Here are my security doggys Coco the pit Chewy the Dobie ,Bohdi the husky and Jaina mostly Italian greyhound.
Biden's 2yo german shepherd has attacked the secret service for the 11th time. Bit his arm and leg.
These dogs tend to pick only one person they like, and often not the one who feeds them. The UK police call them land sharks.
His wife can't control it, and there is no shortage of professional help.
The dog lovers are saying the white house is very busy.
Your love of dogs is blinding you to some obvious truths. Stories of her failed efforts to control the dog, have already been in front of a court, while the white house has a number of dog units always present. The ex team leader of which says it can't be controlled, and needs leashing and muzzling. How professional a verdict do you want.I can’t even look at him with a straight face anymore…
this will sound odd, but i've never had an issue with any pits. every damn one runs up and rolls over for belly rubs, or wants their ears scritched. great dogs! but i would not trust them with a child nor another pet. it only takes a couple of seconds and the damage is done, no going back.I love dogs, but avoid pit bulls and their owners. Almost any breed is better than a pit bull. Owners all seem to be insecure tough guys, who own the dogs to intimidate. I'm sure there are great individual pit bulls and owners out there, but I've never met one.
Sexist and hates dogs?Pompous, sexist, and hates dogs, bet you’re fun at parties dude…
That's a great start to my day. Thank you for the audible chuckle. I might add that to my forum signature.The ultimate dog to leave your children alone with