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Pure Thai Sativas


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Donald Mallard

el duck
i wonder how long these guys have to go before those thai plants feel the weight of the increasing day lengths and show signs of reveg ,
maybe another month , maybe some will finish before , but id bet a bunch are going to want to regrow in the not too distant future ...


Well-known member
but id bet a bunch are going to want to regrow in the not too distant future

wish my clones had that same urge^^

9 month old plant material at this point, especially your Laos are impossible to reveg, they just keep growing with lots of new pistils.

gonna make new seed with those stressflowering, Laos x Panama f1 and Laos x Jamaican f1 sound interesting enough for an effort.
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Well-known member
I guess any Thai can be wrapped around a stick, but the effect will be the test. Looking forward to going there and trying for myself.

Do you think it might be more likely to get traditional varieties in country areas?

Your plants look great btw.

Not many old farmers with many many years of experience arent getting a chance to be involved with the cannabis industry out there. No one even asks about those poorer old farmers who have probably been doing it for generations just to survive and feed their families. Unfortunately alot of them, the experience and the genetics they hold are being left out.....I know one very respected guy out there who does seem to be working with some proper old growers .....I know some of them are trying to put a system in place so the old growers can be utilized in the industry and given some recognition....and hopefully some protection and recognition fpr the genetics they hold....we've seen what happened so far...the government and big cats get hold of these thai strain and give them protection and recognition...but was any of the growers they came from given any recognition...or anything at all....does anyone know who gave each of the strains under the government list.....also I see pleanty of the thai guys laughing about giving foreigners just average stuff.....there is some great stuff out there still...but untill the old guys holding them are given some protection, recognition and their genetics some protection we probably wont see some of the best out there yet.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Yea i dont know about that darkie ,
its been over 40 years ,
how old do you think those guys are by now??
and do u really think they have held onto seeds that long ??

personally i think they are both too old and have no genetics left from the 70s ,
anything growing now is from stuff that has been reproduced over and over in small , probably 1 to one matings ,
or is from laos seed stock ...
until recently there wasnt a heck of a lot of weed growing in thailand and most of what was for sale came from laos in the form of brick weed ....


Well-known member
wish my clones had that same urge^^

9 month old plant material at this point, especially your Laos are impossible to reveg, they just keep growing with lots of new pistils.

gonna make new seed with those stressflowering, Laos x Panama f1 and Laos x Jamaican f1 sound interesting enough for an effort.

Ive come across some plants like that before....they just take time...some have taken a good few months to reveg properly..although 9months is probably abit much...have you tried them under 24hour lights on


Active member
Would have loved to be outdoors like that for school as a kid. Maybe not on bales of hay though. The teacher should hold shop class and make everyone make themselves a chair. :D
The village is working together with an university to grow organic rice and onions.
On the picture one man showing a 1 kg organic rice brik.


Active member
The school have a visitors book,I had to write a few nice words in it.
I had to hold one of this rice brik and they made pictures with me for advertising I love this people.
I stay in Nakhon Phanon now more than a week and saw till now only 2 falangs!

I met one of them in my hotel, he is from Holland.He told me about his Italien grower friend who would be proud to show his thai plants.
I'm comming!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Most of what pilis is posting looks very much like authentic Thai to me? What do others think?

As for Thai Stick, did it come from one area, or all over Thailand? Was it several different cultivars, I wonder, or one particular.