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pit bulls...


Well-known member
wouldnt generalize any breed as seen many tuck tail …….
My presa lacks the confidence that she should have. She has came a long way and is a great pet that would gladly protect home and family. But she definitely would not be suitable for any actual protection work. She was 6 months old when I got her and as far as I can tell was not socialized at all.


Well-known member
I fell in love with pitbull’s when i was a little kid. Our neighbors had one that all the neighborhood kids used to play with. The dog would tolerate being wrestled and hugged by a big group of kids and never once showed aggression, and ime with the breed they are very loving and playful animals.


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Mtn. Nectar

Well-known member
had few Presa‘s ……best male called Padre was long legged big headed fuc you up minded individual….reminded me of the dogs the Spanish used to clear off unexplored islands …..the best female was shorter coupled and more stable ….called her Tuna….bitch produced some really nice pups that most folks could handle….
not bull bred, but the Filas had were some of the quickest to fly off the handle and want to eat you…..no weak nerves here….straight up nutty to fuc your buddy…better have good insurance…..


Well-known member
they are the best dogs in my opinion.
our gang had a pitt. so there safe around
kids. almost all dogs are ok. it's the owner,
trainer of the dog. that makes most bad.
last 1 i had we went to 3 classes. 1st was
on leash. 2nd was off leash. 3rd was hand
signals. the classes teach you how to teach
the dog. is done with love not just treats.
give this a watch.


Well-known member
had few Presa‘s ……best male called Padre was long legged big headed fuc you up minded individual….reminded me of the dogs the Spanish used to clear off unexplored islands …..the best female was shorter coupled and more stable ….called her Tuna….bitch produced some really nice pups that most folks could handle….
not bull bred, but the Filas had were some of the quickest to fly off the handle and want to eat you…..no weak nerves here….straight up nutty to fuc your buddy…better have good insurance…..
I have read a Fila will try to eat anyone they have not known since being a puppy. And those are not small dogs.


Well-known member
it's not adults that normally have problems with them. small children and other dogs/cats etc are seen as needing to be dominated/killed if not well trained and socialized. too many owners have the attitude of "fuck you, go around me". owning a big dog does not give you the right of way. the responsibility is on the OWNER to have his dog under control. we used to have a couple of asshats here locally that would ride around at night and let their pit out to attack other folks dogs they saw. i'd shoot the dog first and then open up on the car...but i'm just a grumpy old bastard that expects other people to act responsibly. :dunno:

Bona Fortuna

Well-known member
One thing I will say, is that some dogs are just flat out bred to be mean for a purpose, too.
Breeding towards that ‘I have a chip on my shoulder’ demeanor though enough generations and it has a tendency to stick around for a long time within the breeding line.

As an example, hunting.
A few family friends used to breed dogs for bear hunting back when it was legal in California. Those were mean and dangerous hounds. Couldn’t really call them dogs and certainly not pets. These dogs were roamers, allowed to wander the BLM, state and federal lands for months at a time. They were tracked via radio collars and only recalled 3-4 times a year to get vaccinations and treatments for whatever battle scars they ended up with. The hounds fought bears regularly.

Here in the extremely rural parts of California, it wasn’t unheard of to wander across a small pack of semi-feral hunting hounds with radio collars in the deep forests. Again, those were dangerous dogs. First and best reaction to these animals was to climb a tree like the bears they hunted, because the hounds were actually trying to hunt you. I’ve come across many mountain lion in the backwoods, but feared the dogs much more.

I’m actually glad they made bear hunting with hounds illegal in the state. Terrifying creatures. Had many close calls with hounds I had a good relationship with.
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Well-known member
my last dog was a Plott hound, bred in North Carolina specifically to hunt bears/boar. my cats used to bully her, lol. they'd walk between her legs and swish their tails in her face! it was hilarious to watch...she was such a sweetheart... pits were one of the foundation breeds that formed the Plotts...


Well-known member
This bullshit stereotyping resulted in the death of two fine animals. My aunt died last september and it was left up to me to find homes for her 3 rottweilers, one which was 10 years old. She lived in a very rural area, and the pounds here are so overwhelmed that theyre putting dogs down all day and getting them into a shelter forget it. So I figured my only realistic option was craigslist. I created a post with photos of these great dogs that had never harmed a soul and were great with kids. Only to get my posting flagged twice in 36 hours by PETA activists, who apparently spend all day flagging posts with aggressive breeds like pits and rottweilers and german shephards, in some ultimate goal of preventing these dogs from falling into the hands of dog fighters and other miserable people. But I absolutely could not find anybody to take them and I was ultimately forced me to surrender the 2 youngest ones to the pound where they were put down. I cant help but feel this stereotyping is to blame, and nobody with common sense gives away animals without checking people out these days, so if you ever run across a PETA member please kick them in the sack for me. Theyre doing much more harm than good


Invertebrata Inebriata
Disagree. Two dogs down, versus somebody getting mauled is an easy choice. Sorry for your loss. really, but I don't think it's PETA's fault they're dead. You could have just taken them to a shelter. They might have found a new home there. But if they didn't they would be just like all the other breeds- hundreds if not thousands of dogs get put down every day for all kinds of reasons.


Well-known member
Disagree. Two dogs down, versus somebody getting mauled is an easy choice. Sorry for your loss. really, but I don't think it's PETA's fault they're dead. You could have just taken them to a shelter. They might have found a new home there. But if they didn't they would be just like all the other breeds- hundreds if not thousands of dogs get put down every day for all kinds of reasons.

Oh believe me the shelters were my first thought but they couldn't take them. All they had available was a "placement counselor" that i could speak to about ways to find homes for them and even then i had to wait a month to talk to them, and I couldnt wait that long. I have 2 boxers so no room at my house. Im sure things aren't this desperate in other parts of the country. To get them in shelters here there has to be space available when you contact them and thats just luck of the draw


Well-known member
It’s a big responsibility taking on a pitbull as a pet. They’re capable of causing a lot of damage if they decide to attack, so It’s the responsibility of the owner to make sure incidents like this don’t happen, or if they do you need to be able to release the bite using the collar to gently and calmly choke the dog out so it’ll release its bite. Please don’t ever start beating a dog that’s locked onto another dog. It might ‘work’ occasionally but it’s the absolute opposite of what you should do. You want to walk up behind the dog and reach into its collar and use an upward motion while applying lateral pressure to restrict oxygen so you can briefly choke the dog out. It’s a fairly swift movement and the dog recovers quickly.


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Deleted user 97766655

Active member
The pitbull is a hunting dog terrier. Old breed that was bastardized when we became civilized lmao! People should not own pitbulls because they don’t know what they are and all the peddlers are just scum bags making money knowing they shouldn’t sell these dogs to regular people. Where I am from we own guns, dogs and such. Catchdogs lmao, only idiots take their dogs out to go after wild hogs. Catch dogs are dead for 400 lb boar hog will kill a pitty in no time flat. The dog fighters are just low level psychopaths that get their rocks off killing shit. If people want a dog don’t get a pit they are not for the meek and require a person with intelligence. Just go get something else too many of you fools can’t handle them. I hear so many stories how all the sudden he just went off, yes because they are a dumb ass putting themselves and dog in danger.
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Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
Well if we’re talking about the topic of fear this is the scariest dog. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cane_Corso
I had a S.Mastiff for years at his peak he was 180lbs he’s in my album
Best dog I’ve ever owned loyal to his masters and our child
But he knew what he had but never abused it
All he had to do was just look at another dog they would dart the opposite direction
Now I have a straw baby red nose pit bull from jj she’s the best
Very on guard and aware and honestly core strength moreso than the cane
Or maby the cane was more well trained lol
Lovely dogs everyone

Bona Fortuna

Well-known member

Someone mentioned Argentino’s earlier. Our big ol’ 150lb+ Bullmastiff/argentino on the left. His head was about the half the size of the whole 65lbs bully on the right.
Must agree, 150lbs+ of either excitement or anger coming at you is terrifying or downright dangerous. Neither leave the property.

This dude is perhaps one of the simplest minded dogs I’ve ever met. Not a damn thing went on inside that dogs noggin.
He’d take celebration laps around the garden whenever he did his morning business at Mach 0.5. I swear he just about tore my ACL when he sprinted by and barely managed to clip my knee on the way past.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Have just adopted a neo x doge mastiff and he’s the most lovely tempered boy, but I do put in a lot of time and work with him daily. Vet says he’s going to be 60kg easily (132lbs) . The bigger dogs take more work but I always think the rewards in loyalty and companionship are worth it.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
So they are completely illegal to own in the UK?
Most of europe, 400 areas in USA. Most homeowners insurance will not cover them and huge increase if they know you have one. Some counties require $100K to $300K in liability insurance.

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