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Pure Thai Sativas

Donald Mallard

el duck
Thai Sticks was long dried and than shipped minimum 6-8 weeks around the world.
My Thai Stick today I get to smoke maybe still breathing,allive???
yes , i think up to 12 months even before any westerners were toking the goods ,
green sativa , barely dry , isnt very good , and tastes nasty too ,, lol ...
fully ripened and long cure ftw ... every time ...


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as we talked before, it's mostly a soil thing
the wrong soil can make a same pheno very leafy, I saw that outdoors working with some ignorants. It's for all cannabis too, doesn't matter which genotype, it's soil pH mostly

besides that, I just try new things along the way.
so this time i used rather small pots, and used all clones straight into flowering @11/13hrs then reduce to 10/14h after 2 weeks
but they still ended up getting huge for 6liters, up to 8ft colas and some even 10ft but bent down multiple times

using medium extra feeding to make up for the lack of soil available.
also adding a lot of microbe products in the mix, so its like an instant compost tea each watering. Unfortunately some over watering happened along the way, drowning the big roots, hence the fade and de-leaf for the relatively short flowering time of 11 weeks past
I still see fresh white roots growing on the topsoil though, so they have a good healthy micro life.

and watering, they need it often in these small pots
but not too much, so its a very difficult dance
without me being handicapped by injury, I would have had the strength to make much more of an effort to keep em green & lush for while and push for maximum yield, transplanting again etc.
had to settle for survival mode and getting it done rather quick by using all kinds of tricks in feeding & light, working the bear minimum intensity with only one healthy reliable arm available.
Beauty’s all of them 💥


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My thanks to everyone offering insights/comments here.

I personally recognize a strong “nostalgia effect” whenever I think about Thai weed in particular.

So many of the recent posts support my own complicated thoughts on the current situation in Thailand. I’m a noob at serious long term growing. I cannot help thinking, will this LAST in Thailand? And that statement alone can trigger controversy. Could be a great benefit to the community or the world and yet others may think it is not. Both points are complex and valid. I’m grateful for ALL the contributions and am old enough to winnow the larf from the bud.
I think @Donald Mallard summed it up very well and @Piff_cat always brings details for those of us who like minutia. Just sayin It’s all good for me.
Old quote (anonymous I believe)
No man is your friend no man is your enemy every man is your teacher


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In my Mind SE Asian Strains vary between HEmpcultivar - Drugcultivar
I think in SE Asia in the old Times there werent so much foreign genetics from from far away, f you look on Phylos you see some , but anyway..
i mostly thnik that there were Hemp Cultivars and Drugcultivars intermingeling.

I felt two different syles of Effects from SE Asia Strains from my smoking experiences:
I found that the Vietblack - Snowhigh has a fierce Qualtiy
And CambodianHaze - Oldschoolba (Reeferman) has a Soft Quality.

I specualte that in bouth cases there were Hempcultivars at play.
In Vietblack its probably like an outcross of Hemp with Drug, (it says northern x southern Vietnamese, and northern has much hemp).
For the Cambodianhaze, Reeferman himselve specualted wether or not its a hempcultivar, as he bought it from a local Market (even tho he tells another Story everytime, lol). But i felt the low-potency , as did another grower of it, but SE Asian vibes..,

So i can specualte that Cambodianhaze is a mostly pure Hempcultivar that he picked up (and crossed with 1/4 Haze to make Cambodianhaze). And because left pure, it doesnt give this fierce outcrossing-power-- I mean not outcrossed hemp with drug from same region, he instead used a average haze

So i see mostly this two directions that old SE Asians lean thowards. OF CORSE there are smaller nuances like Cambodian and Vietnamese, theyre all a bit different, but i agree, very big similarities..

The differenciation of this Fiercen-ness of Softness is much bigger for me than the difference between a realdeal Cambodian vs Vietnamese vs Thai.
May someone proove me wrong, i havent tested much, but the best was under it, Its possible one flinds something very different

(oh and i can specualte if this mindblowing Thai was actually also a bit Hempinfluenced? since its also very fierce right? It would also match the speculations that Thai was actually a Laos Strain, but well, if it was Laotian it would BE Laotian, but thai was more, well, fierce? so it could be just Laos crossed with Hempy Thai Strains, as Donald mentioned that many Thais say they were not thaat much of weedsmokers,, so they probably didnt select so much for potent effect, hence their Strains were "hempy")
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Is one reason people thought of homegrown as weak early on....It was uncured

And who knew...People figured it out ..... but you dont need it for wide leaf plants

The sativas tastse terrible and do nothing for 6 months Its True
Could not agree more. Homegrown in med states increase indoor supply lower price but huge decline quality and effect. Those who supplied wholesale before med days were professional risking liberty for huge gains. They had their shit together had method down and provided stable dependable product. Furthermore outdoor landrace drying techniques and underground clay curing were necessary depending on enviorment this process brings its own advantages.
Thermal conversion of the less volatile bur more powerful sesquiterpenes /alcohols is a huge component of sativa. They smell very little before drying curing due to more complex chemical structures. Not to mention decarbing of thca cbca and the thermal change of cbc to cbt.
Oxidation under the right conditions can completely change metabolite content. Try smoking uncured sativa in joint clip half of it out. Light back up next day will be totally different in good way Look at Tea post harvest methods responsible for entire profile


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ICMag Donor
I miss comment from grower here about the Thai strains pictures which I posted the last 7 days.
I loved your pictures and many of us hit the "like" button. Interesting to see and they look like the real thing to me. Please keep posting pictures. I'd love to see some closer shots of the buds if you can manage.

I hope you are going to cure some of that stuff correctly and report back. Those older varieties will lose their reputation if they aren't harvested and cured correctly, which in turn will lead the market to more modern hybrids. International visitors will soon tire of being told everything is an authentic Thai Stick, if it in fact isn't as well.

Donald Mallard

el duck
oh i see having read chi 's comment now what you meant ,
and i agree with his statement , folks want the real deal us older fellows have raved about for eons ,
they might think we were on about nothing much , their suspicions will be confirmed , haha ..

if you see those guys again pill , tell them the season for those plants is almost over , their plants need to get a wriggle on as far as maturing , lest they reveg soon with the hours increasing and all is lost ...
no point planting more until june i reckon , of that sort of plant anyhow ...


Active member
oh i see having read chi 's comment now what you meant ,
and i agree with his statement , folks want the real deal us older fellows have raved about for eons ,
they might think we were on about nothing much , their suspicions will be confirmed , haha ..

if you see those guys again pill , tell them the season for those plants is almost over , their plants need to get a wriggle on as far as maturing , lest they reveg soon with the hours increasing and all is lost ...
no point planting more until june i reckon , of that sort of plant anyhow ...
You are talkig,talking,talking.
What do you think about all the strains I posted the last 7 days?
Any other growers,what do you think?

Till now no one comment about the strains!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Hi Pilis
Donald is clearly commenting what he thinks and I agree with him from the experience I am having with Thai plants

Those plants are not going to be properly harvested. They were sprouted late surely a lot after june or july. At this time of the year, they should be finnished, harvested and put into a long cure, at least 4 months cure but 6 months was the norm in the 20th century for all pure sativas around the planet and it is the curing time I need on my thais
If it is cut it, dry it and smoke it and it hits as somebody has claimed here, then it is an hybrid and not a pure Thai strain

I cant smoke the weed you show so I cant comment. But from the pictures it is clearly seen these guys have no experience growing pure thais and hopefully they will learn and improve. I see love in the pictures from the guy at the school. I was also rural teacher in Asia and I can feel he loves what he does. But his plants are immature and should be finnished by now. So you will smoke immature weed which will hit with long cure

I hope it helps, I really hope they learn to grow properly because I will have to go back to live in Asia and I prefer to source weed from a decent grower than to grow it myself. Where I am living now it is no choice, I need to grow myself to get decent weed and what I am seeing in Thailand is a lot of bullshitting going on compared with just a few years ago


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ICMag Donor
Sorry,still no answer.

About the plants.They are real thai?
Anybody who saw before real thais?
They look like traditional Thai varieties, and they are growing in Thailand. They don't look like hybrids.

I'm not sure what else you expect? There are pictures available of Thai plants from the 70's. Have a look at this article.


Active member
They look like traditional Thai varieties, and they are growing in Thailand. They don't look like hybrids.

I'm not sure what else you expect? There are pictures available of Thai plants from the 70's. Have a look at this article.
Thanks,was the first step.


Well-known member
They look like traditional Thai varieties, and they are growing in Thailand. They don't look like hybrids.

I'm not sure what else you expect? There are pictures available of Thai plants from the 70's. Have a look at this article.
Yeah not all Thai plants are the really tall , lanky Haze looking plants.
You can see that they are still have a very open flower structure

Donald Mallard

el duck
You are talkig,talking,talking.
What do you think about all the strains I posted the last 7 days?
Any other growers,what do you think?

Till now no one comment about the strains!!!!!!!
oh , i thought that was the purpose of the forum
to discuss things , as everyone has been doing pills ,
you seem a little put off by the conversation though??

i told you what i thought,
they dont look very healthy in the green house ,
otherwise they look like sativa to me ,and since they are in thailand ,
they are probably thai sativa ,, i thought the farmers will have told you this though ,
if you want folks here to identify them , its not going to happen because we only know what you are telling us,
its obvious the growers you have visited are only beginners/amateurs,
so likely they dont understand genetics much either ,
didnt you ask them where they got the seed and what it was ??

if you want more from your audience , you need to ask folks more clearly exactly what you want from them ...