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2 Peruvian golds from deep in the #jungle of the Amazon rain forest in atalaya where #chocolate originated.

my guess is this pure #landrace #columbiangold came to the region with #coca producers from #Columbia in the 80s when the columbian government cracked down on cartels and they moved to #peru and #Bolivia where to my knowledge has been untouched since

there is a diversity from chocolate, woods and #roadkillskunk. very pungent either way. but looking for the skunkers for my road-kill project I revived last year after taking a 10 year break.

#medmanbrand #lordofloud #loudskunk #skunk



Well-known member
i thought nl #2 was mostly indica and not half thai ,
i never took much notice of the stuff with nevil as some was just downright confusing , haha ,
but i do recall watching a podcast with old whats his name who said the lower numbered nls were more indica, #1 being pure indica ,
so can we confirm nl # 2 isnt a thai cross ,
is there some quote or lineage recorded t??



Well-known member
Again, thanks for your reply. Let me be more specific then.

1. Can you describe the "actual effects" and what they feel like; and how would you compare them to Bufo? We still have Sonora Toad around, so I'm more interested in the effects of Ayahuasca, particularly compared to Bufo, since you've done them both. I can honestly say, I've not run into anyone who has done an Ayahuasca ceremony, let alone both.

2. What did you receive from the ceremonies or how did they help you? Did you receive advise, ego death, anything?

Sorry for asking for such details, but I don't take journeys unless there is a reason for doing so (although I've used, in the name of science as an excuse before) ;)

I havent done Aya, but Ive done psilohuasca. Its mushrooms with an MAOi, since mushrooms also have DMT in them. And Ive done psilo, dmt, plus MAOi. It makes the 15 minute dmt trip into a 4 hour dmt trip.
Amazing stuff.
Ive not yet dont 5meo dmt (bufo).

With any of the DMTs, there a pause and reflection that happens which is void of Medman's behavior here.


Well-known member
Again, thanks for your reply. Let me be more specific then.

1. Can you describe the "actual effects" and what they feel like; and how would you compare them to Bufo? We still have Sonora Toad around, so I'm more interested in the effects of Ayahuasca, particularly compared to Bufo, since you've done them both. I can honestly say, I've not run into anyone who has done an Ayahuasca ceremony, let alone both.

2. What did you receive from the ceremonies or how did they help you? Did you receive advise, ego death, anything?

Sorry for asking for such details, but I don't take journeys unless there is a reason for doing so (although I've used, in the name of science as an excuse before) ;)

I have only attended one Aya ceremony. So I am sure it can have a full spectrum of effects that are beyond what I experienced. I took a typical smoked dmt experienced and stretched it from 10 minutes to around 4 hours. It way very gentle compared to dmt. It gave a chance to get past the shock and awe of blasting off and allowed a chance to relax into the space. Visually very similar to mushrooms. But I like to eat a hefty dose of mushrooms when I do so it usually is very dmt like anyways. I was followed a strict dieta for the month before and experienced no purging effects. Just little gas. Overall it was a very pleasant experience. I have been a somewhat frequent user of L and mushrooms for about 30 years. So I did not find the effect to overwhelming, but I'm sure for someone without any psychedelic experience it would completely blow their lid off.


Well-known member
Greg contacted me in 2018 once I posted pics of BOEL Hawaiian.
He said since I have the legit line, I should get the legit story, then told me how he told half truths to most people he told it to.

Northern Lights/Lites was the seedline they made first using 2 Afghans. Steve's line, and another Affy. Then, they outcrossed this seedline they made and that created the numbered NL lines. NL1 was NL crossed to the Afghan the Dutch guys were using (he mentioned Skunk, and keep in mind MadJag's receipt that says Sk is pure Afghan, which was the story of Sk before the forum days). NL2 was Indian's Hindu Kush x NL. Indian had a son who was with bikers/vets in Oregon, just like he was hanging around a veteran biker community in the Seattle area. But, the NL crew didnt trust Indian, so while he supplied the HinduKush they gave him pure NL2 seeds, he wasnt given any pure seeds of the other seedlines, hence the first batch Nevil got was NL5xNL2 and NL5xNL1 marked as NL5.
NL5 is a joint ventire between the NL crew in Seattle and BOEL in Hawaii. The NL seeds were sent to Hawaii and crossed with the BOEL Hawaiian to make NL5. Pure seeds and the NL5 clone were sent back to Greg's crew and held tight, usually only letting out outcrossed clones and seedlines since its the PNW and shitbags be everywhere.

So, TL/DR, there is no Thai in NL2, but there is some Thai in NL5 and NL9(or was it NL11)

Edit, its important to remember that while Neville did some epic breeding and is responsible for most breeding projects others did after buying his seeds, he was a junky and wasn't trusted by the Seattle crew.
Im telling the story NLGreg told me, so it will contradict what Neville said

Edit 2. As for screenshots or other proof, the account and phone i used back in 2018 are long gone.
I was working with the Hawaiian at the time, so I was really only focused on NL5 and I didnt like the common NL hybrids Ive tried so I didn't bother to write it all down. So, I can only accurately recall 3 of the 11 NL lines - sorry. Generally, the lower the number, the squatter and fatter. The higher the number, the taller and skinnier. The outcrosses - the plants they pollinated were Afghan, Hindu, Paki, Thai, Hawaiian, Cambodian, hashplant, etc - pretty much using the best that was available to them, which was a lot of really good stuff.

Donald Mallard

el duck
theres this ,
i dont see any thai x afghan mm ,
can u elaborate on this nl you have ,
what is it again , and where is it from ,
its plainly not "the" nl 2 based on what greg said here ..
what are your thoughts , maybe he is a denier too and shall be cast out???
darn people are annoying when they dont even know what seeds they have made arent they , haha ..

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
@Donald Mallard .... it's the same song and dance where he claims he has something but really it';s all just made up shit. Like the Original 80's PNW Hashplant thread he started.... might be on overgrow and not here but he posted the same shit here in one of the hashplant hunting threads. Claiming to have this long lost sought after clone. As per usual, posting pics of shiddy looking plants and making grand claims and about the pedigrees of plants he has. Trying to school me on the BC weed scene that he was never a part of.... but I grew up in ..... being born at the very least a decade if not more before him LOL
In the hashplant thread he changes the pedigree/provinance of his "hashplant" 3times LOL after being called out on his bullshit all three times LOL
It's how clowns operate..... they look around the discussion boards to see what stories they can spin to try and be relevant. Usually there is zero way to prove or disprove because the names dropped.... like neville ..... none of it can be proven or disproven. So it's only as believable as the story that gets told and it's only newbs that believe it. If you dare put the heat on medman with real history or hard questions that require proof..... you are a troll , a hater, and you obviously have mutliple accounts to attack him with LOL

I don't know..... after reading and being part of this thread and the other threads he pulls this same method of operandi in.... if it is a Mental Health issue or a constant running scam where enough instagram and forum newbs are sending the guy $$ that the calling out of his bullshit just rolls off the back,
Either way, this thread, it's funny..... but not funny at the same time.


Well-known member
If he truly offends people thats what the ignore function is for. I mean even a newb reading this thread isn't about to buy his gear. Hes already stated many times hes not selling what hes growing. The dudes a riot, he says quirky childish shit but he never gets out of hand or gets mad. The thread really is for comedy purposes only (y)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
If he truly offends people thats what the ignore function is for. I mean even a newb reading this thread isn't about to buy his gear. Hes already stated many times hes not selling what hes growing. The dudes a riot, he says quirky childish shit but he never gets out of hand or gets mad. The thread really is for comedy purposes only (y)
He says he wont sell pure CG but you bet he will sell crosses at some point.

It is as entertaining as a haze thread, but he's still a scamming liar.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
If he truly offends people thats what the ignore function is for. I mean even a newb reading this thread isn't about to buy his gear. Hes already stated many times hes not selling what hes growing. The dudes a riot, he says quirky childish shit but he never gets out of hand or gets mad. The thread really is for comedy purposes only (y)
he is selling though..... maybe not openly here in these threads but he is a sponsor on other forums peddling the same shit with not enough people calling him out like this community is doing here.
It's not hard to be honest in how you collect and use genetics in a breeding program and if you are, people will see that and respect you and your work. The seed game is tough though and if you want to sell beans and honesty and integrity is not generating those sales...... some guys pack it up and move on...... others roll out the scam sham and peddle ever more complicated stories and tales that often divulge into what we have here in this thread.
But I agree..... for the sheer comedy of it all, this thread is sure serving 'that' purpose.

For those that follow the "OG Kush" origins...... this is all so similar to the guys who created the "john from grass valley" story..... which the internet and potcasts have certainly debunked.


Well-known member
Hes already stated many times hes not selling what hes growing.

You keep saying that but I feel like your not looking at the bigger picture. He has been ripping people off for a long time , selling lies.

And if you read back in this thread, dude is bragging about how this hate he’s getting is driving sales. Idk why you keep saying he’s not profiting from his lies


Well-known member
You keep saying that but I feel like your not looking at the bigger picture. He has been ripping people off for a long time , selling lies.

And if you read back in this thread, dude is bragging about how this hate he’s getting is driving sales. Idk why you keep saying he’s not profiting from his lies

You know in all my years of growing Ive found most seedbanks in general are scammers, 80% of them are all hype. I bought seeds from BD Bud Depot over 12 years ago because i read about them being cup winners in High Times, when in reality almost every bank that magazine features are complete frauds. BC Bud, JOTI, TH Seeds ive been burned by the best of them and all those grifters are still scamming and selling bad seeds today. Atleast this guy starts a thread so you know what youre getting into before you piss away a bunch of money
Last edited:


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Again, thanks for your reply. Let me be more specific then.

1. Can you describe the "actual effects" and what they feel like; and how would you compare them to Bufo? We still have Sonora Toad around, so I'm more interested in the effects of Ayahuasca, particularly compared to Bufo, since you've done them both. I can honestly say, I've not run into anyone who has done an Ayahuasca ceremony, let alone both.

2. What did you receive from the ceremonies or how did they help you? Did you receive advise, ego death, anything?

Sorry for asking for such details, but I don't take journeys unless there is a reason for doing so (although I've used, in the name of science as an excuse before) ;)

Words will never do experiences any justice. As we can clearly see here in the exact thread

The best way to describe bufo and Aya is = afterlife experience. And these insights are based on what we are ready for. Have we do e any inner work? Fasted? Sweat lodged? Changed our diets and outlooks all come into play.

I've only done these ceremonies as traditional medicine. Not for psychedelic agendas. All I say say is power plants are teachers....that show us how to live.

I hope this doesn't sound too vague. But Infiniti can only really be felt and experienced....not really discussed



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
theres this ,
i dont see any thai x afghan mm ,
can u elaborate on this nl you have ,
what is it again , and where is it from ,
its plainly not "the" nl 2 based on what greg said here ..
what are your thoughts , maybe he is a denier too and shall be cast out???
darn people are annoying when they dont even know what seeds they have made arent they , haha ..
Greg never made any nl.

The nl crew used his seeds. That's it.

I'm stoked he was in some way shape or form involved in the nl story from generics to nevil.

But the dude brought the pasta....he never cooked the meal


Donald Mallard

el duck
Greg never made any nl.

The nl crew used his seeds. That's it.

I'm stoked he was in some way shape or form involved in the nl story from generics to nevil.

But the dude brought the pasta....he never cooked the meal

so he has no idea of what the make up is in them?

if nl#2 was 50% thai ,
it would have the frame of a sativa ,
with fatter flowers be faster to mature ,
it would be very vigorous,
those sativas are hard to tame man ,,
just one cross to an indica isnt enough to do it ...


Well-known member
Words will never do experiences any justice. As we can clearly see here in the exact thread

The best way to describe bufo and Aya is = afterlife experience. And these insights are based on what we are ready for. Have we do e any inner work? Fasted? Sweat lodged? Changed our diets and outlooks all come into play.

I've only done these ceremonies as traditional medicine. Not for psychedelic agendas. All I say say is power plants are teachers....that show us how to live.

I hope this doesn't sound too vague. But Infiniti can only really be felt and experienced....not really discussed

Again, thank you. Yes, it was vague as I wasn't so much asking about experiencing eternity/timelessness, as that is achieved in the eternal I AM through proper meditation or OOB.

Yes, it's traditional medicine. We take medicine for a reason, or to treat something, such as character flaws, ego annihilation, or as you mentioned, they are teachers, etc. They can truly be the temple of wisdom. In fact, I've found some entheogens work better for ego death, others for learning, etc. So, in this context, what exactly does Ayahuasca do for us, or yourself? What benefit did you receive from doing it, specifically? This is something I'm very interested in, but there has to be a reason for doing so.


DEA Agent
Premium user
i thought nl #2 was mostly indica and not half thai ,
i never took much notice of the stuff with nevil as some was just downright confusing , haha ,
but i do recall watching a podcast with old whats his name who said the lower numbered nls were more indica, #1 being pure indica ,
so can we confirm nl # 2 isnt a thai cross ,
is there some quote or lineage recorded t??
NL2 is Afghan x (Afghan x Thai).

Do I believe med clown holds the original Afghan x Thai hybrid that the Indian used to make NL2? 🤣🤣🤣

Donald Mallard

el duck
NL2 is Afghan x (Afghan x Thai).

Do I believe med clown holds the original Afghan x Thai hybrid that the Indian used to make NL2? 🤣🤣🤣
ahh there u go,
two hits with an indica is generally what its needed to tame them for indoor suitability ,
and temperate climates ,
so that makes sense now , thanks mate ...
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