the OH crosses, not at least as good as the Haze hybrids Nevil made. Contrary to OH or OH hybrids where there is nothing good to be found thats why no coffeshop grows them or sells them. Do you think if they found exceptional plants they wouldnt grow them and sell them ? I know Nevs and OH are not productive plants but Nevs is still selling and OH hybrids are nowhere to be found.

Yes most people cared for 8weekers so they went for the 8week SSH and 8week Lemon Haze but the clubs these cuts have reek of frankincense every time. Even the 8 weekers. I lived in Barcelona for the last 4 years and I also was in Amsterdam all the time from 2001-07 and it will be difficult to walk into a coffeeshop that will not have something frankincense from Nevil's haze dads. And its usually the most expensive.

I don't see any original haze crosses in BCN or AMS. Tell me where can I find Original Haze or a single cross of it that is exceptional that I can smoke today. I can tell you at least 50 places you can go now and buy SSH/Amnesia and even some places carry Nevilles Haze and all of these will give frankincense.

I know Nevils Haze is a hybrid. I know the only pure is from Seedsman/TFD and f64 from Tom Hill. But I select for the pure Hazes in NH and they are much better, for me, than all the OH I ever smoked. For all intents and urposes for me it's extremely sativa and I don't detect any indicas in the most haze plants and I found them much more psychedelic. More tachycardic and I'll have a heart attack man . I am sure there might be a better OH plant out there but none of my friends found it so far.

I will be happy to grow some OH and share my results, I don't mind at all. In fact you guys make me wanna try some. What's so special about bushweeds version ?

Sorry to say but you went to Amsterdam 10 years to late to find pure Original Hazes in Coffeeshops. That said, believe it or not, but this is trippy too, the whole night long from 10pm. to 12am., you can get higher and higher, without getting tired and without coming down ...

View Image

I have at least 20 electric sativas that have no ceiling with no hangover/no tired. How trippy is it ? Will this haze plant leave you in a state of paranoia, counting your heartbeats trying to get sober, not understanding poeple from being to introspective/psychedelic ? Will it give you uncontrollable laughter ? Is it HAZE ? Or clear ?
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atomizing haze essence
Old pic from Nevil's 1990 catalog.

About the Frankincense aroma once more.Has everyone found this type of aroma in any other variety landrace or western variety which was not contaminated by the A5Hz?

here is report on rsc thai
Flavor/aroma: light sour fruit intro followed by a hazy, exotic incense. Hints of musk. Reminecent of some long lost incense sticks. More exotic terps.


atomizing haze essence
Yeah, I don't know where you live but you walk into most Barcelona and Amsterdam coffeeshops and they still carry Amnesia Haze / Nevilles Haze / SSH or NL5Haze. In AMS you can also find c5 / a5 ... and I know many people go there just to smoke these hazes. There is nothing there from Original Haze pure or a cross, we never found anything, why ? Because there was nothing good out of the OH crosses, not at least as good as the Haze hybrids Nevil made. Contrary to OH or OH hybrids where there is nothing good to be found thats why no coffeshop grows them or sells them. Do you think if they found exceptional plants they wouldnt grow them and sell them ? I know Nevs and OH are not productive plants but Nevs is still selling and OH hybrids are nowhere to be found.

Yes most people cared for 8weekers so they went for the 8week SSH and 8week Lemon Haze but the clubs these cuts have reek of frankincense every time. Even the 8 weekers. I lived in Barcelona for the last 4 years and I also was in Amsterdam all the time from 2001-07 and it will be difficult to walk into a coffeeshop that will not have something frankincense from Nevil's haze dads. And its usually the most expensive.

I don't see any original haze crosses in BCN or AMS. Tell me where can I find Original Haze or a single cross of it that is exceptional that I can smoke today. I can tell you at least 50 places you can go now and buy SSH/Amnesia and even some places carry Nevilles Haze and all of these will give frankincense.

I know Nevils Haze is a hybrid. I know the only pure is from Seedsman/TFD and f64 from Tom Hill. But I select for the pure Hazes in NH and they are much better, for me, than all the OH I ever smoked. For all intents and urposes for me it's extremely sativa and I don't detect any indicas in the most haze plants and I found them much more psychedelic. More tachycardic and I'll have a heart attack man . I am sure there might be a better OH plant out there but none of my friends found it so far.

I will be happy to grow some OH and share my results, I don't mind at all. In fact you guys make me wanna try some. What's so special about bushweeds version

if the most would like it, it would be in top 5 five hazes of today. what should I add? difference between neville´s haze and OH was said thousand times. last time by Johny Chicago. neville´s is hybrid - you cant get pure haze from it, that has no sense. its good, but in my eyes it lacks something special hard to describe.. like I said I found ceilling in NH. simply the point where you cant get higher. with tom hill haze not. I have titans haze cut for example, and its very good. tastier than Neville´s, also OH is much more tastier... so your statement that skunkhaze is not good, seems pretty false to me. if I want commerical haze, Im going to grow ghost train haze - beats neville´s or SSH. and if I want real haze, Im going to grow OH. Bushweed is great grower and he grew tons of neville´s haze, I used him as reference that OH is superior to NH. also because EB knows who he is. I guess.


OK thanks for the info MAHA KALA , much respect. Would you mind showing me some of your NH haze dominant plants that you still found that had a ceiling ? How many females did you try ? I am quite familiar with the NH plants and I would be suprised to find ceiling in half the 16-18 weekers. They smoke like most pure sativas no hangover/no ceiling


Well-known member
MNS Nev's Haze piney/catpiss/lemon/spicey/frankincense from 97 seed, my old clone that I had to let go.. Mistakes are forever :) The high is very psychedelic, similar to mushrooms or LSD. It will fill a room with frankincense/catpiss/pine resin/oriental candy shop smell and it will leave you unable to understand people.

Was this your NH? I'm only asking because I've seen seedbanks using this picture.


This I have found in Sam's gallery on another forum


atomizing haze essence
OK thanks for the info MAHA KALA , much respect. Would you mind showing me some of your NH haze dominant plants that you still found that had a ceiling ? How many females did you try ? I am quite familiar with the NH plants and I would be suprised to find ceiling in half the 16-18 weekers. They smoke like most pure sativas no hangover/no ceiling
I apologize, I cant take pic of full plant in greenhouse, its always big plant, and I cant step back to take pic. you know, I always get the cuts from guys who are like you, "the best haze in the world!!" but not.. whether its haze dom of SSH or NH - I dont know how many, every season practically.. this year I got NH cut from Holland, that one from Neville, that is last time I agreed with trying it, because of respect to guy who sent it to me. like I said, if its better than THH, I will say it. till now I have to agree with MadMac, that THH is superior. NH 16 weeker
other one


Dread & Alive
Does anyone have relatively recent experiences with Silver haze from sensi? Even if I wouldn't take anything from them, I admit that when I started to cultivate it had a certain charm about me ...


Was this your NH? I'm only asking because I've seen seedbanks using this picture.

View Image

This I have found in Sam's gallery on another forumView Image

Yes this is my NH. I have the full growlog over @ MrNice forums.. I had that girl for many years. I know the pictures have been ripped all over the internet ... its ok .. people like my plants :)

I apologize, I cant take pic of full plant in greenhouse, its always big plant, and I cant step back to take pic. you know, I always get the cuts from guys who are like you, "the best haze in the world!!" but not.. whether its haze dom of SSH or NH - I dont know how many, every season practically.. this year I got NH cut from Holland, that one from Neville, that is last time I agreed with trying it, because of respect to guy who sent it to me. like I said, if its better than THH, I will say it. till now I have to agree with MadMac, that THH is superior. NH 16
Respect. I feel exactly the same for OH, people were telling how its the pure, how this is the only original haze and the best etc etc and I smoked as much original haze and it was never as good, like people like you. They would come and tell me its not pure , NH hybrid, you need to try the pure stuff it has no ceiling , I have heard this stuff for 20 years and I always went to try their stuff but it was never as potent or as good as the NH I had.

But you seem to know what you are talking about so I will give THH a try. Isn't this heavily inbred though ? Thus the low yields and lower vigour ? Is there any other choice left ? From what I know seedsman is a repro , so what is left ? THH f93 from friends and seedsman repro or f8 from friends ?

Nevilles Haze Thai pheno




Its very typical for this pheno to do this swirl/ramshorn leaves while the rest of the NH garden will be super happy, its similar to some pure thais
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atomizing haze essence
I would repeat myself. In my opinion. stellar OH pheno is tastier, more cerebral, more energetic and overall more multidimensional in psychoactivity. and it seems Im not alone.. I dont know really where you can buy good original haze. if you like NH more, enjoy, it just has ceiling :D Im sure. from my point of view I dont care if it is pure variety, but if its pure spirit. NH is not, lacks vibe, special quality. thats why I am saying its commercial. maybe good for coffeeshops. I dont care, I dont drink coffee anymore. I smoke real haze instead. I will grow neville´s haze x colombian gold, Im sure it will be better than standard NH.. and its only way for me to go with Nlhazes, to cross it with laos or nice colombian. it gets much more interesting then. thanks.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
I dont know maybe original haze is not for the most, or working class as EB said. but its real haze, while neville´s haze is commercial. same for NLhaze. but these commercial NLhazes of yesteryear are overdone today. the most popular commercial hazes are new silver haze(not that old one), super lemon haze, ghost train haze, amnesia core and blue dream. no old NLhaze in top five of commercial hazes. where is some frankincense haze hybrid? it disappeared. its not popular, its minority who like it. so you can grow nice top commercial haze hybrids. but if you want cerebral speedy trippy clear haze effect, you can grow OH, if you can get it. no northern lights haze is speedy or energetic. personal message to EB : Im not here to convince you, do your homework yourself please, and grow some OH, get it from Bushweed if you can. thanks.

G `day MK

I`m not here for you to convince me either .
If I wanted it I would already have it .

I smoked Haze x Laos and Zamal and Lao . Didn`t impress me .
I already told you . I like like some bass with the treble ... I have been smoking ECSD x Nevil`s Haze and enjoying it , is that wrong ?

Different strokes for different folks .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

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