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Poppin Fresh is learning the hard way!


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MGJ, rkrone, and Lougrew... i am honored the heavyweights came to check me out. I pay attention to all of you guys as well as many others. i think i'm gon cry... lol


Active member
BRAINTHOOOOOOOOOOOOOR.. lol wassup man.. thanks for the check up

now i know im not ready to harvest and all that but that time is getting close. im not home so my baby is unattended but everything should be ok, i hope lol. anyway, all i can do is think about my lil girl. and i figure i might be looking at an late oct/early nov harvest. i figure when i get back home, i'll be at least 2-3 weeks from harvest. should i start flushing or waitt for some sign to let me know when. do i look for cloudy trichs and start flushing then until they're partially amber so i can harvest.

argh... this part sucks because i don't wanna take her too soon but i know to watch for too much amber. when do i start this flushing process? lol. wasn't someone supposed to make this part a sticky in the harvesting and curing forum lol.

the problem is that i want to do this right but it seems everyone is doing something different and there's no concrete, shut yo mouth solution lol. i need a hot grower chick to hold me and tell me everything is going to be ok LOL. as you can see from this post im pretty confused. but my instincts tell me to start flushing around the 20th of oct. i'll look at the moon phases and star alignment lol.

all i do know is that i have a solution for drying and i want to get some cobalt blue glass jars for curing. tee hee hee! what do you guys think!


[in my best hot chick grower voicie] poppin, every thing is gonna be o.k. :canabis: bwahahaha

if you flush at least a week i'm sure you're fine. i plan on flushing on the early side, because i would rather have them grow a little less at the end from not having nutes, than having to pull them late and/or having the bud taste like chem. but let me know what you end up doing and how it goes.

so i just found out one of my biggest/best/lst'd four plants is a boy. had to cull him today. too bad, it was a glorious plant. only three left of the original seeds. hope they're girls...

catch ya later holmes :wave:


Active member
Hey Ganja Smile.. nope.. i don't even touch it cept to check the trichs and even then I am lickin my fingers like a turned on chick tryin to get some sort of buzz lol. But, I do like playing with the fan leaves. They have that texture that i guess is necessary for letting water fall away. so, i push them slightly to just to see them bend up a lil. lol

Hey Khaleel. thanks for the try but my boy tries that over the phone and i can always tell. lol. thanks for the tip. i'll definitely let you know what i plan to do. i think i may err on the side of good taste and try for a two week flush but im afraid she may go longer so my timing has to be just right. i guess i just need that experience to tell. lol. sorry to hear about the guy. but hey, what can ya do?
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waddup poppin

sorry to hear your not pimping those hoes like you should be......long distance pimping is hard......the girls never listen. hehe

cant wait to see what they look like next, and as far as flushing goes.....good luck, not knowing when to harvest is kinda a thorn in the side of bagseed


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I am baaaack.. with pics!

I am baaaack.. with pics!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, I am back from my week long getaway! spent some time with a good friend. but no need to get into the details of that, LEO may be paying too close attention and can't be tippin off those hard up sissies!

So, I open my room door and before I even get to the closet.. BAM.. hit with the scent of the sweet sweet sensi. I figure this being just one plant, it wouldn't come out like that. Imagine that I have plans to grow more than one plant in the future. I am going to have to look at some of those DIY scrubbers lol. my lil air purifier just ain't cuttin it lol. :bashhead:

And, who said Poppin Fresh isn't learning the hard way? Not I! i:muahaha:

Anyway, on with the pics..............

The whole plant and nothing but the plant lol

Closer shots all the way down!

Top cola shots

Random bud closeup

Patented Poppin Fresh down the stem look


bring on the frost, those shots of the cola mountain tops need a little snow on em :D


Active member
I forgot the comparison shot

I forgot the comparison shot

Yes, yes.. how could I have forgotten the comparison shot! But, what exactly to compare. It's kind of difficult to see from week to week at this point. It's just fattening up ever so slightly :chin: Let's try for the cola comparisons..

Dates: 9/28, 10/04, and 10/12

And, let's do the random bud shot because if I am right, that shot isn't so random as I am pretty sure I always go for the exact same bud because I don't have to do too much to get at it!

Dates: 9/16, 9/18, 9/28, 10/12

I hope that does the trick as far as comparisons go!


Cool grow man. It's interesting to see shwag seed growing like that, most people stick with seeds from the bags they like. I'm keeping the good seeds categorized with a smoke report for the batch they came from, then I'm throwing all the crap/shwag seeds in one baggie to plant in unprepared ground soil just to see how they take it, as a test.


Active member
:wave: Horus. Yeah I can't wait to smoke this. I hope I do it all right down to the final cure so that i can give a good smoke report.

:wave: rkrone mannnnnnn who u tellin. it's gotten thicker for sure but i need to see a snowstorm lol. i think i just need better lights. maybe its the nutrients but i can't call it.. i don't have any nute deficiencies cept old damage.

:wave: B/R yes yes.. thanks man!

:rasta: I smoked some northern lights shit just now.. my dealer only said it was some NL cross.. OMG.. so cerebral. i love that shit. at half the blunt, i felt open and creative. i was down to do anything. but i had nothing to do, i finished the blunt out and that's when the trip started lol. it's like i could feel the energy flowing thru my body, pounding thru from my forehead. i got couch locked but not like an indica does it. i was movin my arms and legs tryin to get up but my torso wouldn't budge lol. i couldn't lean forward or to the sides. my eyes were like 3 cameras each in constant rotation.


PoppinFresh said:

:rasta: I smoked some northern lights shit just now.. my dealer only said it was some NL cross.. OMG.. so cerebral. i love that shit. at half the blunt, i felt open and creative. i was down to do anything. but i had nothing to do, i finished the blunt out and that's when the trip started lol. it's like i could feel the energy flowing thru my body, pounding thru from my forehead. i got couch locked but not like an indica does it. i was movin my arms and legs tryin to get up but my torso wouldn't budge lol. i couldn't lean forward or to the sides. my eyes were like 3 cameras each in constant rotation.

you paint a pretty picture, my friend. almost sounds like a verse from Kafka or something. gotta get me some good sative! haha :smoke:


Active member


well i decided to pump up my nutrients to see how the plant would take it. i was already running pretty light. i hadn't replaced the nutrients in weeks. the tips started to burn a bit. i only used 1/8th of the recommended dose literally. 1/4 power to a gallon and there's 2.5 gallons the system can hold. so it's even less than an 1/8th power and the tips started burning. so i pulled out 2 gallons, dumped it, then put in 2 gallons of fresh tap water! in the process i broke off one of the fan leaves. we'll see how all of this goes over the next week.

it seems the plant has stopped packing on trichs which is why i bumped up the nutrients in the first place. i figure maybe it needed a little extra but i guess it backfired a little. anyway, i've been watching closely. trichs seem to be cloudy/clear right now. not a lot of amber. will have some pics to show later on! maybe by monday! but it hasn't changed much.

BUT, i did grab one of the leaves on my little cola and the underside of the leaf stuck to my finger. tee hee hee.. first time that ever happened. it was like tape too. very sticky under there. i pulled up the leaf and saw a good number of trichs under there but closer to the base!

anyway, that's it for now!
Nice grow you have going on PF. I hope mine live long enough to get sticky like yours. Looks like you'll be able to smoke your own stuff soon.