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2 Peruvian golds from deep in the #jungle of the Amazon rain forest in atalaya where #chocolate originated.

my guess is this pure #landrace #columbiangold came to the region with #coca producers from #Columbia in the 80s when the columbian government cracked down on cartels and they moved to #peru and #Bolivia where to my knowledge has been untouched since

there is a diversity from chocolate, woods and #roadkillskunk. very pungent either way. but looking for the skunkers for my road-kill project I revived last year after taking a 10 year break.

#medmanbrand #lordofloud #loudskunk #skunk



Well-known member
Not sure I ever even indirectly disagreed with you about anything. I’m sure you can make something up if you prefer argument to discussion.

And I agree, people should not talk about things in a definitive way. Like how you pick a word such as skunk, and tell everyone what it means. Skunk has and always will mean something different to everyone.

Fact is fact. Skunk weed is due to the presence of phenols. Look it up. I’m not going to waste my time proving it, a published scientific study did that.

If you associate skunk odors with weed that aren’t from phenols, it’s your imagination. Talk about proof. Show me one terpene or other volatile ever identified in cannabis in a lab that smells even remotely like skunk and isn’t a phenol. Maybe there are some but you can’t definitively say so.

Did you smoke skunk Colombian back in the day like a real man? Possible. I’m not you. Did I say it wasn’t possible or did I make an honest attempt, based on first hand knowledge as well as asking lots of people who were around, to discuss how the skunk you talk about might have been bred?

Since you like manufacturing arguments, what’s your problem with this post? Or are you going to play the not worth your time card. One can only hope. Next time you have this sort of paranoid personal issue with someone else’s post in a public forum, try to ignore it. Don’t talk, definite or not. It’s what the rest of us who aren’t immature do all the time, and it’s definitely not worth your time.

If it’s worth your time to correct me, please list out an example of every instance I contradicted or offended you and how. I’m too stoned to figure it out. Sorry. If you write me a two page essay on the subject, I’ll try harder to gain your approval.

I think most likely you don’t like the idea of the pot culture being shaped by your govt since counterculture has long been its selling point.

Do you have an answer to any of the questions I posed or a verifiable contradiction to any information I provided? If not, I have no reason to read any more of this.

Legalies it already so we can get good plants and stop relying on paid liars to tell us what we could find out for ourselves.

One last note to the newbs out there. Don’t argue with smart idiots. They don’t know when they’ve lost so I probably wasted my time.
Talk about manufacturing arguments... irony... and other stuff.

You're making up an argument, against things I 100% did not say. I'm not playing that game.


Well-known member
The problem with skunkweed was most of it was narcotic and in terms of getting a pleasant and satisfying quality high it was a paper tiger and if sacrificing that for stink is worth it ,well that's your game and good luck.If one was attracted to a dirty,sleep inducing weed that yielded ,made you stupid,and shut you down,with novelty "frosty"bag appeal then it rang those bells but it offered little else for real heads.In the old days most people in the west never even saw live plants. If not for the war on drugs making people grow indoors with a short cycle and high profit ,I don't think most would have embraced it.Bld hybridization ruined weed and sadly people getting introduced to weed think that's how cannabis is supposed to be,it was just better than nothing weed to me and losing the day is not my idea of a fun time.I remember years ago there was a call to ban indicas and rightfully so but these days we have to resort to hybrids because true powerful sativas are so rare and try to remove the unwanted effects through selection. Most strains today have no staying power and are boring.Very few strains today can be grown till fully ripe,seeded, and still retain powerful "up" effects and that was the norm. We are seeing a return to postive weed now that it's retail is almost worthless.Who would have thought seeds would cost more than product? JMO


Well-known member
The problem with skunkweed was most of it was narcotic and in terms of getting a pleasant and satisfying quality high it was a paper tiger and if sacrificing that for stink is worth it ,well that's your game and good luck.If one was attracted to a dirty,sleep inducing weed that yielded ,made you stupid,and shut you down,with novelty "frosty"bag appeal then it rang those bells but it offered little else for real heads.In the old days most people in the west never even saw live plants. If not for the war on drugs making people grow indoors with a short cycle and high profit ,I don't think most would have embraced it.Bld hybridization ruined weed and sadly people getting introduced to weed think that's how cannabis is supposed to be,it was just better than nothing weed to me and losing the day is not my idea of a fun time.I remember years ago there was a call to ban indicas and rightfully so but these days we have to resort to hybrids because true powerful sativas are so rare and try to remove the unwanted effects through selection. Most strains today have no staying power and are boring.Very few strains today can be grown till fully ripe,seeded, and still retain powerful "up" effects and that was the norm. We are seeing a return to postive weed now that it's retail is almost worthless.Who would have thought seeds would cost more than product? JMO
Skunk never affected me like that, and I hate "day killer" type weed. It just doesn't fit into my life in any reasonable way. Maybe it's because I was young... I still miss it.


Well-known member
skunk made you stupefied ..until it let go of you enough so you could talk..and was a day killer

"fuuuk I am ruined I can’t go to town smelling like that"

I miss it..

did I like it?

i guess...it sure wasn’t acceptance of death mexican where you smiled into the sunlight it made....

but it had its incapacitating charm

the buds were like dark green/purplish .. small golf balls

and glistened and stunk up everything..with

mercaptan ..Thiols. ..[lol]..even if you rubbed bud against something..it was indelible

I had very skunky plants back then..

but never had those genetics ..not even close..


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
skunk made you stupefied ..until it let go of you enough so you could talk..and was a day killer

"fuuuk I am ruined I can’t go to town smelling like that"

I miss it..

did I like it?

i guess...it sure wasn’t acceptance of death mexican where you smiled into the sunlight it made....

but it had its incapacitating charm

the buds were like dark green/purplish .. small golf balls

and glistened and stunk up everything..with

mercaptan ..Thiols. ..[lol]..even if you rubbed bud against something..it was indelible

I had very skunky plants back then..

but never had those genetics ..not even close..
We got a dark green rks from 92-95. It's was the most rare to other the other neon / Lome green packs. Maybe 10% of the time it came in



Not phenols. It's thiols. ;)
So you do know what thiols are?

And wolverine how to manufacture an argument while accusing the other person of doing it themselves to sidetrack from another fact. You are combative. The only thing I’ve even been critical of is governments pushing foul cannabis on people so they physically can’t smoke as much as they would and to get them caught. Now I’m simply being critical of you for instigating and attempting to escalate an argument that doesn’t exist. Even real skunks aren’t so trigger happy. For that reason, please place all backtalk below, where I will never read it.


Well-known member
yep seems to have it all well most of it though, a little void of facts often
and there is certainly some "fantastic" stories ,
lacking in pictures of well-grown cannabis too sadly ...
Its the future my friend once its legal. Even in Australia its all Hollywood brother.
Once we get our heads out of the sand in Australia its going to be a Tsunami of new age facts ha ha.
Nothing anyone can do about it, its all ancient history now and history is written by the winners ha ha.
The winners here are the ones still living ha ha.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Its the future my friend once its legal. Even in Australia its all Hollywood brother.
Once we get our heads out of the sand in Australia its going to be a Tsunami of new age facts ha ha.
Nothing anyone can do about it, its all ancient history now and history is written by the winners ha ha.
The winners here are the ones still living ha ha.
Some old age "facts" are just as cringey as some new age "facts" lol

Trust me. Canada been there since 2013.



Well-known member
will no comment ,
but as always i got some "free" " positive" " high" "laugh "and whatever from this !

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