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Purple Strain Connoisseur

Purple Strain Connoisseur

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ICMag Donor
Nice purple in the BB resin ...this is the original from Dj right? :wink:

on some F-13 phenos is also a bit purpling in a few trics :headbange



New member
hi, all. is real good to find this.
I live in colombia, and you can find ganja very easy and cheap but you dont get nothing about info, origin, etc. plus most is green or yellow. i want to get seeds for purple-blue plants, but dont know where or which varieties. any recomendations please. can they be grown in tropical climates, or they are just from temperates?

The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
60 day Deep Chunk, high 70's low 80s max temps. square 5.5"pot coco and 15% hydroton with GH Lucas Formula nutes.



Evolution 2(by Dopest)

Silver Pearl x Kodiak Gold

Silver Pearl(f2)

Kodiak Gold(lavender pheno)

Harvested buds


Active member
yeah keep em coming. nice work people. I'm gonna harvest too close to the end of this month, lets see how much she will still bulk up before I chop her. sweet little dutch dragon girl, I hope I get the curing process right :) PEACE


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Strawberry Cough Day 68

Strawberry Cough Day 68

I thought when my Twilight hermied and had to be chopped early that I'd no longer be able to contribute to one of my favourite threads :( but all is not lost as upon closer inspection today I discovered that some of my Strawberry Cough are turning purple!!!


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Whats up ya'll?
I had a quick question, and I thought the people that frequent this thread would be able to give me the most info.
Theres an old man that I've known for a few years, we often exchange info on growing, any strains we mite have, taste each others finished product, and so on.
Hes visiting a friend of his out in the mid-west, and bringing back purple haze cuttings.
We aren't sure if its the real purple haze, but his friend claims to have been growing the strain since he received cuttings for it in 1973.
Could this be authentic?
Is there anywhere I can go to gather more info to try and confirm it myself?
Im trying not to get my hopes up, right now Im figuring if its at least purple, easy to grow, and potent, I'll be happy cuz its free.

Peace :joint:


I spy with my little eye, about 6 photos in this thread which are blatently photoshopped.

Everything else however looks SEXY! Nice thread.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Lemon said:
I spy with my little eye, about 6 photos in this thread which are blatently photoshopped.

Everything else however looks SEXY! Nice thread.

Could you please cue in the clueless as to which photos are photoshopped? I personally don't see any.... and considering I know how to alter images in photoshop...


Here's an example:


How can one tell: Note the flat color, and the background. Unless our friend the poster has an eccentric fashion sense (read: purple walls and purple baseboards), the hue in this photo was adjusted. Looking at midtones and colors that should be neutral is a good indicator.

Someone who is more experienced in photo editing will know how to target specific color channels to avoid this dead giveaway, although the experienced eye can still pick it out from a mile away. Example:


^and you'd never know unless I told you :smile:

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Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Ya, ****ing uncanny. Thanks for the heads up. I would have never known on those last pics... crazy.


Lemon said:
Here's an example:


How can one tell: Note the flat color, and the background. Unless our friend the poster has an eccentric fashion sense (read: purple walls and purple baseboards), the hue in this photo was adjusted. Looking at midtones and colors that should be neutral is a good indicator.

^and you'd never know unless I told you :smile:

unfreggin believable. Yer right if you didn't show the example I would have never guessed that bud shown was edited...


Active member
wow havent stopped by in a while and things are looking awesome. PURPLE POWER!!
haha. lemon sweet photoshop skills and good eye :D

peace all


Herbal relaxation...
capncrunchn420 said:
Whats up ya'll?
I had a quick question, and I thought the people that frequent this thread would be able to give me the most info.
Theres an old man that I've known for a few years, we often exchange info on growing, any strains we mite have, taste each others finished product, and so on.
Hes visiting a friend of his out in the mid-west, and bringing back purple haze cuttings.
We aren't sure if its the real purple haze, but his friend claims to have been growing the strain since he received cuttings for it in 1973.
Could this be authentic?
Is there anywhere I can go to gather more info to try and confirm it myself?
Im trying not to get my hopes up, right now Im figuring if its at least purple, easy to grow, and potent, I'll be happy cuz its free.

Peace :joint:

Yeah, it´s possible. Oldschool "Purple Haze" isnt a strain, but a phenotype of Haze. There seem to be myth, that it is very rare/difficult to find, but if you got your hands on almost unselected oldschool Hazeline that has wide genetic diversity, you will find that it´s very common. Most known Hazeline nowadays, that give you black, silver, blue, purple, green & red plants is Oldtimers Haze line.

Aceseeds have preserved the throught of many years hardwork and it´s now commercially available from them. If you wanna more info about this line you should check out this link:

One thing about the cut you are about to receive is that if it´s authentic, almost unselected Hazepheno is, that it isnt too easy to grow and it flowers approximately 14 - 26 weeks :jawdrop:

But, if you manage to understand this fine strain and you have optimal conditons for her you are going to be rewarded at least with good yield and VERY, VERY potent erb´!!!

There is also strains named "Purple Haze", but manytimes they dont have any connections to the legendary 70´s Purple Haze which really was a phenotype of the Haze!!!!!

One thing that should give you a vision about the authencity of this Purple Haze cutting, is the floweringtime. If it flowers under 12 weeks it´s pretty sure that it isnt "the legenday Purple Haze"!!!! If you could arrange some pics of this cutting and some more info it would be easier to tell you about the authencity of the cut!!!

However, if your friend is a man/woman of his/hers words and he/she said that he/she received the cut in 1973, then I would say you have pretty good changes to authentic Haze!!!

But, I was at the belief that growers didnt take cuttings/even got the wisdom of clones in those times. Maybe SamTheSkunkman could clarify us about this subject if he reads this...
Very informative, I guess its possible that the person got seeds for it back in '73, but still, you may be right and cloning wasn't around then to keep it alive in that way.

As soon as I get it, I think Im going to start vegging it to be a mum, then build a separate flowering box for it, just in case it really does take up to 26weeks! And of course, I'll be taking pictures of it and post them here.

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