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Pure Thai Sativas

Donald Mallard

el duck
Most of what pilis is posting looks very much like authentic Thai to me? What do others think?

As for Thai Stick, did it come from one area, or all over Thailand? Was it several different cultivars, I wonder, or one particular.
as far as i know the thai stick , the export cannabis grown in thailand and made into sticks ,
was all from the Isaan provinces , like udonthani , nong khai , sakon nakhon etc , along the border of Laos ..
im sure there was cannabis in many other places , but mostly subsistence farming and not grown for sale or export ...


Well-known member
for me, modern thais look diferent, atleast all those i see on the net.

less colors/hues like red, blue, yellow gold.
the colors look a also bit like when you print a computer picture, dull, grey, brown, washed out, incase we compare to a 70s green specimen.

The leaves look more fragile ? like slightly more light shining trough in modern varieties..

The elegance overall is very low in modern Thais.
The resin of modern Thais looks like sandpaper if i have to use a word to describe it.

Those descriptions are what i subjectively seem to percieve in almost any Landrace Region (Southamerica, Africa).
(one of the best examples today i also found from Laos, but yeah, still not the same)


Well-known member

click on pics for full size!!!

Hmong Hilltribe #8 @fd75

Laos #11 @75d

Laos #8


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Well-known member
Most of what pilis is posting looks very much like authentic Thai to me? What do others think?

As for Thai Stick, did it come from one area, or all over Thailand? Was it several different cultivars, I wonder, or one particular.
Most of what pilis is posting looks very much like authentic Thai to me? What do others think?

As for Thai Stick, did it come from one area, or all over Thailand? Was it several different cultivars, I wonder, or one particular.

Donald did you find it the same as this.......there were clearly a few different strains made into thai stick....but wen a batch of sticks came in say of one strain it wasn't like 100 sticks seemed to be made from one phenotype and a 100 from a different phenotype plant of the same strain...you wouldn't get some sticks from that strain that were crap cuz they were from a crap phenotype...and some that were way better because they were from a better pheno....but in the whole shipment of that strain all the sticks would be of the same quality.....yes sometimes in the next shipment if the strain was the same it might be slightly fresher or dryer...or maybe abit darker looking..or lighter looking...or for example from someone you might get a few sticks that were dryer from a older batch but you could tell when it was the same type....but when batches come you could clearly tell when it was again the same strain they had grown and it would come out at a similar grade....but there were defo a few different strains they were making into thai stick....
The people who were working them and breeding the types knew exactly what they were doing...and were obviously very good at what they were doing..did you find it the same for you guys there Donald

Donald Mallard

el duck
i dont know how much you have had to do with commercial cannabis production darkie,
but what you are describing is common , never mind if its all the same or not ,
folks are just pumping it out , and there will be variations based on when its harvested , how long it dried , how well it was handled , stored , cured ,, etc
ive noted folks telling me some bags of stuff id grown was different to other bags of it they got , they were not right though , it was all much the same stuff , harvested at different times , and other factors , and yes of course not every plant is exactly the same as the one beside it but in large amounts you are probably getting a mix of many plants anyhow ...

commercial growers dont do things the same way as some guys growing in their wardrobes or tents ,
they dont have time too ,
then consumers with little to do sit there putting it all under a microscope and making theories and judgments that may mean nothing much in the whole scheme of things ,
i see this from folks i deal with all the time ,
they question me about some pot they may have gotten from me , and their theory behind what it was etc , and where it came from
generally i just go "huh" ,, lol ... just smoke it dudes ,, worry less and just get high ...
theres a saying thais say along those lines ,
"dont think too much" lol ...


Well-known member
i dont know how much you have had to do with commercial cannabis production darkie,
but what you are describing is common , never mind if its all the same or not ,
folks are just pumping it out , and there will be variations based on when its harvested , how long it dried , how well it was handled , stored , cured ,, etc
ive noted folks telling me some bags of stuff id grown was different to other bags of it they got , they were not right though , it was all much the same stuff , harvested at different times , and other factors , and yes of course not every plant is exactly the same as the one beside it but in large amounts you are probably getting a mix of many plants anyhow ...

commercial growers dont do things the same way as some guys growing in their wardrobes or tents ,
they dont have time too ,
then consumers with little to do sit there putting it all under a microscope and making theories and judgments that may mean nothing much in the whole scheme of things ,
i see this from folks i deal with all the time ,
they question me about some pot they may have gotten from me , and their theory behind what it was etc , and where it came from
generally i just go "huh" ,, lol ... just smoke it dudes ,, worry less and just get high ...
theres a saying thais say along those lines ,
"dont think too much" lol ...

I have found in some lose batches buds that seem crappier.(wen done from seed)....but most pressed up you cant really tell...... .more so im thinking seed wise donald.....ive tried quite a few were the plants can be quite different......but with some older strains its abit more fixed.....(im thinking a lot of the seed available that you see....not yours...you obviously try and keep decent stuff and know how to get the best out of it.)

Donald Mallard

el duck
you mean unpressed weed and pressed weed ??
i noted a fair bit of variation with it too , but i suspect its like i said ,
and i pulled some apart to check , some is immature , some is more mature and handled better ,
and there is definitely variation , this i s the joy of cannabis , the diversity ,
landraces have variation and diversity , but they are along the same theme , i mean landrace strains of specific areas are all a similar them , with some variation amongst it , a bit like most hybrids we grow too ,
in a 10 pack u may get several slightly different plants , but they have similarities enough to tell you they are from the same batch of seed ,
i hope i said that clearly , ahhaha , sometimes its hard to relay meanings in writing on here ...


Well-known member
id say you are getting the best from them based on what im seeing ,
great fade , nice resin , not too much leaf , etc etc ..

as we talked before, it's mostly a soil thing
the wrong soil can make a same pheno very leafy, I saw that outdoors working with some ignorants. It's for all cannabis too, doesn't matter which genotype, it's soil pH mostly

besides that, I just try new things along the way.
so this time i used rather small pots, and used all clones straight into flowering @11/13hrs then reduce to 10/14h after 2 weeks
but they still ended up getting huge for 6liters, up to 8ft colas and some even 10ft but bent down multiple times

using medium extra feeding to make up for the lack of soil available.
also adding a lot of microbe products in the mix, so its like an instant compost tea each watering. Unfortunately some over watering happened along the way, drowning the big roots, hence the fade and de-leaf for the relatively short flowering time of 11 weeks past
I still see fresh white roots growing on the topsoil though, so they have a good healthy micro life.

and watering, they need it often in these small pots
but not too much, so its a very difficult dance
without me being handicapped by injury, I would have had the strength to make much more of an effort to keep em green & lush for while and push for maximum yield, transplanting again etc.
had to settle for survival mode and getting it done rather quick by using all kinds of tricks in feeding & light, working the bear minimum intensity with only one healthy reliable arm available.


Active member
Let me tell you my experience on this Thai Stick finding journey.

Only in Bangkok I get good Thai Stick,was realy happy making strain,flying in die air,no paraoina or bad end.
Was dry weed.
Very good.

In Khon Kaen,Nakhon Phanon and Phon Sawan I met grower they all have Thai Stick,saw the plants too I believe them.
All of them give me a flower sample of the strains to test the smoke.
No one was good,I was only feeling the beginning of the high and thats it!
In Germany I have 1000 times better flowers!

They cut the plant tooo early!
Not even dry it for a week!
Just want to make money fast.
Last exemple today.
The italien grower give me a Thai Stick and an other thai flowers for testing.
As you can see in the picture those flowers not even 5 days old!
All growers I met have no idee from perfect cannabis growing.
They have the right plants but no knowlige.



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Active member
Rainy day.
Was today at the italian grower place.
He want to built up a hippi comunity like the real ones in the 1970-s.
He mandate me to publish his phonenumber and adress,he want to see in the near future many cannabis lovers they like him are dreaming all day from this plant.


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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
as far as i know the thai stick , the export cannabis grown in thailand and made into sticks ,
was all from the Isaan provinces , like udonthani , nong khai , sakon nakhon etc , along the border of Laos ..
im sure there was cannabis in many other places , but mostly subsistence farming and not grown for sale or export ...
Thanks for the info.
Speaking of Laos; I dug out some of your Laos this evening that I've been curing now for about a year, and wow, it has developed into a very nice vape/smoke. It has become more intense and happy. It was ok a few months ago but nowhere near this good. :tiphat:

I wonder what a lot of people miss by not being able to do long cures.

Maybe the future of Thai/Laos/SE Asian weed lies in something like aged wines? I hate the thought of it harvested too early, not cured bud being sold. It will lose it's reputation before it starts.
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Donald Mallard

el duck
Thanks for the info.
Speaking of Laos; I dug out some of your Laos this evening that I've been curing now for about a year, and wow, it has developed into a very nice vape/smoke. It has become more intense and happy. It was ok a few months ago but nowhere near this good. :tiphat:

I wonder what a lot of people miss by not being able to do long cures.

Maybe the future of Thai/Laos/SE Asian weed lies in something like aged wines? I hate the thought of it harvested too early, not cured bud being sold. It will lose it's reputation before it starts.
thanks for letting me know and also mostly for having the patience to cure it over that period,
sure makes a difference doesnt it ??

the key to that stuff is grow it well , and mature it well , then a nice long cure , 6 to 12 months ,
only then will folks see , experience what we did all those years ago with the thai sticks ...

i know i only skimmed over by saying grow well and mature well ,
you guys know what i mean though ...


Active member
thanks for letting me know and also mostly for having the patience to cure it over that period,
sure makes a difference doesnt it ??

the key to that stuff is grow it well , and mature it well , then a nice long cure , 6 to 12 months ,
only then will folks see , experience what we did all those years ago with the thai sticks ...

i know i only skimmed over by saying grow well and mature well ,
you guys know what i mean though ...
Thai Sticks was long dried and than shipped minimum 6-8 weeks around the world.
My Thai Stick today I get to smoke maybe still breathing,allive???