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2 Peruvian golds from deep in the #jungle of the Amazon rain forest in atalaya where #chocolate originated.

my guess is this pure #landrace #columbiangold came to the region with #coca producers from #Columbia in the 80s when the columbian government cracked down on cartels and they moved to #peru and #Bolivia where to my knowledge has been untouched since

there is a diversity from chocolate, woods and #roadkillskunk. very pungent either way. but looking for the skunkers for my road-kill project I revived last year after taking a 10 year break.

#medmanbrand #lordofloud #loudskunk #skunk



Well-known member
Ive found a lot of Skunk in Sativa genetics more than anything else. I was very surprised at how strong it is. It would make a lot of sense as to why no one can find a Skunk when everyone is looking through the wrong genetics. I still dont think anyone will ever find a Skunk as good as the 1980 skunk was. It's all bred out and watered down.
I've wondered if we all stated using leaded gasoline if we would find lost terpene profiles.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Can u show the contradiction, where it says something other than it being a long flowering sativa please because I seem to have missed it
- Sam first says sk1 is a af x col
- then Sam says sk1 is a polyhybrid af x col x mex
- seeds packs say sk1 is a "pure blood" afghani hindu kush from "way north"
- when asked about the false advertising sam says its his packages for long flowering south indian sativas ....well that isn't way north hindu kush
- you claim many times in this thread if people contradict themselves they arwnt trustworthy.

Well my pedigree chum....Sam has delivered 3 separate non aligning stories about sk1

I know we haven't seen eye to eye since this thread blew up. But man. You accuse me constantly of not reading anything or showing any evidence when it fact I'm not the guy. It's the horses mouth. I am guilty of skimming and knee jerk responses sometimes. But you take the cake in that field (pun intended lol)

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I know we haven't seen eye to eye since this thread blew up. But man. You accuse me constantly of not reading anything or showing any evidence when it fact I'm not the guy. It's the horses mouth. I am guilty of skimming and knee jerk responses sometimes. But you take the cake in that field (pun intended lol)

You are the guy who started a thread claiming he found pure Colombian Gold in Peru without any evidence. It gets boring to point out the irony in nearly all your posts. Guessing self awareness isn't a strong point.


Well-known member
- Sam first says sk1 is a af x col
- then Sam says sk1 is a polyhybrid af x col x mex
- seeds packs say sk1 is a "pure blood" afghani hindu kush from "way north"
- when asked about the false advertising sam says its his packages for long flowering south indian sativas ....well that isn't way north hindu kush
- you claim many times in this thread if people contradict themselves they arwnt trustworthy.

Well my pedigree chum....Sam has delivered 3 separate non aligning stories about sk1

I know we haven't seen eye to eye since this thread blew up. But man. You accuse me constantly of not reading anything or showing any evidence when it fact I'm not the guy. It's the horses mouth. I am guilty of skimming and knee jerk responses sometimes. But you take the cake in that field (pun intended lol)


You love talking about misinformation from other people. How about you talk about your own skunk work ?
Scared to death to have that conversation aren’t we ?


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
My homie land race warden posts pics and videos all the time of nld from af-pak



Well-known member
Muy good old friend @Mustafunk gifted me a few Seeds of 70s CG
I grew them a couple yesrs ago iirc.
Here's one :)

View attachment 18927912
¿Conseguiste llevarla a término? Por que además, yo juraría por lo poco de paisaje que se ve, que de ser en Iberia, es por la franja norte...(aunque si estaba cerca de la costa, seguro que tuvo un invierno bastante menos frío que el mío).
¿Y como era su psicoactividad, si lo lograste?
Si tienes más fotos y comentarios de ella en otro hilo, te agradecería muchísimo que me dirigieras a él.

Salud a espuertas para tod@s.


Well-known member
Will finally be getting home today or tommorrow. After almost 2 week holidays.

Hoping the the legit dudes here and the trouble makers all had a happy chanukah and new years.

Remember. I still have the "fast" pheno. The Mexican pheno (I think) and the hermie to process and test. (Fuck ya I'm gona smoke that hermie lol)

So please stay tuned for another landrace single source super sativa sunday this wknd

Must be nice to be an active Seed Maker and be able to take two week vacations.


Well-known member
Must be nice to be an active Seed Maker and be able to take two week vacations.
Somehow I doubt this dude maintains old clones. He probably does backyard "breeding", crossing whatever decent males he finds in a given year with every female he has. It's what I do, generally, but I do not claim to be a "breeder". I just make F2's, F3's, and random hybrids, and give them away freely. Always free.

MM doesn't seem to realize how badly he has destroyed any credibility he may have had at some point. If he wasn't such a blatant (and bad) liar, and he had honestly presented his "single source landrace Colombian Gold Skunk auto Haze RKS as what it actually is... some of us may have been interested enough to try it.

But he's a crazy narcissist with no self respect, no self awareness, and no sense of irony. So he gets brutally mocked instead. Sad. Truly the Trump of Skunk. That bit is true.
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