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Purple Urkle Lineage?


Spider Crab

I just feel that there are many, many, many growers out there that grow all types of vegetables and herbs along with cannabis, and don't pay any attention to the internet, and share clones of good plants they stumble upon with a few friends.....

One of these friends might be better connected and also spend a lot of time on the internet....

There are so many reasons a story can get innocently twisted, or made up to protect the original grower who doesn't want any attention.

By the time it gets to the 10th person in line, It's like chinese whispers.

You start saying 'Green Frog' and it ends up 'Pink Unicorn'.

Twisted pleasur

Active member
Why does this shit always have to happen to a good thread.? haters always ruin it for the rest of us. If you dont have pics and proof you have ever ran the SUBJECT IN QUESTION then just read and stay the fuck out of it.


Active member
I put up legit info...and some people jus wanna argue....oh well...it is what it is..old school people in the US have this code of stoner ethics and the older ones of us jus know the code...its an unwritten book of coolness...its hard to explain, but its our bible...
now days the fukn trolls on here wanna argue that its not a dollar, its 100 cents...others hear stuff second hand and they argue like they experienced it first hand...how many times have you heard...well i heard it(second hand) so its true...even though they never had any experience with it at all...but they still ague like they were there first hand...i wish we could password protect these threads so trolls can't get in...what this place has evolved into is just sad...i have left this site twice cause of it ...but love so many cool peeps on here and kept coming back...i think when you are only argumentative and you argue with a few credible peeps on here you should be kicked to the curb...think the mods need to address this...it a major problem on here..dj

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
I have read about Krinkle a little more. Very interesting! I can't wait for DNA testing, the family tree of strains will be so cool to learn.

Anyone have good Krinkle links could you post them up?

I still can't post pics, but I have some PU in my album.

Also can anyone comment on how PCK by Ace/Cannabiogen , the effect, compared to Urkle? Just curious :)

Off to troll growhi :D

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!


Original Editor of ICMagazine
My apologies, but why was this not reported previously?

If someone doesn't press the 'report post' button then these things just go on and on.

I just deleted 47 posts in this one thread alone that were definitely way off topic, and rude trolling by one person. That person has now been banned.

This whole situation would NOT have happened if brought to the attention of a moderator.

We can not read every post every day in every thread, we depend on YOU to help us keep the peace...

Now, I hope this thread is not completely ruined and we can continue with the interesting discussion of purple... a favourite of mine for it's pain killing properties in all of its variations.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Thank you for the disinfecting Payaso!

The Purple Urkle is one of the finest strains to treat my Wife's fibromyalgia. She says it has great muscle relaxing properties, and it also helps with the monthly devil lol.

For me, its the complex high and flavor profile is what I enjoy. Bonus is the beautiful flowers!
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Horticultural enthusiast
ICMag Donor
My apologies, but why was this not reported previously?

If someone doesn't press the 'report post' button then these things just go on and on.

I just deleted 47 posts in this one thread alone that were definitely way off topic, and rude trolling by one person. That person has now been banned.

This whole situation would NOT have happened if brought to the attention of a moderator.

We can not read every post every day in every thread, we depend on YOU to help us keep the peace...

Now, I hope this thread is not completely ruined and we can continue with the interesting discussion of purple... a favourite of mine for it's pain killing properties in all of its variations.

I just think people don't like snitching in general(,I don't), but to honor threads like this one I'll make sure an tell you next time.

I love purps :woohoo:

Twisted pleasur

Active member
Growhi banned. Thank you mods! Wasn't any sense in the drivel spewed forth by him.
Thank god...

Here is a clone hat was given to me years ago. Ive been trying to lock down a PU cut to compare them. I believe this girl to be a PUxChem cross of some sort. She is the pinical of greasy...
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Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
The Purple Urkle is back in my garden!! :dance013:

I will post up some pics once she is cloned 8000 times haha and I get some flowers forming.


Twisted pleasur

Active member
Nice..look forward to it. I got some white urkle rooted and veggin doing the same cloning and flowering. Look forward to see how the wife likes it lol...Good Luck Les.


how long can you keep a mother actually?
even the best mothers and gardeners must experience
some sort of genetic deficiency sooner or later.

the irony of a beautifully crafted strain.


ICMag Donor
If you take care of your plants and keep them healthy - there is no reason you can't keep a mother indefinitely without any genetic degradation.

When you take clones, take twice as many as you need and only keep the ones that root first, that wilt / brown the least, etc...then toss the rest.



sounds good, but i have to admit i cant ignore others talking about
the deterioration of the genes through time in a mother.

they are just not meant to grow forever.
sure you can take another clone there and always take the best
but sooner or later its over..

the genome can only duplicate clean for a certain amount of time
its like we humans grow old either.

i am sure you can keep it for many many years though.

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
...there is no reason you can't keep a mother indefinitely without any genetic degradation...
Well, nitpicking as I am :D , it has been observed with trees that separate branches can start to show different phenotypes (which means that way earlier, there were genetic changes taking place). Truthfully, these trees I'm talking about are mostly huge tropical canopy trees of hundreds of years of age and the mutations taking place are mainly normal spontaneous point mutations, the driving force of everyday evolution ;) .
But Frank's right, plants (unlike us mortal humans) have the potential to live eternally without too much of a change (at least not a change a single human could track with his own eyes as long as there's no working human body cryopreservation LoL).


Horticultural enthusiast
ICMag Donor
What about tissue cultures and plantlets??? :kos:

Isn't that a much better way to preserve genetics?

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Twisted pleasur

Active member
If you take care of your plants and keep them healthy - there is no reason you can't keep a mother indefinitely without any genetic degradation.

When you take clones, take twice as many as you need and only keep the ones that root first, that wilt / brown the least, etc...then toss the rest.


Yep im going on 9 years with some cuts. Ill put them up against any new plants from seed.