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Poppin Fresh is learning the hard way!


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Pic Updates

Pic Updates

took these pics this morning but couldn't find the cord til now. i am noticing the hairs have browned just a lil bit more.

how much longer do you all think from these pics?

Whole thing

Top, mid, base


nute burn... already handled lol

random bud


Active member
photoshop autoleveled pic

photoshop autoleveled pic

just wanted to see what the pic would look like when using photoshop autolevel... added just a tint of blue.. made my green more pronounced :canabis:



lookin' good poppin. have you heard about the Radioshack Illuminated pocket microscope (60x-100x)? $10-15 if your local radioshack has it. they were out of stock online yesterday, but i bought a slightly nicer version from some science website for thirty bucks. i was told it is a great way to see when to harvest. buyer comments said the trich's look like baseballs! haha we'll see...

i've had some serious nute burn on my blooming girls. but at the same time a lack of nitrogen. :fsu: some of this stuff gets complicated, huh? haha

anyway GL on the harvest!



that's what it looks like after a couple uses, eh brainthor? :respect:


Active member
khaleel, i got a cheesy 30x i been gettin by with. i've been wantin to pick up that radio shack one tho. i paid about 15 for the 30x. i just gotta do it lol

brainthor, you can pack that scope into a bowl and hit that shit LOL. :bongsmi:


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woooooooooo 25% cloudy... im on my way ppl. im tempted to snatch 2 buds from the base area and see what the high would be like lol...

so what do you guys think..
how much longer do i have to go? remember i flipped to 12/12 on 8/01 but first sexed around 8/26.

should i take a taste?

i just did an remo cola grab maneuver from the urban grower clips lol. my palm smells so good. ooooo weeeeeeee! lol


PoppinFresh said:
i just did an remo cola grab maneuver from the urban grower clips lol. my palm smells so good. ooooo weeeeeeee! lol

what's a "remo cola grab"? :chin:

can't wait to see the final harvest! (i say smoke the little one. why not. haha)


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khaleel said:
what's a "remo cola grab"? :chin:

can't wait to see the final harvest! (i say smoke the little one. why not. haha)

lol remo is the dude who hosted the urban grower clips for advanced nutrients before they sold him out to sell nutrients to grandmothers for their rose bushes.

here's an episode. i think there are about 30 of them plus some other clips where he reads the mail and shit like that.

unfortunately, i didn't catch any cola grabs in that clip but he sometimes grabs the top cola of the plants just to sort of feel for density i guess. i don't think he even does it that often. it's one clip where i read the comments and people went sort of nuts over him grabbing the cola. so it stuck in my head and i gave it a silly "wrestling" name lol


lol yeah, the sound of it just rolls off your tongue. haha

nice vids too :joint:


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MINOR update/semi rant lol

MINOR update/semi rant lol

Well I was downtown in the village with the fellas to go to Ricky's to pick up a Halloween costume and I was lucky enough to come across a RadioShack. tee hee hee. So, I go in there to get the 60-100x microscope. Although, I am the type that doesn't ask for help and would rather spend 10 extra minutes looking around, I have to be mindful of my friends' time. So, I ask someone for help.

Poppin Fresh: Hi, can you point me to your microscopes?
RadioShack Lady: Ummm. Oh, I'm sorry we don't carry microscopes.

Mind you, we're standing next to this sort of mini aisle, no longer than 4 feet long jutting out from the wall. I notice magnifying glasses as I stand there talking to the woman. I figure if there was a microscope at RadioShack, it oughta be right there.

PF: Are you sure about that? I saw it online. I thought maybe you'd have a few around.
RL: Online hmmm? Well we don't have em here.

I take a more careful look at the items on the hooks and there it is hanging in all it's glory, the microscope I wanted. I took less than a step to the left coupled with a slightly outreached arm to grab my "trich seer" lol.

PF: Here it is! (big smile)
RL: Oh, these just came in recently.
PF: Oh ok!

We proceed to checkout.

Anyway, it didn't hit me until I was on my way home later on that she said they just came in recently. I guess you can't know every item that comes it but... nevermind. I am just feeling like putting this up :bashhead:. it seems to fit this situation.

This is something I notice a lot in stores - the people on the floor don't even try anymore. At least the last time I went to get the hygro/thermometer in July, the woman tried looking for it.. IN THE WRONG SPOT.. she pointed me to multimeters. I ventured around the corner to the weather devices because I knew where they were. I could have said "no, thank you" to her offer to help but she seemed so eager to assist. Home Depot is no better!

Fortunately enough though, you do get some help once in a while. Recently in the supermarket, my friend was looking for tomato sauce and we couldn't find it in all the aisles. We didn't want that organic shit. We wanted our chemicals lol. We ask the guy and he points us to this spot in the store we didn't even notice was there. It was like a quiet corner room you sort of had to find by accident if you didn't ask.

Anyway, I got a monk costume because I know the ladies love to corrupt men of the cloth. I love to corrupt church women as well! :muahaha:

Oh, and we saw a falcon in Washington Square park. Unfortunately, my camera phone SUX at zooming! LOL

And here's baby nug I stole from the base of the plant.. currently drying lol.
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dude poppinfresh, the same exact situation, and i mean exact same situation, happened to me last week when i was purchasing one at a local radioshack, i dont need to change anything because my interaction was the same.....who the hell does RS hire these days??


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rkrone said:
dude poppinfresh, the same exact situation, and i mean exact same situation, happened to me last week when i was purchasing one at a local radioshack, i dont need to change anything because my interaction was the same.....who the hell does RS hire these days??

lol the ones that get fired from home depot :muahaha:

but seriously i blame management. sure the jobs aren't hard but if people don't learn some customer assistance techniques, how and when are they going to learn? it's not like the folks working there care about the job either. they're getting a shit wage, little to no medical or any benefits for that matter. sometimes, you can't really blame them for being "unhelpful".

at the same time, if you're not much help, don't friggin look me dead in the eye and ask "how can i help you?" just stand there and shut the **** up LOL. cept that last time was kinda my fault. i didn't wanna have my boys waitin while i browse and shit lol.

BTW... that scope looks toooooooo damn close at the trichs.. im tryin to get an overall view of the field of trichs for colors and im usin the damn 60-100x scope and im seein like ONE trichome at a time! LOL. cool as shit tho. i still got my 30x. no one can say i lack for gear in seeing shit upclose lol.


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MINOR update #2/Good day today.

MINOR update #2/Good day today.

Minor Update
The lil nugget that I pulled lost a lot of weight. It's down to about 0.2-0.3 grams and it still has a chlorophyll smell but it's lessened since I last sniffed it. Interesting to see how the drying process goes. The stem doesn't snap, it still sort of bends so i know it isn't ready yet.

The plant looks like it's doing well so far. No more nutrient burn or anything. There seems to be some new pistils growing here and there. I suppose it's just packing on more stuff for me. YAY! But, that's it for now. I will take some pics later on today or tomorrow.

My day
So the plans for today, Saturday, were to get a haircut, pick up some weed, get home to get ready for this party that starts at 9pm! Haircut went as planned. No problems there. But, the pickup got a lil worrisome...

I call my dealer and a woman answers the phone. WHOA WHOA WHOA! So, I am caught off guard. Awkward moments. I give her the location to meet up and she tells me one hour. I am totally skeptical. I think my dealer got pinched and cops are tryin to set up whoever they can. I call my other boy, the cheap one, to find out if he knows what's going on. I make my way on the train to the rendezvous point in Harlem on 125th street.

So, I get there about half-hour early and I just do some walking around. I go to Harlem all the time but rarely to visit Harlem. So, I got a chance to SEE the neighborhood and take in all of the changes. I found a little garden shop, east of Lenox Ave. It's a long block. I bought some garden scissors since it's nearing harvest time and I got a 4oz bottle of Super Thrive tee hee hee. They got a pretty decent garden center with potting soil, some amendments like bone meal, other items like drip tubing... definitely no one stop shop, but good to help spread the risk. It's in a paint shop in the back.. Behr Paints, I think. So, score one for the small obscure garden shop. I may want to do soil in the near future lol.

Anyway, finally my friend calls me back to let me know shit was legit. The dealer is just hiring people and whatnot. It's been an hour so I call the dealer back and the woman tells me he is on his way now, 20 minutes. I wait another 45 min and get a phone call from the woman saying he's at the spot. I get up to the vehicle and I see this bald chubby dude and I am caught off guard. I expected my dealer because she didn't say it wouldn't be him. Does that make sense? LOL. So, he can tell I am worried and shit! He tells me to get in and tells me how he knows my dealer for 10 years. I think it doesn't matter how long you knew him, it matters how long I've known you - 2 seconds. Anyway, I say **** it and just make the deal and call it a day!

I talk to my friend again on the way and he explains the dealer just takes off on weekends and lets those guys take over for him. I would catch my dealer mainly on weekdays and I always call on a Friday it seems lol. I wish he would have filled me on that other tidbit earlier. But, I am glad I know now! Score two for the new info on my dealer!

Anyway, I head home with my two 1/8ths of Jack Herer, tee hee hee! I roll a small blunt just to get nice. I forget this is Jack. I got a little too ****ed up LOL. I almost went to sleep and said **** the party. But, I got off my ass and met up with my friends.. of course I rolled another fatter blunt for the crew to smoke - 3 out of 4 of us.

Me and fellas meet up downtown and as we're on our way smoking that blunt I rolled earlier. I was already high so I let the other two burn it out togther for the most part. We had a couple following us with the guy outright claiming to get a contact high from us. I told him, "You're walking behind the right person if you're looking for contact." We got to the corner and it hit me - LET THE GUY HIT THE JACK! I turned around and the couple was gone! Luckily, I saw a cop car pulling up nearby and was able to react in time. LOL. Cop car was responding to another situation so when we got a little further away, we finished it up!

Anyway, the club event was cool. Most folks didn't have on a costume. The hostess, who invited us, was hard to find. The music was good but there wasn't any dance music - just Hip Hop which is great to sit and vibe so I was happy. But, my friends weren't too happy. They wanted to rub up on some booty. I can't blame them! The atmosphere wasn't party. It was more "big get together" in a lounge atmosphere.

Anyway we found some spots to lay down and the Jack Herer took me into lala land LOL. We left there to go to a store in the area my other friend loves because they sell Arrogant Bastard beer LOL. This little magazine shop was great. I got my FIRST EVER HOOKAH. It's beautiful. I have simply got to get a pic uploaded for you guys to see. It's not some big monstrous hookah... it's a baby hookah. It's blue glass, blue ceramic bowl and blue hose, about a foot tall (I am horrible with eyeing measurements LOL). You guys will love it. I still want a huge one but this is gonna be my baby right now! Score three for the baby hookah!

PICS COMING SOON... the plant, the lil drying bud, and the hookah.. LOL.

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hey poppin, great post! had a good time reading that one. makes me want to go to harlem. :joint:

it also makes me really anxious for the jack herrer i got from my friend to get up and goiing. only one left. i gifted two of them to a friend who is trying to get a few plants started, and as someone else gave me a couple of white widow clones i figured i'd let him have the jackie babies from start to finish. but i did keep one, just in case. haha

hope all is well. keep it growin' my friend! :canabis:


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khaleel said:
hey poppin, great post! had a good time reading that one. makes me want to go to harlem. :joint:

it also makes me really anxious for the jack herrer i got from my friend to get up and goiing. only one left. i gifted two of them to a friend who is trying to get a few plants started, and as someone else gave me a couple of white widow clones i figured i'd let him have the jackie babies from start to finish. but i did keep one, just in case. haha

hope all is well. keep it growin' my friend! :canabis:

thanks man.. grow out that jack. i hope it's a big ol lady for ya. but you know at this level, when we get weed we have to do some inspections with our microscopes. mannnn the nugs are frosty as hell, triches have a good mix of amber and cloudy. GOOD SHIT!


Active member


All kinds of pics... LOL.

Here's the plant folks. It's just packing on some fat and stuff right now. I see the difference in the random nug shot! It's gotten quite frosty! I gotta fill the rez with some fresh water! LOL. Sorry I am so skimpy with the plant pics but I wanted to put something up and I was tired so I was being lazy!

Here's the baby nug that I am drying right now. Still a slight chlorophyll smell like I said. One pic is from the 25th and the other is from early yesterday morning. Damn thing is taking forever to get to that point but I AM learning the hard way. LOL. One of my friends who "doesn't smoke" is waitin to try some of Poppin Fresh's homegrown... me too! LOL.

Here's the Jack Herer that I picked up from the dealer or rather what's left of it. :joint: I am bout to smoke some of that right now cuz it IS football sunday. I am watching Giants (hopefully) whoop the Dolphins ass in London. I have no idea what the hell they're in London for. I mean I know! But, I am just sayin! LOL. My friend who "doesn't smoke" smelled that shit last night and took a puff cuz it smelled so good! He tries to refrain from smoking but that's the 2nd time he's been pulled to a puff by the pungent odor of some sweet sweet sensi LOL. And, both times it was the Jack Herer.. I promise you that. I love this weed!

Finally some pics of my baby hookah! I got it for $39 on the dot! I am going to soooooooooooooooooooooooo use this thing TONIGHT!



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harvest time???????????????

harvest time???????????????

Yeah people, I just checked the triches and they are mostly cloudy right now with a bit of clear at the top. there was some slight new growth all around as well. i am reading and trying to understand... early harvest = head high, late harvest = body high. i want that head high! lol. so im thinkin to pull it down halloween night. another reason that has me wanting to pull it down now are two of the lower leaves look like they are about to fall off at the main stem for some reason. maybe it was me moving it.

anyway, what do yall think? should i pull it up now (by nov. 1) or wait for the 30% amber mark?

that lil nug i pulled looks like it's almost ready. been long enough i guess. i'll smoke that tonight and give an early report. although, im a blunt man, i have bong waiting due to the low quantity! LOL.


if you like the head high, do it before 11/1, i bet it will be some really energetic smoke. i personally love the head high, but i also like a little body, which is why i will be harvesting with some amber but less than 30%.