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2 Peruvian golds from deep in the #jungle of the Amazon rain forest in atalaya where #chocolate originated.

my guess is this pure #landrace #columbiangold came to the region with #coca producers from #Columbia in the 80s when the columbian government cracked down on cartels and they moved to #peru and #Bolivia where to my knowledge has been untouched since

there is a diversity from chocolate, woods and #roadkillskunk. very pungent either way. but looking for the skunkers for my road-kill project I revived last year after taking a 10 year break.

#medmanbrand #lordofloud #loudskunk #skunk



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
The entire world is against you. Everyone is wrong, except for you. That must make everyone who disagrees with you a cyberstalker, according to you. Can't you see your delusions? You simply cannot ask for better proof that your ego is running the show. No one is saying you need to reply to this, simply be honest with yourself and take a look within! It's not that hard to do, really. You constantly deflect any criticism and accuse others of your illness, whether someone is genuinely trying to help you or not. That is simply being dishonest with yourself and with others.

Enough talk about spirituality though, lets talk about the material plane of existence and the consequences of your actions.

You have made a lot, I mean a lot of claims that appear have the words exaggerated and untruthful written all over them. Based upon your body language, you don't even believe them yourself. As a business, your public representations are held to a higher standard, which opens you up to all kinds of liabilities.

One of my classmates from law school took a job as a special agent with the FBI, rather than taking the bar and becoming an attorney. He works in public corruption. I've heard quite a few stories from him regarding companies who make false claims about their products, as well as supplements that don't have what they claim to have in them. He takes those cases very seriously and considering the penalty runs 5-8 years, I can see why.

Now, I understand that this is the US, but I can assure you, that every country has consumer regulatory agencies that protect against consumer fraud. In fact, I'm quite sure that there are quite a few government agencies in Canada that protect consumers from fraud and false claims and other shady practices.

You may think you're just BSing, but that doesn't fly when your a business dealing with the public. It's serious business and the used car salesman model of running the show is no longer allowed.

If you make claims, you had better be ready to back those claims up, beyond any reasonable doubt. You also need to learn how to use proper citations, as the courts will reject any and all motions, points and authorities that don't have proper citation. Without a citation, it means zero, nothing. That includes putting up screenshots with actual links on here.

You've got enough people whom you have ticked off and I have no doubt that quite a few reports will eventually be made to have you shut down and prosecuted if need be. Taking advantage of innocent people, in particularly those with cancer and other illness whom come to you in their hours of desperation, seeking your help, only to be lied to and scammed, all for your own personal gain.
The cyber stalkers ego trap: when they convince themselves they are heros, when they actually offer pointless zeros lol

Psychology 101:
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You are worried about me and ayahuasca? Lol these 2 images should be your main concerns haha



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Please do sue them. Put your money where your mouth is for once. Good luck even finding a plaintiff's attorney that would even consider taking the case. Moreover, actually look up Canada's Cyberbulling statute. You will never be able to use that against anyone in this thread, that is really laughable.

C'mon man, this isn't a joke. The fact that you think you are a victim of cyberstalking worthy of legal redress is nothing but pure ego.

I think that is the least of your concerns though. I'd be more concerned about all the false information you've been spreading regarding your products and your company. It would be a lot easier, I mean A LOT easier for anyone who has sent you money to find a plaintiff's attorney who would file a class action suit against you.
Civil actions don't require representation...just appearances.

You need to work on your jurismydictions



Well-known member
This is an archived part of the forum. You dont have a specific thread that shows your work and does not require searching through nonsense?.. I did notice this post from Chimera LMAO.

Damn they are 🤡 this dude in all the threads lol.
Going back well over a decade. Clown seems to be the consensus word people default to, in everything I've seen. I think that's pretty neat.

By his own admission earlier in the thread, he has tens of thousands of these kind of emails, comments, etc calling him out. But it's all the same guy with multiple accounts.

I'll buy that for a dollar.

Donald Mallard

el duck
It's not really my words I struggle with mate...

You said you may have grown colombian.....well I may or may not own a Ferrari lol doesn't mean it happened.

Just for your reference. My memory is quite good....and when push comes to shove your words then that are not sure do not support your current ones?

View attachment 18945375

i may have ,
was a bit when i said i may have produced the odd seed or two ,
if i hadnt i would say so ,
i dont lie and dont feel the need to exaggerate at all ,
its kinda doing the opposite of what guys like you do ,
i play down my achievements and things ive done because im not into big-noting ,
or feel the need to draw attention to myself ,
i feel fine in my own skin , so i dont need others to reassure me ,

i dont think you are so comfortable ,
you feel the need to tell people how your company has won the most ,
has the best etc etc , talk yourself up ,
ive never even heard of you before this thread really ,
you must be on a little stage ,
are those like backyard cups you guys go to ?? and where you get all these awards ??
i find it had to believe there is that many serious events in just a year or two ...


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
The viewers only require a "yes" I have grown pure cg and can verify it with pictures and a journal

Or "no" I have never grown pure cg and clearly have 0 evidence to support I have....

No frills needed Don Juan....or need for semantics.

I am here with chain of custody and dates proving I have.

If people don't want to respect me that's fine...they want to ignore or minimize my trip for jealous and zealotry reasons....not my problem
...as you can see and have, and I can care less about meaningless interactions with people that have stalked me for over a decade with tens of thousands of msgs. Lol (not Don but 1 guy with 100 accounts)

But if i was you (don) on the otherside I would expect the same standard on myself as I do to others. And if I demanded evidence from others, I would also show it. Just how I operate

Thats a great c99 / cg hybrid. Based in my calculations only 10-15% indica. 10 weeks I am guessing isn't so fast for a sativa in the end?

Would love to see this colombian in a hotter dryer teraain someday.



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
For the people that are watching here that don't feel the need to comment or do for that matter

I have been drinking this magik tea since 2005 almost everyday and really recommend it for ceremonial and daily and therapeutic uses


Donald Mallard

el duck
The viewers only require a "yes" I have grown pure cg and can verify it with pictures and a journal

Or "no" I have never grown pure cg and clearly have 0 evidence to support I have....

No frills needed Don Juan....or need for semantics.

I am here with chain of custody and dates proving I have.

If people don't want to respect me that's fine...they want to ignore or minimize my trip for jealous and zealotry reasons....not my problem
...as you can see and have, and I can care less about meaningless interactions with people that have stalked me for over a decade with tens of thousands of msgs. Lol (not Don but 1 guy with 100 accounts)

But if i was you (don) on the otherside I would expect the same standard on myself as I do to others. And if I demanded evidence from others, I would also show it. Just how I operate

Thats a great c99 / cg hybrid. Based in my calculations only 10-15% indica. 10 weeks I am guessing isn't so fast for a sativa in the end?

Would love to see this colombian in a hotter dryer teraain someday.

ill chase up the tom hills haze i grew , is only a veg pic so i never really worried about using it as evidence of anything ,
and i have an extensive amount of pictures because i have grown a huge amount of weed over the last 20 years ,, sadly i didnt take a picture of every plant , i didnt feel the need , or have the time ,

and no the lineage you mention isnt what i said ,,
though u have a good memory , it does fail you a lot ,
i said colombian gold x c99 and then i crossed it with an indica dominant variety also ,
the colombian gold x c99 were a little longer flowering as expected ,
and showed a fair bit of colombian traits still in the flowers ,
i only have pictures of them growing in our winter/spring season ,
which is hard to explain to a person who isnt familiar with growing in the tropics ,
but the plants grow small due to short days and cooler weather ,
the cg x c99 were lucky to ripen in that time given the amount of sativa ...
heres a picture ,, the ones slightly to the left of middle are them ...

so one of those , in another area , a higher and dryer part of that hill ,
somehow managed to grow huge and yielded several pounds ,
unheard of at that time of year , never seen ,
so i used the indica dominant male i mentioned to make a few seeds out of her ,
felt the right thing to do ..

DSC 0499.jpg


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
ill chase up the tom hills haze i grew , is only a veg pic so i never really worried about using it as evidence of anything ,
and i have an extensive amount of pictures because i have grown a huge amount of weed over the last 20 years ,, sadly i didnt take a picture of every plant , i didnt feel the need , or have the time ,

and no the lineage you mention isnt what i said ,,
though u have a good memory , it does fail you a lot ,
i said colombian gold x c99 and then i crossed it with an indica dominant variety also ,
the colombian gold x c99 were a little longer flowering as expected ,
and showed a fair bit of colombian traits still in the flowers ,
i only have pictures of them growing in our winter/spring season ,
which is hard to explain to a person who isnt familiar with growing in the tropics ,
but the plants grow small due to short days and cooler weather ,
the cg x c99 were lucky to ripen in that time given the amount of sativa ...
heres a picture ,, the ones slightly to the left of middle are them ...

so one of those , in another area , a higher and dryer part of that hill ,
somehow managed to grow huge and yielded several pounds ,
unheard of at that time of year , never seen ,
so i used the indica dominant male i mentioned to make a few seeds out of her ,
felt the right thing to do ..

View attachment 18945414
That's a sweet grow.

Is it just a sand cover or you growing hydroponically in it? 🤔

Do they just auto outdoors in your photo period?

At that size it s great way to beat the choppers and the rippers


Donald Mallard

el duck
its on the side of an old volcano ,
its red volcanic soil , very nice stuff ,
quite friable ,and rich in potash, grows anything well as long as u keep up the water ...

yes they behave like autos , if they have indica in them generally 16 weeks from seed to harvest ,
similar to corn really ...
most pure sativas are that long flowering here and are only grown in the later season because they wont flower until a while after the longest day ...


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
its on the side of an old volcano ,
its red volcanic soil , very nice stuff ,
quite friable ,and rich in potash, grows anything well as long as u keep up the water ...

yes they behave like autos , if they have indica in them generally 16 weeks from seed to harvest ,
similar to corn really ...
most pure sativas are that long flowering here and are only grown in the later season because they wont flower until a while after the longest day ...
Man that is fantastic. I know wine growers pay fortunes for soil like that. 👍 my garden and coastal weather is a real pain.

If it was me all I would be worried about is installing cages and growing the branches more sideways. Or just running screens along the rows to keep those donkey dicks standing strong lol



Well-known member
Civil actions don't require representation...just appearances.

You need to work on your jurismydictions

Government regulatory agencies that investigate consumer fraud file criminal charges. Fraud is a very serious charge. You really should be concerned about whether you can back up all those claims you've been making. Hope you don't have any priors, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you buddy ;)

Again, you call anyone who calls you out for your outlandish claims, as a cyberstalker or cyberbully. You deflect by turning it back onto them and, the very things that you do, you falsely accuse the other person of doing. That is a new level of depravity. It shows how your mind functions.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Could you tell me what that means exactly? Im old man, im not up to date on street slang

it's el3mentary psychology 101 my dear Watson: rule them "all" is reference to "flying monkeys"

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