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Pipedream"s 150w Tiny Bubbler System


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
I always place a flower pot or container below the tub to raise it up a bit. The ones I use are a good 14 inches tall, so they do lift the tub quite a bit. In the past, I also used to either raise the shelf or lower the lamp to close the distance as well. However, in recent years I've gotten excessively lazy and now do neither. Would it benefit by getting the lamp right on top of the canopy? For sure, 100%. The thing is....I'm just into easy these days and I'm still producing way more herb than I can consume anyway.


Hey Pipe, could ya give some info about ur air pumps, how much are they pumping? I just saw in a chinese store some pumps selling for like 5$ but i dunno how much air the plants will need.


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
You really don't need large airpumps, especially if you intend to grow in buckets or small tubs. Even a cheap $5-$10 Wal-Mart pump will fill the bill if its only serving one container. The trick is to keep the surface of your bath constantly moving and splashing a little. As the bubbles rise to the top of the bath, their surface tension and that of the water is so high that very little O2, if any, is introduced into the system. The majority of the exchange happens right at the surface where the surface tension of both the water and the air-bubbles are broken and get to intermingle. This is not to say that you should buy a really cheap air-pump. On the contrary, buy the best equipment your budget allows. It will pay for itself with better performance, quieter operation, and fewer repairs or replacements. However, if someone is just starting out and on a very tight budget, even a very cheap pump purchased for $1 at a garage sale or flea market will do the trick. Just make sure you are making the surface bubble a good bit.


Hey Pipe, tell me something does your closet heat up because of the wood? Im asking this, cause my closet is also a wood closet and im having a problem, i have like 4 Input Fans and 2 Output fans and if i close the door i get like 31ºC inside while out temp is around 29ºC with one 125w CFL.


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
Yes, it heats up, but its not related to the wood. Even with small lights, fans, and airpumps, the heat they generate will tend to build up a bit. A two degree rise above ambient isnt that bad. The only solution is better ventilation. While 31 degrees may be a bit higher than ideal, there is no reason you can't grow excellent plants in that condition. My box is often in that range. Be sure to pick appropriate strains from tropical climates.

Also, the smaller the box the greater the heat build-up will be, and input fans are not usually the best of ideas. Try going with exhaust fans at the very top only and a large passive intake at the bottom.


New member

Thanks a lot for sharing your expertise and experience!

like you before, im also starting to grow now for pain management.. i have a a few questions if you may, what do you suggest

for germination/seedling, vegetation and flowering, what is the light cycle?

i'll go for soil for now, (since im a newbie).. and the height of the 150 or 250 hps from the plant on those stages mention above?

thanks in advance:)


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
for germination/seedling, vegetation and flowering, what is the light cycle?

and the height of the 150 or 250 hps from the plant on those stages mention above?

Lighting is easy..... 24/0 during all phases of growth right up to flower......then 12/12 in flower......and then a 48 to 72 hour dark period right before harvest.

As far as height goes.....keep it as close as possible without stressing or burning your plants. Use the "30 second back of the hand test". Once the plant is mature 4 to 6 inches should not be a problem in a properly ventilated system.

Good luck and grow safe! PD


New member
hi pd, saw two cfl 70w(?) in your cabinet setup.. do i also need to add esl(daylight) lights, if ever, with my 250w hps setup? ( i hope i dont need too.. :(

thanks again!


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
No. They were placed in there as a result of letting the plants veg a bit too long in one cycle. They wound up hitting the top above the light. Being in the dark they needed a bit of assistance.


I cant believe your still answering questions after all these years! I would really appreciate it if you could answer some of mine. :)

-You've mentioned how the pails you use hold about 5 liters. Is this 5 liters of water when its full to the brim? Or is it the amount of water right below the netcup.
-How many days do you hold off from giving newborns that have just sprouted nutes.
-When calculating ppm, do I subtract the ppm of the water (will be using tap) from the ppm of the tap and nutes?
-200ppm for young plants, then to 500-600, then finally to 900. Could you describe the increments I should do this by?

Thank you!


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
-You've mentioned how the pails you use hold about 5 liters. Is this 5 liters of water when its full to the brim? Or is it the amount of water right below the netcup.
-How many days do you hold off from giving newborns that have just sprouted nutes.
-When calculating ppm, do I subtract the ppm of the water (will be using tap) from the ppm of the tap and nutes?
-200ppm for young plants, then to 500-600, then finally to 900. Could you describe the increments I should do this by?

Well if I didn't hang out here and answer questions, I'd just be lamenting over all those things I can't do any more or thinking about those I never accomplished. Or.....I'd have to listen to my wife and after 38 years of marrige.....well, you can figure it out. LOL

5 liters to the top. At most I put about 3.5 quarts in there. And interestingly enough, after all these years I just started looking a new black buckets and they are only about a quart bigger.

Sprouts don't get any nutes until I physically see their first set of true leaves fully develop. Each of the two new ridged leaves must be a full 1/4 to 3/8 inch in length before I will feed them.

Yes, subtract the PPM of your tap water. However, if you are starting off with water of 150-160 or higher, I'd look for another source like bottled, rain, RO, or other.

No magic formula to raising nute concentrations. Just go slowly, never more than once a week, and watch your plants for tell-tale signs of burn. In my opinion you are ALWAYS better with too weak than too strong.


New member
Hey whats up pipedream. Ive read all your little thread on 150 grow and let me just say that its excellent. I joined this site just so i could say that. Oh yeah and the little RO system is excellent as well. ive used it and it works great. You've done a great job and thanks you for sharing. i will be doing the same but in a small refrigerator which can only hold two plants at a time. i was thinking about doing it in a 19 liter container rather than buckets since i think the buckets might be a little too much. well anyhow i really appreciate this thread and your work. thumbs up my friend
btw i cant believe this thread is from 2006 and still going. that should say a lot.....
First wanted to thank you for the info and ideas and also your perseverance with this thread. Now having said that...where do I get a DARE ruler? :)
Wanted to pass along a link to some quality airstonage:


Also good places for air & water pumps, hoses, valves, some lighting, etc. Both run by good people.

What do you think about trying the deep water/bubbler system on a pot and tray system like these in a CFL micro cab for SOG?



I should have posted this years ago..........thanks Pipe for all your contributions, you are the sole reason I started to grow indoors. Definately an "outside the box" thinker :good: luv your work.
Peace n Luv to You n Yours