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:::::::Pipeline Farms 2024:::::::


Well-known member
Sorry for your loss man. Hope you're doing alright. But Im sure you know how well you took care of him to reach 15. Looks like he was an amazing companion. Im sure it was hard on him to lose his friend back in march too... dog love is for real


Well-known member
Never know when that day will be here, but everyone has a final day. Good to keep that perspective. Live life abundantly and love while you can. Leave nothing behind, but always seek the kingdom of God. Labor for the food which will never perish, but will endure for eternal life.
nobody is promised tomorrow , that is for sure.

god bless you pastor pipestar


ICMag Donor
Thanks guys, he was a happy dog. He was kind of a business mascott riding with me in the truck on work days. Guard dog, companion, he was a like minded friend. Have to not forget that perspective life doesn't last forever. Keep long term goals in mind, but don't hesitate to live. Help one another, thats what we're here for.

Went to see his burial spot today and remembered some good times. Been a long time, 15 years, good life we had together. :smoke:

Garden is pollinating and anticipating the last day will be tomorrow or maybe tuesday. Will make the treck out there daily because they are growing fast. Some flowers are developed enough to cull males and stop pollination, but some are less developed and we need to preserve those phenotypes, they are still early enough to keep. Most of them are around pencil eraser size, its about 1/3-1/2 that are behind I'd say.

We don't want to overpollinate the earlier phenotypes, it sucks having to much seed and limits the resin productivity and yield of the flower.

Got some fertilizer today for the fall. Waiting until rain here in a few days to apply. Going to apply the Espoma organic cottonseed meal and also apply Espoma organic Alfalfa meal which has 0.7% water soluble N. They are ready for a little boost, starting to get a few lower leaves with some yellow which is norml.

Thought abhout getting some true organics tomato and vegetable fertilizer, but don't want to risk burn at this late in the season since it has poultry manure.

Few views from the farm today. Bonnie was out there hunting and helping around the garden. :smoke:

Tallest plants are about 7.5-8ft tall

3 males in a cluster have smaller females nearby to fill in, will help with yield to not have a break in the canopy.


Agressive serrations on the leaf margin of this plant


Sativa Candy Chunk original phenos usually have this red coloration on the leaf petioles. A few plants have this trait.


Canopy top view



ICMag Donor
Deep Chunk dominant male which was accidentally halfway broken at base is standing upright and pollinating! Tough plant! I'm so glad to see this plant pollinating.


All 10 plants are currently dropping pollen! God is good, for His steadfast love endures forever! :smoke:



Buzzing in the heat. Hitting it hard. Drying out this week, will be searching for moisture and then they will get deep watering and fertilizer in a week or so. :smoke:


Psalm 136 NKJV

Thanksgiving to God for His Enduring Mercy​

1Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!
For His mercy endures forever.
2 Oh, give thanks to the God of gods!
For His mercy endures forever.
3 Oh, give thanks to the Lord of lords!
For His mercy endures forever:

4 To Him who alone does great wonders,
For His mercy endures forever;
5 To Him who by wisdom made the heavens,
For His mercy endures forever;
6 To Him who laid out the earth above the waters,
For His mercy endures forever;
7 To Him who made great lights,
For His mercy endures forever—
8 The sun to rule by day,
For His mercy endures forever;
9 The moon and stars to rule by night,
For His mercy endures forever.

10 To Him who struck Egypt in their firstborn,
For His mercy endures forever;
11 And brought out Israel from among them,
For His mercy endures forever;
12 With a strong hand, and with [a]an outstretched arm,
For His mercy endures forever;
13 To Him who divided the Red Sea in two,
For His mercy endures forever;
14 And made Israel pass through the midst of it,
For His mercy endures forever;
15 But overthrew Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea,
For His mercy endures forever;
16 To Him who led His people through the wilderness,
For His mercy endures forever;
17 To Him who struck down great kings,
For His mercy endures forever;
18 And slew famous kings,
For His mercy endures forever—
19 Sihon king of the Amorites,
For His mercy endures forever;
20 And Og king of Bashan,
For His mercy endures forever—
21 And gave their land as a [b]heritage,
For His mercy endures forever;
22 A heritage to Israel His servant,
For His mercy endures forever.

23 Who remembered us in our lowly state,
For His mercy endures forever;
24 And rescued us from our enemies,
For His mercy endures forever;
25 Who gives food to all flesh,
For His mercy endures forever.

26 Oh, give thanks to the God of heaven!
For His mercy endures forever.
Last edited:


ICMag Donor
Culled all 10 males and shook them in pairs in a ring around the garden. Then shook them all together in 2 bundles a couple times around the garden. There were red pistils on the females indicating pollination success. They were a good stage to pull. Most plants are stacking now. Was hot and sunny today so they developed a bit! :smoke:

Old Piney

Well-known member
Culled all 10 males and shook them in pairs in a ring around the garden. Then shook them all together in 2 bundles a couple times around the garden. There were red pistils on the females indicating pollination success. They were a good stage to pull. Most plants are stacking now. Was hot and sunny today so they developed a bit! :smoke:
It's crazy how quickly the pistils turn I did a little controlled pollination yesterday late morning and by that evening they had turned


Well-known member
Looking good! Whats your finishing date roughly for those guys? I think I remember you saying you try to get them to finish earlier. Do they get less sunlight in the forest and does that help finish earlier?

I chopped the first male of the year in my garden. Just over 6ft tall, I think I caught him before spraying pollen everywhere, took a bunch of cuts and stuck in fridge to clone so I can grow out pollen in other location and manually pollinate later. Seems like a waste so I put him in a JADAM bucket to have a purpose. This line usually finishes sep 10-17 in full sun outdoors here in northeast, hopefully will find some earlier phenos in the progeny.

The male-

His eventual mate for f3s... I want most of this bud seedless though I cant be growing that many seeds



ICMag Donor
Thanks for the tip Old Piney! I saw they turned red, but I see some that aren't turning red. Some of them are new pistils from new flowers so they aren't going to show red as pollinated for a period of time.

Thanks lavoslovacs--- Pollenation should be timed at the right time or else you may get too many seeds or they may not have time to ripen fully before harvest. Seed ripens pretty quick, but its good to give it plenty of time. I like to pollinate early and get nice big healthy seeds which are vigorous and grow well.

Got the plants fertilized with 10.5 lbs Organic Cottonseed meal 6-2-1-and 12 lbs Alfalfa meal 2-0-2 and watered with 100 gallons. Found the plants with bottom leaves that were a little yellow from being dry and starting to get hungry. A little bit of burn symptoms. Nothing too unusual.

They should respond well with the fertilizer and water. It was hot a couple days last week and its been raining a lot before drying out, so it exaggerates the drought related issues. Getting some rain likely a day or 2 this week so that should help them recover well. Watering is a lot of work. Thank you God! They need a good natural rain, washed some of of the fertilzer off watering them in. :smoke:







ICMag Donor
I may change fertilizer next year from Dave's healthy grow and try that Tru organics. I want to see if that helps with the drying and burning issues I always see mid summer. I think the Espoma Organic cotton seed meal is good. Espoma has good products, but anything with composted chicken manure needs to be used with caution in my opinion. It can be used in low amounts as part of a fertility program or for home lawns with low risk of burn issues.

The Tru Organic fertilizer has composted chicken manuer from organicly fed chickens, and its also a blend with other fertilizers. The Dave Thompson's Healthy Grow I used this year was mainly chicken manure.




Well developed flowers


Sativa Candy Chunk "Original Phenotype' tructure on a few of them! Red stems and petioles and somewhat more narrow leaves with less course serration on the leaf margin.


ICMag Donor
They do pretty well in the shade. As long as they can build a frame, the buds can be pretty productive. Culling males early puts selective pressure on the line to become more early flowering. Good because the weather here can fluctuate, and mid october it starts to get more dark and cold and risks mold.

Saw some budworm caterpillars in leaves setting up camp. Not many. Will keep an eye out for them.


ICMag Donor
Looking good! Whats your finishing date roughly for those guys? I think I remember you saying you try to get them to finish earlier. Do they get less sunlight in the forest and does that help finish earlier?

I chopped the first male of the year in my garden. Just over 6ft tall, I think I caught him before spraying pollen everywhere, took a bunch of cuts and stuck in fridge to clone so I can grow out pollen in other location and manually pollinate later. Seems like a waste so I put him in a JADAM bucket to have a purpose. This line usually finishes sep 10-17 in full sun outdoors here in northeast, hopefully will find some earlier phenos in the progeny.

The male- View attachment 19043888

His eventual mate for f3s... I want most of this bud seedless though I cant be growing that many seeds

View attachment 19043889

What is that line called? What is it like? Thats really early! What latitude are they growing?

The Sativa Candy Chunk will be mature enough to harvest around 45 days or late september (week 3), but its better to let it ripen for another week or 2 until about October 7-10 for more developed resin. It develops more terpenes and potency if let go longer, plus yield is higher, but its at the risk of mold or frost sometimes.

Sometimes the growing season is just over, and its time to bring them home. Thats the best time to harvest. When its gets really dark and cold. :smoke:


Well-known member
Sorry Pipe my mistake theyd be F2s or really just a random chuck. This is just a freebie line I got with some seeds awhile back so I dont think it has a name. Genetics are a mix of sangria, black lime reserve, sorbetto and something else I dont really know what it is.

Yeah Ill get a better sense of when this one finishes up in a bit... Looking at the pic I think they could have gone a little longer but the nugs are super dense and we had rain coming. But it was mostly ripe and its usually an quick finisher. So end of september max Im not sure how much variation there is between phenos. 2 years ago I had 2 plants but one was a week earlier. If you want any seeds theyre yours in a few months but they might be a bit dense to grow under that much shade.

Only pic I got, this was taken sep 14 I think it says. Im actually not sure if I chopped it then or a week later. I cant find the other pheno pic but they were pretty much identical apart from ripening date


Well-known member
Thanks guys, he was a happy dog. He was kind of a business mascott riding with me in the truck on work days. Guard dog, companion, he was a like minded friend. Have to not forget that perspective life doesn't last forever. Keep long term goals in mind, but don't hesitate to live. Help one another, thats what we're here for.

Went to see his burial spot today and remembered some good times. Been a long time, 15 years, good life we had together. :smoke:

Garden is pollinating and anticipating the last day will be tomorrow or maybe tuesday. Will make the treck out there daily because they are growing fast. Some flowers are developed enough to cull males and stop pollination, but some are less developed and we need to preserve those phenotypes, they are still early enough to keep. Most of them are around pencil eraser size, its about 1/3-1/2 that are behind I'd say.

We don't want to overpollinate the earlier phenotypes, it sucks having to much seed and limits the resin productivity and yield of the flower.

Got some fertilizer today for the fall. Waiting until rain here in a few days to apply. Going to apply the Espoma organic cottonseed meal and also apply Espoma organic Alfalfa meal which has 0.7% water soluble N. They are ready for a little boost, starting to get a few lower leaves with some yellow which is norml.

Thought abhout getting some true organics tomato and vegetable fertilizer, but don't want to risk burn at this late in the season since it has poultry manure.

Few views from the farm today. Bonnie was out there hunting and helping around the garden. :smoke:

Tallest plants are about 7.5-8ft tall

3 males in a cluster have smaller females nearby to fill in, will help with yield to not have a break in the canopy.


Agressive serrations on the leaf margin of this plant


Sativa Candy Chunk original phenos usually have this red coloration on the leaf petioles. A few plants have this trait.


Canopy top view

i could carve a sunday roast slab of meat with those serrations . looking great pipestar .

keep up the good work in the name of the lord .

peace love and unity


ICMag Donor
Thanks Shiva!
Agressive serration on that plant especially! I had a bunch of scratches across my chest the other day after checking for males from the leaves scratching. It was intense, I didn't feel it at the time, but noticed them later.

Garden is doing pretty well. Plants are going hungry again, need to anticipate this feeding a little earlier. I just fed them mid july, but its pretty light. This time in August I used a heavy rate of cottonseed meal 10.5 lbs instead of 7.5 lbs, and heavy rate alfalfa meal 12 lbs instead of 7.5 lbs. Its mostly all slow release N, the alfalfa meal has 0.7% water soluble N. Going to apply a little more after a couple weeks later in the month. I washed some of it off. This cottonseed meal is the good stuff, without solvent contamination of the Hi Yield brand.


ICMag Donor
Base recipe is.
Decarb 240 F for 40 minutes (115 C)
5 grams decompressed and decarbed Hash
1 tablespoon Coconut oil (15ml)
1 teaspoon Fearn liquid lecithin (5ml)
Heat 220 F for 20 minutes (104 C)
Heat 220 F for 20 minutes
Fills 30 #0 capsules.

View attachment 18996338

15 grams of Hash per side
15 ml lecithin
45 ml coconut oil

View attachment 18996339

90 capsules per dish

View attachment 18996340

180 for this round.
Coconut oil capsule day. These have been life changing! Has improved and almost cured my psoriasis skin issues!


ICMag Donor
Yeah got it hooked up this time with some October fully ripened flower kief from Sativa Candy Chunk. Also put in 6 teaspoons (2 tablespoons) soy lecithin. That soy lecithin is really good, it is much better than sunflower lecithin when you taste test it straight. Soy lecithin sticks to everything and leaves a film in your mouth its so sticky!

May help to have start taking lecithin supplement. Wouldn't hurt, I love it with beet root powder in a glass of water.
Soy lecithin is superior to sunflower lecithin. Helps stick the cannabinoids and terpenes to be able to be absorbed better by the body.


ICMag Donor
The garden is taking shape, the plants have filled most of the gaps in the canopy so should have a pretty good yield! The LORD blessed us with some much needed rains this week starting thursday! Got over 0.7 inches rain so didn't have to water. Fertilizer seems to be helping. The plants still had some yellow lower leaves and had dropped some, but its usual. They sacrifice the lower leaves since its heavily shaded due to the canopy of foliage above.

Going to watch them, may apply a little more cottonseed meal or alfalfa meal next weekend if needed. Would like to use something with more quick release. The plants are getting hungry this time of year! Especailly when it dries out!

Seeds are on the way, should be a good lot since used more males this time. Was able to smell some of the more developed plants during inspection. Seeing some diversity in phenotypes. Some are pine, some are more fruity floral smell. Some plants are more open in structure, some are more compact in growth, some have high density flowers, some have less dense flowers.

Allowing for some diversity is important to be able to maintain the line without too much inbreeding isues. Its fine to have diversity as long as it fits within the confines of the line. Poor performers should be rouged from the line. Work with what you have even if its not the most perfect plant every time. As selections are made for seed each year, thats how improvements are made in the line for cannabinoid and terpene profile.

Certainly making some headway with this line with God's help. A friend of mine will be testing some locally outdoors next year! :smoke:







ICMag Donor
Seeds developing


Front of the garden


SCC original phenotype with red coloration on leaf petioles and stem

SCC orginal flower development