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Pipedream"s 150w Tiny Bubbler System


New member
Very nice. Just wondering how much noise does the bubbling action make or the pump? Also what's the diameter and vertical specs on your containers? Thinking about doing a DWC sog with northern lights or another heavy indica sqeezing as many buckets as possible in a 24"wide 48"lenth and 8+foot ceiling closet under 1 600w with short veg time. But stealth is a concern that's why I'm slightly leaning to a ebb and flow setup because I imagine running 12+ airstones must give off some considerable noise. But on the other hand DWC seems to provide more explosive growth than ebb and flow.


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
You really don't hear the bubbling in the buckets when the doors are closed. What you do hear is the hum of the air pumps, especially the twin piston motor operated one. If I were to swap it out for another standard dual-diaphram model, the system would really be fairly silent except for the exhaust fan.

The blue tubs are exactly 7 inches high and 9 inches in diameter.

Thanks for your interest. Regards, PD
Hey Pipedream, Love your thread has been very inspirational! Anyways, I have probably read this whole thread once or twice in the past so pardon me for missing this answer (I'm sure you've answered it somewhere, cant find it)

What is your growing square footage? Judging by your last post regarding your pot sizes I'm estimating 4.5 - 5 feet? Reason I ask is because I have been looking at an amoire type thing similar to yours and the square footage is exactly 5 feet. Now I'm having trouble deciding if I could get away with a 150hps instead of a 250hps, and still have good results. Any thoughts? Do you think having a 250hps in there would be a huge dramatic difference?


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
The inside is 20x33", which equates to 4.6 square feet. Yes, that's a bit big for a 150. But as you can see in the pic's I do supplement it with a couple of CFL's once in a while. For sure, a 250 would be ideal in the space, but what would I do with all of the extra buds? I can't smoke everything I grow now and thats even with entertaining friends from time to time. I guess if you were growing for several people or were considering selling your harvest the additional growth may make the heat issues and higher costs worth while.


This is one inspirational thread, love the clean precise construction of the cab, If I didnt know any better, I'd say you are a true stickler for the fine details.One of the best cabs I've seen, bravo my good man:joint:


New member
Any disadvantage/advantage to using no medium at all and using something like neoprene collars to hold the plants in place? Also how many of those dual-diaphragm dual-output pumps do you think I would need to run 8 sites trying to pull 2 ounces of each under a 600 watter.


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
SEVEN47 - The only thing the medium offers is support to the root mass in order to hold up the plant. Growing with just neoprene collars will work in a SOG type grow where you are doing single colas or very small plants. Once they ladies get a bit bigger and their center of gravity is raised you'll need something to keep them up-right.

If you are planning a large 8 site set-up, forget both the dual-diaphram and piston pumps I'm running. Go for a larger model that will better meet your needs. Try doing a search for a "Super Luft Pump".
Excellent Thread Pipedream, very creative and informing for everyone. Nice job and I hope you'll continue to post your ideas and creations.

-the Corsican.


New member
Hey Pipedream, Your cupboard grow has inspired me to build my own! I managed to pick up a cupboard for a good price with dimentions 50x90x145cm. (20x35x57) so as you can see my height is abit restricted. I was wondering at wat height roughly you start flowering? Because I am growing sativa's which as you kno get reli tall. I flowered my last crop, Arjan's # 1, at 15 cm and its now nearly 2 meters! which is obviously way to tall for my new cupboard! Also I have a 600 and a 150 hps and was wondering, with good extraction, if I could use the 600? Abit of overkill I kno but if its there I might aswell use it, plus it has sunmaster bulb in it which I would prefer to use.


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
superRoor - Glad to be a bit of inspiration.

When growing Sativas, I continously cut the tops and sides during veg to keep them as short and bushy as possible. This allows the plants to mature quite a bit which is a good thing as older plants don't tend to stretch quite as much as younger ones. Ideally, I like them to be about the size and shape of a soccer ball and very dense when switched over to 12/12. The longer you can keep them that way the better you off you are. A couple of other things that help eliminate stretch are keeping the "day" and "night" temps as close as possible, and doing your 24/0 to 12/12 switch-over in three or four steps each a couple of days apart.

Your 50x90 footprint is a bit big for a 150 without any supplemental lighting. However, the 600 may be a bit of overkill and hard to cool. If you are just growing for your own personal use and maybe that of a partner, you won't be able to out-smoke a good 150 set-up. On the other hand, if you are planning to grow enough bud to make it profitable, the additional heat and running expenses of the 600 may be warranted if you can cool it properly.

Let me know how you make out. Regards & GROW SAFE! PD


New member
Thanks for taking the time to reply! I must say I used to use rollitup quite abit but ICMAG has completely won me over. The ppl here are alot more helpful and friendly and being a South African grower its hard to get any good knowledge so once again, thank you for making such a helpful thread. Ok so i should still flower at around two weeks? but just keep the girls very dense and small by topping? gotcha. Im still not understanding the 24/0 to 12/12 switch over in three or four steps? I usually just give the plant 72 hours of complete darkness before switching it over? apparently it helps speed up the plants metabolism to flowering. But i'd rather do it your way.

Well I already have three 90m^3/hour fans running on my girls at the moment so i thought that would be good enough for the 600? I was going to have one at the bottom of the cupboard, like yours, drawing air in and the other two at the top of the cupboard, one pulling air in directly over the bulb and another pulling air out on the other side of the bulb to try keep it cool. If you dont think this will work I can maybe swop my 600 for a 400 or 250? Iv got a few offers for it already but another plus is I dont pay for electricity. Its included in my rent so running costs mean nothing to me.

Ill post some pictures as soon as I start. Got exams now so dont have much time!

Thanks again,


hey pipe,

me just want to say thx to you bro...you`ve build a nice and efficient cab,
keep up da good work...


near perfect

near perfect

thats a super clean system! especially one made so inexpensively - thats real ingenuity! must be a pleasure to tend..


New member

Your are a man after my own heart. I love DYI and inventing new methods. Your cabinet is a work of art. Keep it up...

pipedream I am new in town but am an OG holdout too. Your style sounds familiar but we all have new names now ehh? :) Just wanted to say your setup looks real fun. Started a long 'talk shop and compare methods' post but didn't want to be seen as mucking up your thread. :rolleyes: Peace!


New member
Did u tie a rope or string to the plants and dip it into the water? Or how did u get the roots through the hydrotons is what im asking. My friend uses waterfarms and loves them. this looks the same almost a lil simpler. thx.:smokeit: