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Poppin Fresh is learning the hard way!



right on poppin! congrats my friend... can't wait to see the final product. :wave:
and who knows, maybe by harvesting on halloween you'll get some extra-funky high from all the spirits and shit floating around. :abduct:


Active member
Laaaaast Caaaaalllllllllllll

Laaaaast Caaaaalllllllllllll

Well ladies and gentlemen, this will be the last set of pics while my plant is still alive. I am chopping TONIGHT! Yup, the old gal is goin down! Any tips fgr the chop? Any threads I should look at? Last minute words? LOL. Here come the pics...


you should chop right before lights come on, there will be less water up in the plant (leaves, buds etc.) and it aids in drying.


Active member
rkrone said:
you should chop right before lights come on, there will be less water up in the plant (leaves, buds etc.) and it aids in drying.

i was going to chop at about 9pm to midnight for the same reason. my light schedule is 6am-6pm. is it still cool or should i plan for an early morning? lol

thanks for your help man!


im with ya man, i had a sampler nugget today, and boy i am impressed. i cant wait to her down
Hey man hope the chop went well... just skimmed through a bunch of your thread as i'm doing my first DWC grow now. Things look decent. I harvested a nice sativa-dom plant in soil a while back and it looked more mature than yours, but i was wishing i'd left it longer to fatten up. The high was nice though. It had maybe 10% amber and it was goood. it looks like yours might get bigger if you had left it longer. but i think by now its probably long gone! enjoy the fun man i love choppin em down... although i'm sad for the plant at the same time but! thats the way of nature:D:D hope she treats ya nice...

btw rkrone i notice you frequent this thread. thanks for the help a while back... i had some questions associated with my DWC and you helped me out man! im a bit of a lurker on the boards here and dont post much but let me tell you man.. no news is good news.. thats why you haven't heard from me :D:D thanks for the help though dude things are lookin good in the cab. My 250's treatin me nice..


Active member
post chop pics

post chop pics

Hey BBF.. thanks for checking in. yup it was taken down lol. i think i would have downed it regardless. also, as i checked the trichs after the chop, i found a few amber heads here and there. not a lot but i think i got it where i wanted it. i don't think it would have gotten any bigger tho. i think the light just wasn't strong enough and i didn't give it that long of a veg period. but next time, i promise to be more careful.

It's hanging in the closet now. I had a lot of work to do, still more because it was late and I was tired lol. I cut off the main fan leaves. In fact, I hardly used the scissors.. I pulled them off at the main stem which proved harder at the top. i pulled off most of the bud leaves cept the smallest one because they had the most trichs. i'll manicure it over the weekend and maybe enjoy some decent scissor hash as it continues to dry lol.

Now, I gotta clean out the buckets. I don't think I will use that hydroton again. I got plenty left. I am more worried about security. I think I will dump at a nearby bin or dump it in with a big building's garbage... im gon clean out the closet and put up fresh mylar lol. then we can do it again :woohoo:

anyway, here go the pics..


Registered Pothead
Nice job poppin!! You can always clean your hydroton and use it again if you dont wanna get rid of it. I think you use hydrogen peroxide to do it but am not completely sure cause i throw my rocks away at my buddies work.


Active member
funny shit and pics too lol

funny shit and pics too lol

sup chubby and rkrone... thanks for showin up. the hydroton is in the bag with tubing and shit.. starting with all fresh tubing since im hooking up more than one bucket on the next go. think i will set it off definitely in december.

So, check this out folks. As I am tearing down the room friday, i unscrew the light to find a bug lodged in between the tubes. by the looks of it, its been there for a loooooong time cuz it's all dead and crispy. i had to handle with real care to not mash it up lol.

hey bug.. wtf are you doing there lol :bashhead: here are some pics. Can anyone ID it for me?

on another note, i got anxious again but score another one for my instincts, i think lol. anyway, i went to go pull a few small nugs off for a decent joint. :joint: i notice just how dry the branches are. the damn thing snapped like nothing lol. as you can, or will, see, I got a lil over 7 grams curing in the jars.. woooo a quarter ounce on my first grow. nothing great but now that i know i can get the shit done.... but bein that it's really done drying and curing now, i totally went against the idea of smoking it. im just going to let it sit til the urge hits me.

anyway here are some pics

anyway... keep in touch folks. smoke report coming in a week if i can hold out that long lol!

Glad I caught myself before posting... the other leaves that i had were dry as hell. i put it in a coffee grinder.. placed the dust in one of the baby juice bottles... filled it with everclear.. gon try to pull a tincture out that shit. i forget how long i should wait for the thc to... *oh shit i just totally ninjaed a flea flying around without looking lol* ..dissolve in the tincture before i extract! LOL.


a quarter of your own weed is better than a pound of someone else's!!! (well... haha)

congrats my brother. here's to pullin the first one off. :joint:


Active member
Smoke Report. I Couldn't Wait! LOL

Smoke Report. I Couldn't Wait! LOL

so yeah basically a day after i jarred that shit to cure, i give it it's first burp and i'm friggin tempted to touch. oh well.. **** it i deserve a taste. so i pull out a half gram. it felt really dry like it was too dry so i put in a lil dried wet tissue (like less than even damp) and tucked that into another bottle wit the half gram for an hour. when i took it out it was better than too dry, a lil chewy even. i ground in up in the grinder and rolled a joint.

now check this out. earlier i was playing with the stem and it snapped. i didn't know the thing was hallow like that. that's pretty cool.

so as i look for some paper to make a filter, it hit me that i could use the stem as a filter. so i got my shears out to snip off a good size piece and finished the roll

Interesting Fact: When I roll a joint, I do something I can't do with a blunt. Now, I don't know how ingenious I am but I haven't seen anyone else do this. But, I am sure my noob ass hasn't made up anything new lol. Anyway, I seal the end, wet the whole joint and then create a vacuum so the skin sort of shrinks against the weed. It helps reduce airflow! Do that for as long as it takes to dry it out. Too wet, you'll probably pass out LOL.

So, I get to smoking my own homegrown. It has kind of a woody and slightly spicy flavor. I sort of recognize from when I use to smoke regular schwag but my homegrown is definitely smoother going down. I didn't get as high as I am used to when I smoke shit like Jack Herer or Diesel. But, it's definitely more potent than regular schwag.

I got a pretty good heady high from it.. not lethargic at all. It did take little while to come on which is cool with me. I like the build up because you can feel the transformation.

I had just finished the joint as I started typing this and my cousin called. I last heard from her about 14-15 years ago. So we're talking and talking and the munchies hit... PRIORITIES PRIORITIES.. I told her I needed to get some food and told her why too! So, I made some PB&J sandwiches which were nuked for about 40s to get that warmness I like without the melting. Hence, this intermission while I eat. LOL.

Anyway, it feels good. I like this kinda high. It isn't so intense. I feel a very slight tingling in my head. I was watching King of Queens/Everybody loves Ray hybrid show where they hang out or whatever.. GOOD SHIT! Then I got mesmerized by some magician revealing tricks. That's when my cousin called. I want to lay down a little bit.

Final Note:
It ain't over yet! I still got plans I want to run by you guys! LOL

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya PoppinFresh :wave:
Congrats - sounds like you're having fun sampling your harvest! :yes::canabis: She will get better with a bit of time, I'm always amazed at how the potency and taste changes as the bud cures. Sweet job buddy! :canabis:

I hear ya on the PB&J man - these days for me it's either HagenDas chocolate or oreos and milk! :yummy: Enjoy! -MGJ


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
hey pop, i know we got our differences but this is about the cannabis, and i respect your grow, if you dont know, but i called our "smokin buddy back home" and he was tellin me that they are officially going to have a cannabis cup, and hes a judge!!!

i had to ask him a couple times if he was B.S.'n , he said, nah it was the REAL DEAL (i caught him right b4 he was gonna spark up so he wouldnt B.S. about thatup)!!! cats from different spots comin' through with their homegrown/crossbred flavors. first class beans and other grower goodies will be in the building from what our smokin buddy told me.

im a call him again and see whats good with allof it, i suggest u give him a call as well and get it from the horses mouth. since its so close to home and thats the safest spot anyone of us could be in is close to home doesnt make sense for neither one of us to miss that one, so i had to hollah, thats serious buisness.


great smoke report poppin! :joint:

had a good time readin that one. i think part of the head high is the fact that it grew with your own energy and love pushing it along (or some new-age shit like that lol).

so what's next? you should order some jack beans - might as well grow your favorite. :rasta: myself, i'm looking at a couple of white widow clones that are just starting to take off in veg. mmmmm, can't wait to put them through bloom. :canabis:

take care man!


Active member
Hey MGJ. Thanks for checking in. That PB&J hit the SPOOOOT! lol

Khaleel, I think although this grow was a pretty decent success in spite of the fact that I rushed it, it still was a bit weak for my taste. It's not really worth my time to grow that any more. I am still going to use them as practice. My next grow, I am going to worry about keeping a mother, cloning, and topping.. ya know.. part two of my Learning The Hard Way series. I could write a book from the noob's perspective LOL.

After this second time, I will buy some primo genetics to work with.

Although, I'd love to grow out some Jack or even Diesel, I think being in NYC it's easy to get those two especially with my dealer. I think I need to explore some of these amazing strains. Why grow what I've already smoked and I can get easily? I am going for Mazar and La Nina. This is where I really have to take a harder look at these strains which is what I do when I am not raising hell in the Toker's Den LOL.

We'll see what the future holds. For now, I am just going to enjoy my homegrown and take a little break to plot and plan and get materials.


part three of your series can be titled "Hobby Breeding: a turn at playing god" :D