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:::::::Pipeline Gardens 2023:::::::


ICMag Donor
Several plants are kicking on all cylinders, starting to grow fast after the rains last week! Have more rain in the forecast so can take a break from the watering for now! I'd rather see the garden go another 1-2 weeks without water and dry down than water again today when it doesn't need it. We want those roots searching for moisture and growing a larger structure in preparation for flowering. :smoke:

Deep Chunk X Blueberry



Deep Chunk x Las Vegas Purple Kush x Hindu Kush



Leaf spots. I have seen them in the past, keeping an eye on them. Anyone know what causes these? I think its a root issue.



ICMag Donor
I have seen those leaf spots pop up in the past at another location, but they were more pronounced. May just use some composted cow manure and cottonseed meal in late July/ early August just in case its the chicken manure compost mix "Healthy Grow" causing the spots. Could that be due to overwatering?

Overwatering usually makes the leaves cup and curl downward from what I have seen. There are only a couple plants that have leaves with cupping/downward pointing leaves so must of the plot is draining well. Forgot the rake when I went to work the bed this spring so I had to try to level it with the shovel, so there is a slight low spot where i see those symptoms. I can move some soil there to improve the grade.

Plants are beginning to show some character and growing fast. Supposed to be rain in the next few days and be about average so just going to let the Lord take care of them so long as it doesn't too dry.

Pulled some weeds and a half dozen plants that were yellow and diseased, runts, or mutant. Going out later to scout for preflowers. Get the unwanted males out as soon as possible so the females have time to fill in the gaps. Was surprised to see the Paradise Cheese x Hindu Kush being the first to show preflowers, but thye are in the front of the garden, so that helps. Starting to see some branches sprouting, its boom time! :smoke: :smoke:

Galatians 3:5-8, 26-29 NKJV

5 Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?— 6 just as Abraham “believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” 7 Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham. 8 And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand, saying, “In you all the nations shall be blessed.” 9 So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham.


26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.



Sativa Candy Chunk


Early Skunk x Lebanese

Early Skunk x Lebanese

Pine Tar Kush


ICMag Donor
Sativa Candy Chunk


Paradaise Cheese x Hindu Kush --female


Paradaise Cheese x Hindu Kush -female

Paradaise Cheese x Hindu Kush-- kind of a funky plant. Leaf morphology and structure show it may have a genetic mutation. Will wait and see how it grows.


Deep Chunk x Las Vegas Purple Kush x Hindu Kush



Well-known member
something has interfered with chlorophyll production. could be a number of things . what clues do we have? have you added anything since they were all green?


ICMag Donor
I have seen this leaf spot symptom since soon after transplanting into the garden which was amended with Healthy grow and dolomite lime.

Thanks for the help.


Well-known member
i was looking at the yellow patches in the first pictures the others i notice are sunshine and not yellow as i first thought haha


ICMag Donor
I think thats what it is, just a form of burn with the chicken manure. Its very slight and only on a few plants. I can use the chicken manure, but just back off the rate again I think. I estimated for 150 sq ft, and its not quite that big, so I will adjust. Its only 25 lbs per 1000 sq ft!

Good nitrogen though! See how they grew last week! :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Sorry my computer did a software update the other day and is slow. This homework took longer than usual. Thanks for the help. Going on a dog walk to the garden to inspect for preflowers and then weeding veggies. Will be around for a min. thanks

2019 fert burn with espoma gartden/ tomato tone I think it was. Have to look back in the thread but it has chicken manure base to the fertilizer.





Well-known member
enjoy. do you dig up the males and grow them on elsewhere while they are young or do you leave just a few males in situ?


Active member
Sativa Candy Chunk


Early Skunk x Lebanese

Sterling Skunk-- also short plant back right

Deep Chunk x Blueberry bottom and right side :smoke: :smoke:

Love all those Deep Chunk crosses and their fat big leaves.
i use to grow several of them back in the says giftet by Esbe.
im sad to see he also stoped growing i think.
he hasnt been online anywhere since last year :(

my biggest OD plant ever was a Leb27 x hindu kush from him.
that was a 2,5 x 3 meters giant xmas tree with buds as big as a leg


ICMag Donor
Thanks! I just leave a couple selected males grow where they are until about the first week of August they get pulled afer pollination. I try to pick males that aren't shading most of the garden, but still get good sun. Looking for strong vigorous branchy males, hopefully with a good stem rub smell.

I love the big fan leaves too, its neat to see them expand like this when they root in under good conditoins. I grew some strains from esbe, still have them if they'd germinate. They were good plants. I was checking out his Hybrids from Hell forum earlier this spring.

Still a little bit of burn going on sorry to say. Will likely improve, we have some above average rain chances over the next couple weeks, and I will water them in if needed next weekend. Got some pics to show, its still a minor issue for the large majority of the garden but a few plants are a little burnt. Some plants are growing amazing and are untouched.

Figured out where I went wrong, rate was a little high still. I factored for 150 sq ft at a 25 lb per `1000 sq ft rate which is 3.75 lbs. But I actually only have about 125-140 sq ft so I could do an application down to around 3 lbs instead of 5lbs which is what I applied. I have used this rate and higher in the past, and Healthy Grow recommends an even higher rate of almost a lb per 20 sq ft! If I use composted chicken manure in the future its going to be mainly getting worked into the soil at planting and if top dressed use a very low rate..


ICMag Donor
When chickens go bad.... These are some of the worst ones. Should grow out of it, been thought this before. Just don't want to put any more down this year. I would think if I went with a lower rate it wouldn't burn but I'm not going to try it before flower. It usually shows slight symptoms after application, but the fertilizer boosts growth to compensate for it.






ICMag Donor
i picked up 10 kg of fishbloodbone meal for $30 earlier today . i have a few areas that need it
Some people have had issues with animals with blood/bone meal I think. Sounds like a great fertilizer, just want to use when prepping the beds I think. Top dress at your own risk.

Thats one good thing about chicken manure compost, animals pretty much leave it alone.

The garden had a distinct wet mud smell yesterday. It was less strong today. Not sure if it was the cottonseed meal, but I think the garden has been too wet. The nights have been cool, and days not too hot with the shade. I think it was just the ditch area of the garden though. Most of it seems to have good moisture and less smell.

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