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:::::::Pipeline Gardens 2023:::::::


ICMag Donor
Early Skunk x Lebanese


Early Skunk x Lebanese


Plot is moving along well! :smoke: :smoke:



Well-known member
Hey Pipeline,
Looking forward to seeing how those DC x’s end up. I’m particularly excited for the DC x Blueberry l think you’re onto something there and the selections will be really easy for you.
The Blueberry leaners of HSO’s Blueberry Headband did exceptionally well here.


ICMag Donor
Thanks, sounds like they will do well, hope its not too wet this fall. Just a reminder, my cultivar has Deep Chunk in it as well. The original males were Deep Chunk in 2010, so it has quite a bit of DC dominance. I was excited about the Blueberry x DC too, its DJ Short's blueberry which was Strain of the Year a couple years ago on The Potcast.

Fruity is a pretty good terpene profile so blueberry sounds wonderful. With my cultivar, there are several types of fruity, and some of the more sativa leaning ones can be just as good and very potent as well. But the flavor and potency is much better on the more indica phenos. The indica fruity ones like 'Cherry' phenotype are hard to finish the pipe and gives you a very dry mouth. DC hybrids are great!

Breakfast indica- mellow moderate potency

Sativa Candy Chunk 'Cherry'

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ICMag Donor
Hey I just had some of that blueberry headband in the El Chivo hybrid my friend picked up at the Flower Bowl dispensary.

It was very potent and was actually similar phenotype to some of the Sativa Candy Chunk! :smoke:

OGKB Blueberry Headband x Grape Gas by Compound Genetics & NorCal IC Mag

Taste profile: earthy and slightly sweet

El Chivo is a relaxing indica hybrid that produces tension relief and muscle relaxation without a sedative effect at lower doses. NHHC testers report a tingling full body sensation, likely a result of El Chivo's Headband genetics. This strain also has a mentally relaxing effect, making it a great choice for anxiety, stress relief, chronic pain and general relaxation, while allowing the user to maintain focus. At high doses, it can lead to couch lock. El Chivo is also recommended for meditation, grief, and processing emotion.


ICMag Donor
One of the medical indica almost has a garlic type smell on it. Its nice to have such an assortment.

Think I'm going to go ahead and fertilize this weekend before the rain with composted chicken manure and cottonseed meal. Looks like they're ready. In Late July once males have been selected an culled, will put down some cottonseed meal and install an inch or 2 composted cow manure/peat humus like I did last year, for a light N fertilizer. I didn't get it done until the first of Sept last year and they were hungry. Should be better doing it earlier with less yellow.

Stay tuned for the update! :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Little frog is still there staying at the plot, guess he's monitoring for moisture. If the frog leaves, the plot must be too dry. :smoke:

He's got a little small spot dug out to sit down in the dirt, but its not really hurting anything. He's probably catching some pest insects so he's a friend.

Have 3/4-1 inch rain forecast tomorrow so going to be working hard today to get the vegetable garden weeded and fertilized. Herb plot is pretty much caught up, just need to weed and fertilize and the Lord will do the rest. Got some more pics yesterday, but the website was down. They didn't grow much since wed with it starting to dry out and cool nights. Starting to see some more character in the plants though.

Most plants are about a foot tall so its time to get some fert put down. Only a couple plants are showing the beginning signs of N deficiency which were in places where water was running off the garden, so we're right on time. Keep em going! :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Didn't want to put down the chicken manure and cottonseed meal fertilizer too soon because of animals and then ended up having to get it done in the rain. Its all good. Now the ground will be moistened up and ready to absorb the nutrients. The rain is just setting in so it should get a thorough watering and feeding! The cottonseed meal looks like it will work well, it is fibrous so it kind of holds the chicken manure in place and keeps it from washing away!

Will put down compost as mulch in a month or so, once the males are out of the way. :smoke:



ICMag Donor
Looks like we got a good half inch or so of rain at the garden today! I'll take that. I spread the fertilizer on when they were wet and the plants kind of got covered. Had to shake the granules off the growing points a little bit, but the rain should wash them off alright.

Need to go out and check to make sure they're all still standing. Would like to have seen more rain, but it was enough. Glad it didn't get washed away really, so it was about right!

Frog was still there, hope he's not too mad. :smoke:

Shots from this weekend--:smoke: :smoke:

Filtered light in the late afternoon


Deep Chunk x Blueberry front, Pine Tar Kush back left, Early Skunk x Lebanese back right


BOG Sour Bubble


Paradise Cheese x Hindu Kush


Paradise Cheese x Hindu Kush

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ICMag Donor
Canopy will be closing in soon. :smoke:


Pine Tar Kush


Sativa Candy Chunk


Deep Chunk x Blueberry


Early Skunk x Lebanese


This is how we smoke it up! Found a couple less desirable of the indica phenotype. They were similar to the loud phenotype which has a little terpene hit but potency is very low and resin is not produced very high. Trying to figure out if its the growing methods or the genotype, could be a combination. It tastes almost as bad as hay like the past few years. Either way the seed doesn't make the cut for keepers.

May try to add more compost/fert in the fall or spring, and try some different fertilizer mixes, have to experiment a little bit. Could do a soil test like @OG_NoMan, but not sure if I am going that direction yet. Probably will once I see how good his garden grows! :smoke:



ICMag Donor
Some of the flowers that aren't as good could also just be from mold that was in a different part of the flower but affected the one you are testing. The drying process outdoors has to be done promptly when dry weather sets in and they should be cut up a little more probably.

I think there are great differences between the plants. Pulled another jar. Smoking on some of the Sativa Candy Chunk 'Cherry' keeper phenotype. Will go back and go through the other jar, but I'm getting tired of smoking bad flower and dumping out the pipe. Thats how it was the past couple years before last year's harvest. Have to keep taste testing though, it all has to be looked at. :smoke:

Couple different views of the garden after the rain yesterday. Many of the plants are starting to show branching with growth beginning at the top nodes! :smoke:

Several seedlings were laying over when I got there. I just use soil to mound around the base of the plants and get them to stand up. I try not to use stakes except when necessary. Plants were kind of heavy and leaning over from being wet, but they will perk up once they dry and see some sun. Some were still kind of covered in chicken manure and cottonseed meal, but they will be alright. I did my best to clean them off.






ICMag Donor
Another batch of rain likely this evening! Plants are going to get the fertilizer washed in well. More rain chances this weekend. Maybe I can leave the watering alone for a few weeks and just do inspections and repellent. Summer break!

Save up your energy, going to be carrying some water late summer! Maybe I can just bring the truck back there for flush. Walking up from the creek is tough work and I can get more water hauled in the truck. Going to be more hidden this year, with corn in the field! :smoke:

Drive the truck back to water and I can bring everything for a garden side cookout picnic! :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Got another batch of rain yesterday, another 0.1 to 0.25 inch, so wanted to check to make sure they were all still standing.

They were all up except one was leaning. They're getting more sturdy! Saw the plants had responded to the rain and fertilizer and had grown in the past couple days! Check it out! Going to see a lot of growth this week! Sun is back today! :smoke:








Well-known member
Pipeline, your my new favirote grower, well second! (Budbunker was the legend, lol)
Is this a specialty for outdoors or do you also do indoor or non soil based mediums.

Nice upkeep on everything


ICMag Donor
Thanks! I appriciate that, I just do outdoor growing. Harvest either lasts me all season or I have to wait and smoke leaves the next year. Its kind of a breeding project too, after doing this for a few years, you find some really good phenotypes and you can save their seed.

I always pollinate until most of the flowers are at pencil eraser size. Seem to get a good result in just a couple seeds per flower, but its more an enough for what i need. Also pollinating early moves the flowering window of the line earlier because those are the plants that produce the most seed.

Found the Sativa Candy Spice in 2017 after 7 generations, and having the higher potency has really helped harvest to last much longer. Been a real blessing for us! Makes your mouth dry for a long time with just a couple tokes! Hoping to make it a true breeding inbred line. Working on stabilizing it by rouging out non-conforming phenotypes.

As well as phenotype hunting, its good to grow out more numbers so if an animal comes through and does any damage, there are more to replace if necessary, and they all won't be damaged if a tree limb falls like last year.


White Window
So how many girls you think you are getting out of this healthy looking bunch!? :)

Your camera have seen better days let's say... :biggrin: But these night shots are pretty cool. :rasta:


ICMag Donor
Thanks! I garden late if I have to. :smoke: Its a new camera that belonged to my dad, and I need to figure it out. It has so many settings, I need to read through the manual. I hit a button last year and the picture size dropped 50% and it acts funny now. :smoke:

I am keeping them all so long as its not a mutant or a complete runt. Last year we had about 50 females at the end. I think it will be the about the same may be a few more. They're starting to branch so the number isn't quite as important as coverage. As long as the branches have a chance to fill in the gaps, the canopy will close and harvest will be about the same. :smoke:


ICMag Donor

Psalm 5 NKJV​

A Prayer for Guidance​

To the Chief Musician. With [a]flutes. A Psalm of David.​

5 Give ear to my words, O Lord,
Consider my [b]meditation.
2 Give heed to the voice of my cry,
My King and my God,
For to You I will pray.
3 My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord;
In the morning I will direct it to You,
And I will look up.

4 For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness,
Nor shall evil [c]dwell with You.
5 The boastful shall not stand in Your sight;
You hate all workers of iniquity.
6 You shall destroy those who speak falsehood;
The Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man.

7 But as for me, I will come into Your house in the multitude of Your mercy;
In fear of You I will worship toward [d]Your holy temple.
8 Lead me, O Lord, in Your righteousness because of my enemies;
Make Your way straight before my face.

9 For there is no [e]faithfulness in their mouth;
Their inward part is destruction;
Their throat is an open tomb;
They flatter with their tongue.
10 Pronounce them guilty, O God!
Let them fall by their own counsels;
Cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions,
For they have rebelled against You.

11 But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You;
Let them ever shout for joy, because You [f]defend them;
Let those also who love Your name
Be joyful in You.
12 For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous;
With favor You will surround him as with a shield.


Galatians 2 :17-21 NKJV

17 “But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is Christ therefore a minister of sin? Certainly not! 18 For if I build again those things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor. 19 For I through the law died to the law that I might live to God. 20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. 21 I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died [j]in vain.”

Heat is coming back next week, and the plants will be getting thirsty. Been decently cool this week and we had a couple rounds of rain earlier in the week so may not be too bad. Need to keep the moisture going every week, if possible, this time of year to help the plants maintain momentum. Want the plants to have a good framework to grow those buds on later this summer!

Will get an update posted soon! Plants probably grew a few inches! :smoke:

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ICMag Donor
Went to water the garden, had the truck loaded with 107 gallons of water, and the plot looked like it still had plenty of moisture. So we drove back and watered the vegies with it. I am trying to figure out how to water correctly. In the past when the plants are large I go by the recommendation to water about `10% of the soil volume, but in the spring thats a little much I think. The plants aren't using that much moisture yet and it can get too wet. This plot has afternoon shade so it is slower to dry out.

Its good to let the plants dry down and only water them when needed. This avoids root rot and other diseases and also promotes and deeper, healthier root system. I didn't want to water them and slow them down!

Everything did grow pretty good this week I was glad to see. A few leaf spots that are light yellow faded spots about a quarter to a half inch in diameter. I have seen them in the past. I think its due to overwatering, or the chicken manure fertilizer. Its pretty minor right now, so not too worried about it.

Going to wait until next weeken to water. Saw a couple preflowers on the Paradaise Cheese hybrids, and pulled a male mutant Satica Candy Chunk.

Will get the rest up soon.



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