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2 Peruvian golds from deep in the #jungle of the Amazon rain forest in atalaya where #chocolate originated.

my guess is this pure #landrace #columbiangold came to the region with #coca producers from #Columbia in the 80s when the columbian government cracked down on cartels and they moved to #peru and #Bolivia where to my knowledge has been untouched since

there is a diversity from chocolate, woods and #roadkillskunk. very pungent either way. but looking for the skunkers for my road-kill project I revived last year after taking a 10 year break.

#medmanbrand #lordofloud #loudskunk #skunk



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
There are plenty of good folks lurking. For a variety of reasons, they are just careful, and/or cautious in post.
And, not sure I'd make a good mod - I am not really interested in perceived power. Nor tonking on heads.
With a little enlightenment and practiced mediation though, you will find all the real power you want inside.
If I had a vote, which I don't, I would elect the Cosmik Googler. She seems pretty level headed, and happy too.
In order to be be just. One must be fair and detached (non bias)

True power is self discipline. And knowledge of "good" and "bad"

Nothing to do with "power" which in our modern world is pettiness masquerading as something else



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
This single source, super sativa sunday as been postponed due to holidays.

Remember. We still have the hermie, the quickie and I think the Mexican phenos left

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
There is a big difference between those who Grew Skunk and those who grew RKS. These are very different. There was no such thing as RKS in 1974 Cali. RKS most likely came from Dutch breeders. No one in the USA called Skunk weed RKS until a least a decade later(mid 80's+).
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BLD afghanica been in America since at least 1915

The hippie trail and boel bring ghanis since the late 60s.

Roadkill skunk was everywhere in bc cali west coast 1974.

If people have small circles that's fine. Prohibition was th main factor there. But your reality isn't a universal law. Just your personal experience.

View attachment 18937326

Great info and idea about our own reality being all we can really know.

Recently all known drug cannabis genetic variants have been identified throughout wild cannabis populations in China. I assume phenol production is one of them just as the article you posted asserts.

I have had access to some preserved samples, some in glass vial, others not so well preserved, of Central American imports from circa 1970-73. None of them smelled anything like skunk or really any of today’s popular varieties. One was from Panama. It smelled sweet, but not in the fruit sense. The others’ specific origins are unknown and some may have been hybrids of multiple imports. All of the samples did. I kind of remember one having a faded black pepper spice to it that was probably intense at one point.

That’s just my small circle other than research, but it seems to me that skunk phenol phenos were kept out of the commercial landrace Sativas intentionally up until later on. I don’t think people liked them and the genes for it seem fairly dominant once introduced. I’m sure every grower in history hoped to improve his plants and that some introduced hash plants into their mix. I’m just pointing out that by most accounts, the majority of Central American landraces didn’t commonly smell like skunk. Even Ozzy called it sweet leaf in that era. Every person I’ve met that tried imports from 60’s to early seventies has described the smell as sweet. Sweet is more pleasant than skunk to most people. A lot of people like skunk weed. but they don’t make skunk flavored food to my knowledge. Commercial producers wanted to sell the stuff.

I honestly don’t think skunk would have naturally been accepted as a product without leverage, and that was better potency and faster yields that dominated in crosses. If the skunks or indicas that you show were always around were capable of making better crops through hybridization, why wouldn’t the producers have all done it sooner. Unless the plants that I suspect were a Trojan horse from Uncle Sam, were special, I don’t see why people wouldn’t have wanted to grow two crops of more potent plants in the same season and make more money much earlier.

Fact is that the gene pool available to most people today is extremely narrow and almost all of the indica genes within it come straight from the afghan that Uncle Sam put in skunk #1 and that was simultaneously gifted to every grower who would take it.

I don’t like the idea of intentional genetic bottlenecking of a plant by governments and since the indicas they spread were meant to get people arrested, who knows what other clever little traits were stuck in there. Maybe they figured out a way to keep people from getting high beyond a point. Maybe a minor cannabinoid whose metabolite builds up in chronic users and blocks cannabinoid receptors.

Even skunkman spent decades trying to breed his original skunk to a sweeter rendition. It may be worth mentioning that by most accounts, hash was traditionally taken orally, so I’m not sure that skunk would have been anyone’s first choice. Really if you sample most of the indica hybrids that are now popular, there are all sorts of smells and flavors that would be unpalatable if eating a big chunk of hash that wasn’t decarbed. My guess is that traditional hash indicas were bred to have a light and if anything a taste that’s pleasant in the food sense. There’s a difference. Maybe your into sniffing your farts but I don’t know of anyone who likes eating feces.

You are talking about light skunk in landraces that could have come from anywhere, but if you look at fuel and skunk smelling strains today, they are reaching the level of noxious. Try some dispensary concentrates in a rig and tell me someone didn’t poison the waterhole. The same people who want the sudden slam that comes with dabbing like the simultaneous shock of harsh phenols and terps. They probably also watched professional wrestling.

My question is, knowing that there used to be pleasant drug cannabis, why does the culture celebrate having the worst possible smelling and tasting products that are harshest upon inhalation?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I think most people misinterpreted what Skunk weed smelled like. It was not just that skunk aroma. It was a complex mix of other terpenes which made it a very pleasurable aroma to those that used cannabis. Those that didn't don't count lol. High quality weed back then was just different. Those chemotypes had terpenes/Cannabinoids that caused expansion when inhaled. I never thought of it as harsh.. I smoke a lot of weed but rarely find the same Chemotypes today.


Active member
I think most people misinterpreted what Skunk weed smelled like. It was not just that skunk aroma. It was a complex mix of other terpenes which made it a very pleasurable aroma to those that used cannabis. Those that didn't don't count lol. High quality weed back then was just different. Those chemotypes had terpenes/Cannabinoids that caused expansion when inhaled. I never thought of it as harsh.. I smoke a lot of weed but rarely find the same Chemotypes today.
True story !!!!


I think most people misinterpreted what Skunk weed smelled like. It was not just that skunk aroma. It was a complex mix of other terpenes which made it a very pleasurable aroma to those that used cannabis. Those that didn't don't count lol. High quality weed back then was just different. Those chemotypes had terpenes/Cannabinoids that caused expansion when inhaled. I never thought of it as harsh.. I smoke a lot of weed but rarely find the same Chemotypes today.
Right on. There was a lot of beta caryophylene, a terp and cannabinoid as well. Caryophylene is an instant respiratory irritant, but counterintuitively after a brief period it has an anti inflammatory effect. So harsh and then better than smooth and relaxed a few seconds later.

Skunks phenols just stay harsh so I appreciate the word expansive to designate the difference.

Given that caryophylene is the single chemical all weed sniffing dogs were trained to search for, I think it likely that the spicy peppery traits were spread by those trying to control large scale operators and stop smuggling.

Expansive is better than skunk harsh but neither are necessary to quality weed, nor pleasurable if you experienced them without THC. But getting high becomes so ritualized and psychological that once those become part of the experience, people think they like skunks’s ass, which evolved as a defense to mammalian predators with most of the same biology as humans. It’s nature’s bear spray.

It’s a real shame that the quality weed you remember wasn’t maintained but instead eradicated and hybridized for the drug wars. Nothing is ever really gone. It just takes a lot of work and the opportunity to grow massive numbers of plants for selection. Honestly, we have CRISPR now so a handful of dead seeds with well preserved dna could resurrect anything once it’s legal and profitable for someone to do it.

Your endocannabinoids are neuroprotective against ischemia and released during exercise to limit excess brain function and its huge consumption of oxygen. Hold your breath as long as you can and see if it doesn’t give you a brief but familiar high. Filling your lungs with irritants also can start this process and make the hit feel like it takes effect immediately. It’s just a trick that gives our dopamine system its immediate gratification, adding another little bit of high. If that wasn’t the experience people were introduced to, I think few would chose it.


Well-known member
Right on. There was a lot of beta caryophylene, a terp and cannabinoid as well. Caryophylene is an instant respiratory irritant, but counterintuitively after a brief period it has an anti inflammatory effect. So harsh and then better than smooth and relaxed a few seconds later.

Skunks phenols just stay harsh so I appreciate the word expansive to designate the difference.

Given that caryophylene is the single chemical all weed sniffing dogs were trained to search for, I think it likely that the spicy peppery traits were spread by those trying to control large scale operators and stop smuggling.

Expansive is better than skunk harsh but neither are necessary to quality weed, nor pleasurable if you experienced them without THC. But getting high becomes so ritualized and psychological that once those become part of the experience, people think they like skunks’s ass, which evolved as a defense to mammalian predators with most of the same biology as humans. It’s nature’s bear spray.

It’s a real shame that the quality weed you remember wasn’t maintained but instead eradicated and hybridized for the drug wars. Nothing is ever really gone. It just takes a lot of work and the opportunity to grow massive numbers of plants for selection. Honestly, we have CRISPR now so a handful of dead seeds with well preserved dna could resurrect anything once it’s legal and profitable for someone to do it.

Your endocannabinoids are neuroprotective against ischemia and released during exercise to limit excess brain function and its huge consumption of oxygen. Hold your breath as long as you can and see if it doesn’t give you a brief but familiar high. Filling your lungs with irritants also can start this process and make the hit feel like it takes effect immediately. It’s just a trick that gives our dopamine system its immediate gratification, adding another little bit of high. If that wasn’t the experience people were introduced to, I think few would chose it.
Man, I disagree with most of your conclusions. I'm not typing out the same comment(s) again, but I have explained my experience with skunk weed. I stand by it 100%. From the fist time I had it, without knowing what it was (just a bud I swiped from my parents stash), I was obsessed with it. And just because of another comment you made, no, I have never watched rasslin', hate it in fact. And fart/poop humor, that kind of stuff.

It sounds to me like you never had any skunk weed.

If a person has no real world first person experience with a thing, whatever that thing is, that person should not ever try to talk about that thing in any definitive way.


Man, I disagree with most of your conclusions. I'm not typing out the same comment(s) again, but I have explained my experience with skunk weed. I stand by it 100%. From the fist time I had it, without knowing what it was (just a bud I swiped from my parents stash), I was obsessed with it. And just because of another comment you made, no, I have never watched rasslin', hate it in fact. And fart/poop humor, that kind of stuff.

It sounds to me like you never had any skunk weed.

If a person has no real world first person experience with a thing, whatever that thing is, that person should not ever try to talk about that thing in any definitive way.
Not sure I ever even indirectly disagreed with you about anything. I’m sure you can make something up if you prefer argument to discussion.

And I agree, people should not talk about things in a definitive way. Like how you pick a word such as skunk, and tell everyone what it means. Skunk has and always will mean something different to everyone.

Fact is fact. Skunk weed is due to the presence of phenols. Look it up. I’m not going to waste my time proving it, a published scientific study did that.

If you associate skunk odors with weed that aren’t from phenols, it’s your imagination. Talk about proof. Show me one terpene or other volatile ever identified in cannabis in a lab that smells even remotely like skunk and isn’t a phenol. Maybe there are some but you can’t definitively say so.

Did you smoke skunk Colombian back in the day like a real man? Possible. I’m not you. Did I say it wasn’t possible or did I make an honest attempt, based on first hand knowledge as well as asking lots of people who were around, to discuss how the skunk you talk about might have been bred?

Since you like manufacturing arguments, what’s your problem with this post? Or are you going to play the not worth your time card. One can only hope. Next time you have this sort of paranoid personal issue with someone else’s post in a public forum, try to ignore it. Don’t talk, definite or not. It’s what the rest of us who aren’t immature do all the time, and it’s definitely not worth your time.

If it’s worth your time to correct me, please list out an example of every instance I contradicted or offended you and how. I’m too stoned to figure it out. Sorry. If you write me a two page essay on the subject, I’ll try harder to gain your approval.

I think most likely you don’t like the idea of the pot culture being shaped by your govt since counterculture has long been its selling point.

Do you have an answer to any of the questions I posed or a verifiable contradiction to any information I provided? If not, I have no reason to read any more of this.

Legalies it already so we can get good plants and stop relying on paid liars to tell us what we could find out for ourselves.

One last note to the newbs out there. Don’t argue with smart idiots. They don’t know when they’ve lost so I probably wasted my time.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Not sure I ever even indirectly disagreed with you about anything. I’m sure you can make something up if you prefer argument to discussion.

And I agree, people should not talk about things in a definitive way. Like how you pick a word such as skunk, and tell everyone what it means. Skunk has and always will mean something different to everyone.

Fact is fact. Skunk weed is due to the presence of phenols. Look it up. I’m not going to waste my time proving it, a published scientific study did that.

If you associate skunk odors with weed that aren’t from phenols, it’s your imagination. Talk about proof. Show me one terpene or other volatile ever identified in cannabis in a lab that smells even remotely like skunk and isn’t a phenol. Maybe there are some but you can’t definitively say so.

Did you smoke skunk Colombian back in the day like a real man? Possible. I’m not you. Did I say it wasn’t possible or did I make an honest attempt, based on first hand knowledge as well as asking lots of people who were around, to discuss how the skunk you talk about might have been bred?

Since you like manufacturing arguments, what’s your problem with this post? Or are you going to play the not worth your time card. One can only hope. Next time you have this sort of paranoid personal issue with someone else’s post in a public forum, try to ignore it. Don’t talk, definite or not. It’s what the rest of us who aren’t immature do all the time, and it’s definitely not worth your time.

If it’s worth your time to correct me, please list out an example of every instance I contradicted or offended you and how. I’m too stoned to figure it out. Sorry. If you write me a two page essay on the subject, I’ll try harder to gain your approval.

I think most likely you don’t like the idea of the pot culture being shaped by your govt since counterculture has long been its selling point.

Do you have an answer to any of the questions I posed or a verifiable contradiction to any information I provided? If not, I have no reason to read any more of this.

Legalies it already so we can get good plants and stop relying on paid liars to tell us what we could find out for ourselves.

One last note to the newbs out there. Don’t argue with smart idiots. They don’t know when they’ve lost so I probably wasted my time.
This is not directed at you but is a good point. One I have thought I brought up but people that never grew, smoked, sold or even saw or smelled skunk weed (like alot of the newbs trolling this thread) should know

Rks and true skunkweed is a multilateral term/ definition
- to differentiate from bunk skunk 1
- the most popular weed and a bunch of like strains and hybrids from 75-95
- a clone only that went around that the bikers controlled and other commercial producers (the donkey dick / big bud expression)
- a very certain terp profile blend that is and was a combo of sour Citrus, ammonia / catpiss , sulphur, spent coffee, burnt rubber with possible rotten fermented fruit bottom that all combine together to create a dead on a raod hot muggy summer day oxidized ripped open skunk skunk on the hwy

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Oh, RKS. See the other guy was talking about mild pleasant landrace equatorial sativas. I can see maybe burned rubber and some other scents you mentioned being skunk-like. There is still strong skunk, although maybe minus the rotting flesh, and I’ve more than once encountered rubber in the it, wondering if it was smuggled in tires.

I’m not anti skunk here. I don’t like it and I stated why. If it was engineered to bust people, those days are numbered anyway. No skin in the game here. I just think if something smells like a skunk…

What, for you, was appealing or pleasant about your skunk that made it preferable to other chemotypes that you’ve tried? I guess it’s cool to have the smelliest weed maybe for bragging rights. Did the smells accompany a distinct experience from all other weed? It seems a lot of RKS chaps are chasing a bad smell that probably has no impact on the chemical high. Since most of the world has never smelled a real skunk, they might not get the joke until they choke.

I hear that in the UK skunk weed is blamed for all sorts of problems. The only thing I see it doing is making sour faces on people who are trying to relax and maybe some people start to like ignoring their instincts. It tastes bad but it feels good, maybe other taboos are like that. Slippery slope indeed.

I’d still really be interested to hear about where these skunks came from and when.


Well-known member
There’s rsk in the back woods of VA. I enjoyed the novelty of it for about a minute then it had to get put away. Daily smoke wise…. It was Far too too pungent for me.
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