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:::::::Pipeline Gardens 2023:::::::


ICMag Donor
Knew they were going to need watering before 7 days since it had been a hair dryer weather week with temps in the mid to upper 80's and wind. Got out there yesterday evening as it was just cooling down.

Before watering, I weeded the plot again using leather gloves to wipe off the small seedlings. Works really well when weeds are young, but you have to be very careful not to break the stems on the herb plants. Thankfully they were pretty flexible still. As they mature, they get stronger stems and which makes it easier to weed. Once the canopy closes, weeds aren't really an issue, and you can sit under the shade and cool down when doing inspections. :smoke:

Everything looked like it was growing well! No critter damage except I have frogs. :smoke:

There was a frog that jumped out of the roots of one of the Sativa Candy Chunk Med. Indica plants! I saw one last weekend when was watering. I have never had frogs burrowing in my plot before. Must be the dry weather and they're looking for moisture. He was covered in growing media being a sticky frog, it was really funny. Tried to get a pic, but he ran off. Should have got out the spotlight. I saw him later last evening when I was done watering, so I have a buddy now! :smoke:

Going out to check the plot and make sure the plants are all still standing. I usually don't have to use stakes, only when necessary. Works well just to use some soil to support the base. The plants are able to stand themselves up somewhat when they see the sun.

Plants are starting to show a little bit of character now! Stick around for a few shots in the sun. See how they perked up after the water. Will be ready to fertilize again in a couple weeks! :smoke:

Paradaise Cheese x Lebanese in the front


Frog burrow-- no harm done. Frog is a beneficial if he eats pests! :smoke:


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ICMag Donor
All the Lord's prophets have that same hope of the promise, life abundant walking in the goodness and truth which God always is able to provide. He's always guiding and protecting to bring us into the land which was promised to our fathers. :smoke:

Thanks moses wellfleet, I can't wait to see how they turn out. Its been a long long time since I've had any other strains in the garden, it was way back in 2010!

Don't have mulch down yet, I don't know why and I was thinking about this yesterday evening. Its risky to put down mulch at this stage since its so much detail, it wouldn't work well.

I was considering though, when I plant next year, I could work the soil with with fertilizer, grade it out for planting, then put down an inch or so of compost BEFORE transplanting. This would also amend the soil as the seedlings are installed into the garden! I need some mulch/compost to help water to soak in better. They clay develops a crust and its harder to get the water to the rootzone.


ICMag Donor
Spent some time checking out the different phenotypes of the various strains we have growing, this is going to be fun this year! Can't wait to see what the terpenes are like at harvest!

Got some pics of the different types of plants. Here's a little preview. Enjoy! :smoke:


Deep Chunk x Blueberry



ICMag Donor
Think this scripture fits pretty well. Little word about Moses from the OG apostle Paul.

2 Corinthians 3 NKJV​

Christ’s Epistle​

3 Do we begin again to commend ourselves? Or do we need, as some others, epistles of commendation to you or letters of commendation from you? 2 You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; 3 clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart.

The Spirit, Not the Letter​

4 And we have such trust through Christ toward God. 5 Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God, 6 who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the [a]Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

Glory of the New Covenant​

7 But if the ministry of death, written and engraved on stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of the glory of his countenance, which glory was passing away, 8 how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious? 9 For if the ministry of condemnation had glory, the ministry of righteousness exceeds much more in glory. 10 For even what was made glorious had no glory in this respect, because of the glory that excels. 11 For if what is passing away was glorious, what remains is much more glorious.

12 Therefore, since we have such hope, we use great boldness of speech— 13 unlike Moses, who put a veil over his face so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the end of what was passing away. 14 But their minds were blinded. For until this day the same veil remains unlifted in the reading of the Old Testament, because the veil is taken away in Christ. 15 But even to this day, when Moses is read, a veil lies on their heart. 16 Nevertheless when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as [b]by the Spirit of the Lord.


ICMag Donor
Can this go here?
Legacy OG (Legend OG x Humboldt snow)
View attachment 18850154 View attachment 18850155

Were honored to have you contributions posted here @icon :huggg:
Legend OG is legendary
Legend OG is a presumed OG Kush phenotype that offers a fresh take on a classic. Known for tart, floral, and pungent terpenes, Legend OG stays true to its Kush background. Heavily sedating in large doses, Legend OG works hard to relax the consumer by elevating the mind while soothing aches and pains throughout the body. Its sleepy qualities also make it a solid choice before bedtime, but monitor your dosage, as high-THC varieties can overstimulate some minds.

but monitor your dosage, as high-THC varieties can overstimulate some minds. ( look for this type :D )
then it usually mellow to nice relax I imagine

and the Humboldt Snow S1 ~ Snow x Snow
Humboldt Snow is a strain is most likely from California’s legendary land of cannabis cultivation in Humboldt County, where an unknown breeder crossed the region’s well-known Humboldt strain with Snow White. This indica-leaning hybrid strain has been reported to contain an earthy, spicy, and fruity flavor profile

Sources claim the Humboldt Snow plants produce dark green, trichome-encrusted buds in a six-to-nine-week flowering cycle. This strain is reportedly suitable for both indoor and outdoor growing environments,

Hope I got the descriptions right

Thank you for posting wish we had smell-o-vision ;) , Best >>>
More OG!!!!! Thought you guys who are interested in OG Kush might find this thread helpful.


ICMag Donor
Remember Sativa Candy Chunk has SFV OG Kush in it. I'm sure it influences the line. SFV is one of the most potent OG Kush cultivars.

Sativa Candy Chunk is a mixture of the seed from these 3 lines in the garden in 2010 with pollination by 2 (OG Kush x Jamaican Jam) x DC) x DC males.

(OG Kush x Jamaican Jam) x DC)x DC

(Bubba Kush x Bubblegum) x DC

Sour Bubble Bx3 x Sour Bubble bx 4 x DC
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ICMag Donor
"‘Cannabis’ ontologies I: Conceptual issues with Cannabis and cannabinoids terminology" (Drug Science Policy and Law 2020;6:1–37, DOI: 10.1177/2050324520945797) suggest that the basic ‘cannabis product’ might not be composed of flowers, but fruits – more precisely, parthenocarpic fruits. Original study: journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2050324520945797
View attachment 18848906

Appendix II - Figure II-2. Observation of different fruits and pseudo-embryos in parthenocarpic infructescences of Cannabis. A: 1. Parthenocarpic fruits of a C. sativa; 2. Pseudo-embryos from the same infructescence; and for comparison, 3. Mature seeds from seeded fruits of C. sativa (from a different plant) and 4. Immature seeds from the same plant. B: Close-up on the seeds shown in image A-3. C: Close-up on the seeds shown in image A-4. D: 1. A parthenocarpic fruit; 2. A pseudo-embryo isolated from a different parthenocarpic fruit. E: The pericarp from the parthenocarpic fruit shown in image D-1 after having been opened and separated into two bracteoles, leaving visible an empty cavity and the unpollinated, dry, and undeveloped pseudo-embryo (indicated with the arrow). F: Close-up on the pseudo-embryo shown in image D-2 (left) and the pseudo-embryo separated from the fruit of image E (right). G: Close-uponthesamepseudo-embryos,turnedupsidedown.A-G:Scaleinmillimeters.H partially parthenocarpic infructescence of a C. sativa comminuted. Central part of the image: a dark piece of pericarp and tegument from a comminuted seeded fruit. Upper right part: one of the seedless fruit, separated from the rest of the infructescence during comminution. Scale: approx. 1:2. I: The pericarp from the parthenocarpic fruit isolated in A, after opening and separation into two bracteoles, leaving visible the pseudo-embryo (upper right side). Scale: approx. 1:4.

View attachment 18848911

Cardamom-Rose Bhang​

By Rachel Gurjar
March 3, 2023
Photograph by Isa Zapata, Food Styling by Kat Boytsova, Prop Styling by Gerri Williams

Total Time
20 minutes (plus cooling time)
Bhang is an edible preparation of cannabis with roots in the Indian subcontinent and a traditional component of Ayurvedic medicine. It’s frequently enjoyed as a celebratory beverage during Holi, the Hindu festival of colors, and other holidays. Fresh, or sometimes dried, cannabis leaves and flowers are blended with liquid and various spices, nuts, and seeds (think cloves, black pepper, cinnamon, fennel, almonds, pumpkin seeds, to name a few) for a drink that is refreshing, herbal, earthy, and slightly spicy, with a hint of sweetness. It may also have a noticeably bitter or astringent scent, which is normal for cannabis-infused products.
You’ll find a variety of cannabis drinks at bhang shops across India, like bhang lassi (thickened with yogurt) and bhang goli (made with just cannabis and water). This recipe most closely resembles bhang thandai, a milky, lightly sweetened version flavored with aromatic rose water, cardamom, and fennel seed.
Since fresh cannabis plants aren’t widely accessible in the United States, BA associate food editor Rachel Gurjar opts to use dried plants here, which come in plenty of unique flavors. “The ones I used for developing this recipe smelled of fruity bananas and pair nicely with the warm spices,” Rachel writes.
Toasting the dried cannabis transforms the inactive cannabinoids (THCA and CBDA) into their active counterparts (THC and CBD). Dosing also plays a big part in the experience of ingesting products that contain THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, the chemical component responsible for cannabis’s psychoactive effect. But don’t worry: We’ve done the math for you. About ¼ cup bhang equals about 13 mg THC when using cannabis with a 20% THC concentration (note: Though dispensaries should list the THC percentage for their products, it can vary from roughly 10%–30%, depending on the strain). For a seasoned edible consumer, this would be considered a moderate dose. First timers may want to consider using half the amount of cannabis (0.25 g instead of 0.5 g) in this recipe, or portioning the drink’s serving size in half.


ICMag Donor
Thought about transplanting some of them into the thin areas, but its getting late now with preflowers usually showing up in early July a month away. Its also getting hot and dry, and wouldn't want to set back root system development at this late in the season.

The small plants can fend for their self, and actually I like to see a couple gaps in the canopy. It helps improve airflow and light penetration into the canopy, which reduces mold and helps flower production. Having a gap also provides a place to stand when doing inspections. Its best to minimize the area being walked on though to allow maximum root health, and allow better water infiltration into the soil.

Time to top, I thought about it, but I don't like doing it anymore. If they were the March 26th germination batch, I may be having to top! I don't like to top because it creates a spot for potential stem disease like last year, and it creates a weak point where the plant can split in 2 in high wind conditions.

Without topping they keep up momentum, so I tend to leave them alone and let them branch on their own when they reach good light. If some of the plants are shaded a little, I can lean the plants one way another to get everyone a space in the light!

So we can relax now, its summer break! Got some work coming up with flowing stage just a few weeks away!

Flower is smoking sweet right now by the way. I think its max cure/ potency about this stage being cool all winter. May start to fade and degrade by the end of the summer. Time to enjoy it and smoke it up!




ICMag Donor
God is good! Rain showed up last night, and its still raining mid morning! Just a little light rain less than 1/10 inch, but its cool and over a long period, so it helps. Later this week have some good chances for rain and thunderstorms, so hopefully won't have to haul water this weekend.

You don't want to spoil them with watering too often. Its good to let them dry out once they are more mature and let them search for moisture. This helps the plants develop a deeper root system with better access to nutrients, so if we are getting some rain and its not too hot with some cloud cover, it may be good to give them a week off the watering schedule. In the late summer when preflowers are out, and especially once flower stacking begins, watering should be done more regularly then to keep the plants well hydrated and of course they are more using more water being large plants.

While they are young its important to keep them moist of course to help the plants become established after transplant, and it was really hot the past couple weeks. Watering is an art, you have to be observant of water status of the plants and soil moisture depending on weather conditions and growth stage. Shade helps too, so it can stay wet a little more at this site.


July 17, 2022


Aug 7, 2022


Aug 28, 2022
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River Rooster

Active member
Hi Pipeline nice forest grows! Do those trees in the east block your morning sun? I have been making morning sun a priority when finding spots.

Hauling water sounds hard for so many plants have you thought about making a water catching system? I find it bard to bring enough water just for myself to drink haha


ICMag Donor
Thanks River Rooster! Its important to make sure you bring water to drink for yourself, or else you will get into trouble fast! Also make sure to give the dogs a drink! :smoke:

Its a nice spot to grow in the woods. Since the sun comes up more in the southeast, the trees don't block very much, and the garden gets good morning light!

Morning sun need to be a priority for sure, need to dry down the foliage and flowers as soon as possible to prevent disease and mold, and it helps warm the garden up and get the plants growing in the morning.

Not really room for a water catching system, and have to make it as stealth as possible. Creek isn't too far, but as long as I can get the truck back there, will be able to haul water pretty close with the truck! Need to put down mulch for water conservation though, would really help keep the moisture from evaporating and also helps water to enter the soil better.

Had a little rain yesterday morning, I thought I would stop by and inspect to make sure they were all standing. Everything was up and looking great, it was a brief rain and was mostly light rain. One of the sterling skunks has been struggling to stand, so propped that one up. Always good to have the dogs check for pests and lay down new scent after rain. Thats when the animals tend to come out and mess with the garden the most.

Saw my pet frog again, but he isn't digging anymore, thankfully! :smoke:

Watering is paying off and the plants are beginning to pop! Here read these leaves, look how fat they're getting! Must be growing a good root system down there! :smoke:



Deep Chunk x Blueberry


Sativa Candy Chunk


Pine Tar Kush

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